3,018 research outputs found

    Bose-Einstein Condensates in Strongly Disordered Traps

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    A Bose-Einstein condensate in an external potential consisting of a superposition of a harmonic and a random potential is considered theoretically. From a semi-quantitative analysis we find the size, shape and excitation energy as a function of the disorder strength. For positive scattering length and sufficiently strong disorder the condensate decays into fragments each of the size of the Larkin length L{\cal L}. This state is stable over a large range of particle numbers. The frequency of the breathing mode scales as 1/L21/{\cal L}^2. For negative scattering length a condensate of size L{\cal L} may exist as a metastable state. These finding are generalized to anisotropic traps

    Gradient expansion, curvature perturbations and magnetized plasmas

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    The properties of magnetized plasmas are always investigated under the hypothesis that the relativistic inhomogeneities stemming from the fluid sources and from the geometry itself are sufficiently small to allow for a perturbative description prior to photon decoupling. The latter assumption is hereby relaxed and pre-decoupling plasmas are described within a suitable expansion where the inhomogeneities are treated to a given order in the spatial gradients. It is argued that the (general relativistic) gradient expansion shares the same features of the drift approximation, customarily employed in the description of cold plasmas, so that the two schemes are physically complementary in the large-scale limit and for the low-frequency branch of the spectrum of plasma modes. The two-fluid description, as well as the magnetohydrodynamical reduction, are derived and studied in the presence of the spatial gradients of the geometry. Various solutions of the coupled system of evolution equations in the anti-Newtonian regime and in the quasi-isotropic approximation are presented. The relation of this analysis to the so-called separate Universe paradigm is outlined. The evolution of the magnetized curvature perturbations in the nonlinear regime is addressed for the magnetized adiabatic mode in the plasma frame.Comment: 40 pages, no figure

    Response of the Shockley surface state to an external electrical field: A density-functional theory study of Cu(111)

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    The response of the Cu(111) Shockley surface state to an external electrical field is characterized by combining a density-functional theory calculation for a slab geometry with an analysis of the Kohn-Sham wavefunctions. Our analysis is facilitated by a decoupling of the Kohn-Sham states via a rotation in Hilbert space. We find that the surface state displays isotropic dispersion, quadratic until the Fermi wave vector but with a significant quartic contribution beyond. We calculate the shift in energetic position and effective mass of the surface state for an electrical field perpendicular to the Cu(111) surface; the response is linear over a broad range of field strengths. We find that charge transfer occurs beyond the outermost copper atoms and that accumulation of electrons is responsible for a quarter of the screening of the electrical field. This allows us to provide well-converged determinations of the field-induced changes in the surface state for a moderate number of layers in the slab geometry.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. B; changes from v1 in response to referee comments, esp. to Sections I and V.B (inc. Table 4), with many added references, but no change in results or conclusion

    Probing semiclassical magneto-oscillations in the low-field quantum Hall effect

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    The low-field quantum Hall effect is investigated on a two-dimensional electron system in an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. Magneto-oscillations following the semiclassical Shubnikov-de Haas formula are observed even when the emergence of the mobility gap shows the importance of quantum localization effects. Moreover, the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula can survive as the oscillating amplitude becomes large enough for the deviation to the Dingle factor. The crossover from the semiclassical transport to the description of quantum diffusion is discussed. From our study, the difference between the mobility and cyclotron gaps indicates that some electron states away from the Landau-band tails can be responsible for the semiclassical behaviors under low-field Landau quantization.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Fluctuation conductivity in superconductors in strong electric fields

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    We study the effect of a strong electric field on the fluctuation conductivity within the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory for the case of arbitrary dimension. Our results are based on the analytical derivation of the velocity distribution law for the fluctuation Cooper pairs, from the Boltzmann equation. Special attention is drawn to the case of small nonlinearity of conductivity, which can be investigated experimentally. We obtain a general relation between the nonlinear conductivity and the temperature derivative of the linear Aslamazov-Larkin conductivity, applicable to any superconductor. For the important case of layered superconductors we derive an analogous relation between the small nonlinear correction for the conductivity and the fluctuational magnetoconductivity. On the basis of these relations we provide new experimental methods for determining both the lifetime constant of metastable Cooper pairs above T_c and the coherence length. A systematic investigation of the 3rd harmonic of the electric field generated by a harmonic current can serve as an alternative method for the examination of the metastable Cooper-pair relaxation time.Comment: 18 pages, REVTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Symmetry of Magnetically Ordered Quasicrystals

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    The notion of magnetic symmetry is reexamined in light of the recent observation of long range magnetic order in icosahedral quasicrystals [Charrier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4637 (1997)]. The relation between the symmetry of a magnetically-ordered (periodic or quasiperiodic) crystal, given in terms of a ``spin space group,'' and its neutron diffraction diagram is established. In doing so, an outline of a symmetry classification scheme for magnetically ordered quasiperiodic crystals is provided. Predictions are given for the expected diffraction patterns of magnetically ordered icosahedral crystals, provided their symmetry is well described by icosahedral spin space groups.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Depletion of carriers and negative differential conductivity in an intrinsic graphene under a dc electric field

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    The heating of carriers in an intrinsic graphene under an abrupt switching off a dc electric field is examined taking into account both the energy relaxation via acoustic and optic phonons and the interband generation-recombination processes. The later are caused by the interband transitions due to optical phonon modes and thermal radiation. Description of the temporal and steady-state responses, including the nonequilibrium concentration and energy as well as the current-voltage characteristics, is performed. At room temperature, a nearly-linear current-voltage characteristic and a slowly-varied concentration take place for fields up to -- 20 kV/cm. Since a predominant recombination of high-energy carriers due to optical phonon emission at low temperatures, a depletion of concentration takes place below -- 250 K. For lower temperatures the current tends to be saturated and a negative differential conductivity appears below -- 170 K in the region of fields -- 10 V/cm.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, extended versio

    Collective modes of an Anisotropic Quark-Gluon Plasma II

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    We continue our exploration of the collective modes of an anisotropic quark gluon plasma by extending our previous analysis to arbitrary Riemann sheets. We demonstrate that in the presence of momentum-space anisotropies in the parton distribution functions there are new relevant singularities on the neighboring unphysical sheets. We then show that for sufficiently strong anisotropies that these singularities move into the region of spacelike momentum and their effect can extend down to the physical sheet. In order to demonstrate this explicitly we consider the polarization tensor for gluons propagating parallel to the anisotropy direction. We derive analytic expressions for the gluon structure functions in this case and then analytically continue them to unphysical Riemann sheets. Using the resulting analytic continuations we numerically determine the position of the unphysical singularities. We then show that in the limit of infinite contraction of the distribution function along the anisotropy direction that the unphysical singularities move onto the physical sheet and result in real spacelike modes at large momenta for all "out-of-plane" angles of propagation.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Field-induced decay dynamics in square-lattice antiferromagnet

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    Dynamical properties of the square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet in applied magnetic field are studied for arbitrary value S of the spin. Above the threshold field for two-particle decays, the standard spin-wave theory yields singular corrections to the excitation spectrum with logarithmic divergences for certain momenta. We develop a self-consistent approximation applicable for S >= 1, which avoids such singularities and provides regularized magnon decay rates. Results for the dynamical structure factor obtained in this approach are presented for S = 1 and S = 5/2.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, final versio
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