99 research outputs found

    An Engineered Nonsense \u3cem\u3eURA3\u3c/em\u3e Allele Provides a Versatile System to Detect the Presence, Absence and Appearance of the [em\u3ePSI\u3c/em\u3e\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e] Prion in \u3cem\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/em\u3e

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    Common methods to identify yeast cells containing the prion form of the Sup35 translation termination factor, [PSI+], involve a nonsense suppressor phenotype. Decreased function of Sup35p in [PSI+] cells leads to readthrough of certain nonsense mutations in a few auxotrophic markers, for example, ade1-14. This readthrough results in growth on adenine deficient media. While this powerful tool has dramatically facilitated the study of [PSI+], it is limited to a narrow range of laboratory strains and cannot easily be used to screen for cells that have lost the [PSI+] prion. Therefore we have engineered a nonsense mutation in the widely used URA3 gene, termed the ura3-14 allele. Introduction of the ura3-14 allele into an array of genetic backgrounds, carrying a loss-of-function URA3 mutation and [PSI+], allows for growth on media lacking uracil, indicative of decreased translational termination efficiency. This ura3-14 allele is able to distinguish various forms of the [PSI+] prion, called variants and is able to detect the de novo appearance of [PSI+] in strains carrying the prion form of Rnq1p, [PIN+]. Furthermore, 5-fluoorotic acid, which kills cells making functional Ura3p, provides a means to select for [psiβˆ’] derivatives in a population of [PSI+] cells marked with the ura3-14 allele, making this system much more versatile than previous methods

    Most, but not All, Yeast Strains in the Deletion Library Contain the [PIN+] Prion

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    The yeast deletion library is a collection of over 5100 single gene deletions that has been widely used by the yeast community. The presence of a non-Mendelian element, such as a prion, within this library could affect the outcome of many large-scale genomic studies. We previously showed that the deletion library parent strain contained the [PIN+] prion. [PIN+] is the misfolded infectious prion form of the Rnq1 protein that displays distinct fluorescent foci in the presence of RNQ1–GFP and exists in different physical conformations, called variants. Here, we show that over 97% of the library deletion strains are [PIN+]. Of the 141 remaining strains that have completely (58) or partially (83) lost [PIN+], 139 deletions were able to efficiently maintain three different [PIN+] variants despite extensive growth and storage at 4 Β°C. One strain, cue2Ξ”, displayed an alteration in the RNQ1–GFP fluorescent shape, but the Rnq1p prion aggregate shows no biochemical differences from the wild-type. Only strains containing a deletion of either HSP104 or RNQ1 are unable to maintain [PIN+], indicating that 5153 non-essential genes are not required for [PIN+] propagation. Copyright Β© 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Prion Formation and Polyglutamine Aggregation Are Controlled by Two Classes of Genes

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    Prions are self-perpetuating aggregated proteins that are not limited to mammalian systems but also exist in lower eukaryotes including yeast. While much work has focused around chaperones involved in prion maintenance, including Hsp104, little is known about factors involved in the appearance of prions. De novo appearance of the [PSI+] prion, which is the aggregated form of the Sup35 protein, is dramatically enhanced by transient overexpression of SUP35 in the presence of the prion form of the Rnq1 protein, [PIN+]. When fused to GFP and overexpressed in [psβˆ’] [PIN+] cells, Sup35 forms fluorescent rings, and cells with these rings bud off [PSI+] daughters. We investigated the effects of over 400 gene deletions on this de novo induction of [PSI+]. Two classes of gene deletions were identified. Class I deletions (bug1Ξ”, bem1Ξ”, arf1Ξ”, and hog1Ξ”) reduced the efficiency of [PSI+] induction, but formed rings normally. Class II deletions (las17Ξ”, vps5Ξ”, and sac6Ξ”) inhibited both [PSI+] induction and ring formation. Furthermore, class II deletions reduced, while class I deletions enhanced, toxicity associated with the expanded glutamine repeats of the huntingtin protein exon 1 that causes Huntington's disease. This suggests that prion formation and polyglutamine aggregation involve a multi-phase process that can be inhibited at different steps.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant GM56350)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NSRA F32 postdoctoral fellowship GM072340)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant GM25874)Howard Hughes Medical Institut

    Comment on Billant et al. p53, A Victim of the Prion Fashion. Cancers 2021, 13, 269

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    The p53 tumor suppressor is a central protein in the fight against cancer [...
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