24 research outputs found

    Associations between Depressive Symptoms, Rumination, Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory and Interpretation Bias within a Clinically Depressed Sample

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    __Abstract__ There is ample research demonstrating that biases in cognitive processes, such as a negative interpretation bias, rumination, and overgeneral autobiographical memory, are potential vulnerability factors for depression. However, a key limitation is that most studies conducted so far have studied cognitive biases in depression in isolation. Therefore our goal was to explore whether or not interpretation bias, overgeneral autobiographical memory, and rumination are present and interrelated in depressive outpatients. In this explorative study we examined the relationship between negative interpretation bias, rumination, overgeneral autobiographical memory, and severity of depression in clinically depressed outpatients. According to our expectations a negative interpretation bias and rumination were associated with severity of depression. Moreover, overgeneral autobiographical memory was not associated with severity of depression, but seemed to be associated with diagnosis of depression. A negative interpretation bias, overgeneral autobiographical memory, and rumination were not significantly related with each other in this study. This finding suggests they are not strongly related and might be largely distinct vulnerability factors for depression. The study presents an important yet preliminary finding which warrants further replication with a larger sample size

    Экспериментальные исследования интенсификации процессов теплообмена в энергетических котлах

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    Запропонована конструктивна схема удосконалення газорозподільних решітки, створено лабораторний стенд і проведені експериментальні дослідження в результаті яких отримані умови, які сприяють збільшенню відносної швидкості руху часток і середовища, створенню додаткової турбулентності потоку середовища, збільшенню кратності оновлення і формування міжфазної поверхні, що може привести до значного прискорення тепло- і масо переносу.The propose a design scheme to improve the gas distribution grid, established a laboratory bench and experimental studies have been obtained as a result of conditions that contribute to an increase in the relative velocity of the particles and the environment, creating more turbulence of flow, increasing the multiplicity of updating and the formation of the interphase surface, which can lead to a significant acceleration heat and mass transfer

    The Relation Between Trait Anger and Impulse Control in Forensic Psychiatric Patients

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    Inhibitory control is considered to be one of the key factors in explaining individual differences in trait anger and reactive aggression. Yet, only a few studies have assessed electroencephalographic (EEG) activity with respect to response inhibition in high trait anger individuals. The main goal of this study was therefore to investigate whether individual differences in trait anger in forensic psychiatric patients are associated with individual differences in anger-primed inhibitory control using behavioral and electrophysiological measures of response inhibition. Thirty-eight forensic psychiatric patients who had a medium to high risk of recidivism of violent and/or non-violent behaviors performed an affective Go/NoGo task while EEG was recorded. On the behavioral level, we found higher scores on trait anger to be accompanied by lower accuracy on NoGo trials, especially when anger was primed. With respect to the physiological data we found, as expected, a significant inverse relation between trait anger and the error related negativity amplitudes. Contrary to expectation, trait anger was not related to the stimulus-locked event related potentials (i.e., N2/P3). The results of this study support the notion that in a forensic population trait anger is inversely related to impulse control, particularly in hostile contexts. Moreover, our data suggest that higher scores on trait anger are associated with deficits in automatic error-processing which may contribute the continuation of impulsive angry behaviors despite their negative consequences

    STAXI-2: Vragenlijst over boosheid

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