50 research outputs found

    Symplasmic transport and phloem loading in gymnosperm leaves

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    Despite more than 130 years of research, phloem loading is far from being understood in gymnosperms. In part this is due to the special architecture of their leaves. They differ from angiosperm leaves among others by having a transfusion tissue between bundle sheath and the axial vascular elements. This article reviews the somewhat inaccessible and/or neglected literature and identifies the key points for pre-phloem transport and loading of photoassimilates. The pre-phloem pathway of assimilates is structurally characterized by a high number of plasmodesmata between all cell types starting in the mesophyll and continuing via bundle sheath, transfusion parenchyma, Strasburger cells up to the sieve elements. Occurrence of median cavities and branching indicates that primary plasmodesmata get secondarily modified and multiplied during expansion growth. Only functional tests can elucidate whether this symplasmic pathway is indeed continuous for assimilates, and if phloem loading in gymnosperms is comparable with the symplasmic loading mode in many angiosperm trees. In contrast to angiosperms, the bundle sheath has properties of an endodermis and is equipped with Casparian strips or other wall modifications that form a domain border for any apoplasmic transport. It constitutes a key point of control for nutrient transport, where the opposing flow of mineral nutrients and photoassimilates has to be accommodated in each single cell, bringing to mind the principle of a revolving door. The review lists a number of experiments needed to elucidate the mode of phloem loading in gymnosperms

    F-18-FET-PET Bildgebung bei Hirnmetastasen zeigt Tumorvitalität und Tumorproliferation

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    Pilzabszesse des Gehirns - nicht länger ein Todesurteil

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    Primäre Knochentumore der Wirbelsäule - Behandlungsempfehlung basierend auf einer Kohortenstudie

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    Evaluating the Segment Anything Model for Histopathological Tissue Segmentation

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    Glioblastoma relapses show increased markers of vulnerability to ferroptosis.

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    Background: Despite the availability of various therapy options and being a widely focused research area, the prognosis of glioblastoma (GBM) still remains very poor due to therapy resistance, genetic heterogeneity and a diffuse infiltration pattern. The recently described non-apoptotic form of cell death ferroptosis may, however, offer novel opportunities for targeted therapies. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the potential role of ferroptosis in GBM, including the impact of treatment on the expression of the two ferroptosis-associated players glutathione-peroxidase 4 (GPX4) and acyl-CoA-synthetase long-chain family number 4 (ACSL4). Furthermore, the change in expression of the recently identified ferroptosis suppressor protein 1 (FSP1) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) 1A3 was investigated. Methods: Immunohistochemistry was performed on sample pairs of primary and relapse GBM of 24 patients who had received standard adjuvant treatment with radiochemotherapy. To identify cell types generally prone to undergo ferroptosis, co-stainings of ferroptosis susceptibility genes in combination with cell-type specific markers including glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) for tumor cells and astrocytes, as well as the ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1) for microglial cells were performed, supplemented by double stains combining GPX4 and ACSL4. Results: While the expression of GPX4 decreased significantly during tumor relapse, ACSL4 showed a significant increase. These results were confirmed by analyses of data sets of the Cancer Genome Atlas. These profound changes indicate an increased susceptibility of relapsed tumors towards oxidative stress and associated ferroptosis, a cell death modality characterized by unrestrained lipid peroxidation. Moreover, ALDH1A3 and FSP1 expression also increased in the relapses with significant results for ALDH1A3, whereas for FSP1, statistical significance was not reached. Results obtained from double staining imply that ferroptosis occurs more likely in GBM tumor cells than in microglial cells. Conclusion: Our study implies that ferroptosis takes place in GBM tumor cells. Moreover, we show that recurrent tumors have a higher vulnerability to ferroptosis. These results affirm that utilizing ferroptosis processes might be a possible novel therapy option, especially in the situation of recurrent GBM