40 research outputs found

    Effect of past century mining activities on sediment properties and toxicity to freshwater organisms in northern Sweden

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    The release of toxic metals from local mining activities often represents a severe environmental hazard for nearby lake ecosystems. Previous studies on the impact of mining have primarily focused on single lakes, with less emphasis on spatial and temporal recovery patterns of multiple lakes within the same catchment, but with different hydrological connection and distance to the pollutant source. This knowledge gap prevents us from assessing the real environmental risk of abandoned mines and understanding ecosystem recovery. This study explores the intensity and spatial patterns of sediment contamination and the potential for ecosystem recovery in three lakes in close vicinity of a lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) mine in Sweden that has been inoperative for >20 years. Dated (210Pb and 137Cs) sediment cores from each lake were used to reconstruct temporal patterns in trace element deposition and relate those with past mining activities. Results show that all lakes were affected by mining, indicated by increasing Pb and Zn concentrations and decreasing organic matter content, at the onset of mining. However, the extent and timing of mining impact differed between lakes, which was partly ascribed to differences in the historical use of tailings and settling ponds. Assessment of toxicity levels in sediments, based on normalized Probable Effect Concentration Quotient (PEC-Q) to organic matter content, provided more consistent results with the historical mining than conventional methods, showing a decreasing impact in lakes once the operations ceased. Still, sediment Pb concentrations were > 10 times higher than pre-mining values, evidencing the urgent need for remediation actions in the study lakes. This study highlights the importance of considering spatial heterogeneity in metal deposition, sediment organic matter content, and hydrological connectivity with tailings when risk assessments are performed in mining-impacted lakes. The use of normalized PEC-Q in toxic assessments is also recommended

    Chronic hepatitis C in Swedish subjects receiving opiate substitution therapy-Factors associated with advanced fibrosis.

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    Background: Opiate substitution therapy (OST) reduces the risk of death from directly drug-related causes in heroin users, allowing other chronic health problems to emerge. People who inject drugs (PWID) are exposed to hepatitis C virus (HCV), with an associated risk of chronic liver disease. We investigated HCV prevalence and liver-related morbidity in a cohort of OST recipients, and analyzed factors associated with significant hepatic fibrosis. Methods: All patients registered on 1 April 2008 in 4 clinics providing OST in the 3 largest cities in Sweden were eligible for inclusion. HCV viremic subjects were evaluated for fibrosis stage by liver biopsy, transient elastometry (TE), and/or a biochemical fibrosis index (Göteborg University Cirrhosis Index; GUCI). Factors associated with severity of fibrosis were determined by logistic regression analysis. Results: Out of 524 eligible patients, 277 consented to enrolment. Two hundred and thirty-six subjects (88%) were anti-HCV-positive, and 162 of these were viremic (69%). Significant liver fibrosis (defined as Ishak stages F3-F6, TE value ≥ 8.85 kPa, or GUCI > 0.33) was found in 69 out of 103 (67%) tested viremic patients, and was associated with alcohol intake (p = 0.03), higher body mass index (BMI; p = 0.04), and the presence of anti-HBc antibodies (indicating exposure to hepatitis B virus (HBV); p = 0.02). Conclusions: Significant liver fibrosis was detected in two-thirds of HCV viremic OST recipients in this cohort, and was associated with alcohol use, high BMI, and exposure to HBV. These findings indicate that the management of HCV and associated risk factors should be emphasized in Swedish OST programs

    Metals take flight : Transport and effects across ecosystems

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    Metal contamination can have severe toxic effects in the ecosystems, resulting in loss of biodiversity, reduced abundance of organisms, and loss of ecosystem services. Traditionally, aquatic ecosystems have been regarded as a sink of metal contamination. However, lakes could also act as a source, as metals can be transported by emerging aquatic insects from the aquatic to the terrestrial ecosystem. The consequence of this transport for terrestrial organisms has previously gained little focus. In this thesis, I study metal contamination transport and toxic effects on metal exposed aquatic invertebrates and the terrestrial insectivorous bird, pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), in aquatic and terrestrial environments contaminated by metals from a closed lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) mine. Studied lakes adjacent to the mine all displayed elevated metal concentrations from the start of the mining operation, but with different temporal and spatial patterns with lakes used as part of the mining activity even more affected. Factors affecting metal toxicity, such as organic matter concentration in lakes, varied during the mining and post-mining period, indicating fluctuating toxicity despite similar metal concentrations. The contamination level and toxicity risk are still high 15 years after closure of the mine, but ecosystems are starting to recover. Despite high metal concentrations in lake water and sediment, no effect on invertebrate abundance or composition of aquatic invertebrates was observed. However, when focusing on metamorphosis, proportionally fewer insects emerged from more contaminated lakes. In contrast, in lab mesocosm was no effect on metamorphosis observed of non-biting midges (Chironomus riparus), although larval survival decreased, and emergence was delayed at higher metal concentrations in sediments. Emerging adult insects transported a significant amount of metals to terrestrial ecosystems, observed both in the lab and in the field. Emerging aquatic insect and ants were major dietary metal exposure routes for pied flycatcher’s nestlings. Thus, aquatic-derived metals can influence terrestrial consumers, especially in riparian zones of contaminated lakes where availability of aquatic insects is high. Increasing accumulation of Pb has been observed to reduce hemoglobin (Hb) levels in birds. Despite elevated Pb concentrations in nestling blood in contaminated environments, nestling Hb levels, used also as indicator of nestling health, was more affected by availability of different prey than Pb levels in the blood, where availability of aquatic insects and aerial terrestrial insect had positive impact on nestling health. Overall, this thesis show that metal contamination of aquatic ecosystems also influences terrestrial organisms by decreasing their food availability and increasing metal exposure via diets. Thus, potential effects on terrestrial systems should to larger extent be included when studying aquatic contaminants. Further, indirect effects and metal bioavailability could alter the toxic effects on metal-exposed organism and should be included to accurately estimate direct toxic effects.

    Decomposition of leaf litter in headwater streams. : Effects of changes in the environment and contribution of microbial and shredder activity on litter decomposition.

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    Headwaters, which are the most common stream order in the landscape, are mostly dependent on energy produced in the terrestrial system, largely consisting of leaf litter from riparian vegetation. The aim of this study was to investigate the decomposition in headwaters of leaf litter from three native (alder, birch, spruce) and one non-native (lodgepole pine) species and how decomposition responds to changes in the environment. Further, microbial and shredder influences on leaf-litter decomposition and aquatic decomposer ability to adapt to non-native species was investigated. By using field-data from this study, calculations were made to assess if microbes and shredders are resource limited. Litterbags were placed in 20 headwater streams in northern Sweden that varied in water chemistry, stream physical characteristics and riparian vegetation. The results revealed that species litter decomposition of different plant species was affected differently by changes in environmental variables. Alder and birch decomposition were positively associated, whereas lodgepole pine deviated from the other species in decomposition and its relationship with important environmental variables, indicating that the ability of the boreal aquatic systems to decompose litter differs between introduced and native species. When including macroinvertebrates, shredder fragmentation generally increased decomposition, but was not significant for all sites. Resource availability for microbes and shredders was controlled by litter input, and no risk of resource limitations was evident during the study period. These findings highlight a complexity of the decomposition process that needs to be considered when predicting changes due to human activities

    Metals take flight : Transport and effects across ecosystems

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    Metal contamination can have severe toxic effects in the ecosystems, resulting in loss of biodiversity, reduced abundance of organisms, and loss of ecosystem services. Traditionally, aquatic ecosystems have been regarded as a sink of metal contamination. However, lakes could also act as a source, as metals can be transported by emerging aquatic insects from the aquatic to the terrestrial ecosystem. The consequence of this transport for terrestrial organisms has previously gained little focus. In this thesis, I study metal contamination transport and toxic effects on metal exposed aquatic invertebrates and the terrestrial insectivorous bird, pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), in aquatic and terrestrial environments contaminated by metals from a closed lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) mine. Studied lakes adjacent to the mine all displayed elevated metal concentrations from the start of the mining operation, but with different temporal and spatial patterns with lakes used as part of the mining activity even more affected. Factors affecting metal toxicity, such as organic matter concentration in lakes, varied during the mining and post-mining period, indicating fluctuating toxicity despite similar metal concentrations. The contamination level and toxicity risk are still high 15 years after closure of the mine, but ecosystems are starting to recover. Despite high metal concentrations in lake water and sediment, no effect on invertebrate abundance or composition of aquatic invertebrates was observed. However, when focusing on metamorphosis, proportionally fewer insects emerged from more contaminated lakes. In contrast, in lab mesocosm was no effect on metamorphosis observed of non-biting midges (Chironomus riparus), although larval survival decreased, and emergence was delayed at higher metal concentrations in sediments. Emerging adult insects transported a significant amount of metals to terrestrial ecosystems, observed both in the lab and in the field. Emerging aquatic insect and ants were major dietary metal exposure routes for pied flycatcher’s nestlings. Thus, aquatic-derived metals can influence terrestrial consumers, especially in riparian zones of contaminated lakes where availability of aquatic insects is high. Increasing accumulation of Pb has been observed to reduce hemoglobin (Hb) levels in birds. Despite elevated Pb concentrations in nestling blood in contaminated environments, nestling Hb levels, used also as indicator of nestling health, was more affected by availability of different prey than Pb levels in the blood, where availability of aquatic insects and aerial terrestrial insect had positive impact on nestling health. Overall, this thesis show that metal contamination of aquatic ecosystems also influences terrestrial organisms by decreasing their food availability and increasing metal exposure via diets. Thus, potential effects on terrestrial systems should to larger extent be included when studying aquatic contaminants. Further, indirect effects and metal bioavailability could alter the toxic effects on metal-exposed organism and should be included to accurately estimate direct toxic effects.

    Hur påverkas bentiska funktionella födogrupper av kalavverkning? : Effekt på abundans, samt återhämning, av funktionella födogrupper efter kalavverkning kring små vattendrag.

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    Forestry affects most of the forest-covered land in Sweden. In the landscape, the most common stream type is headwaters, which are important sites for many processes and organisms in both the terrestrial and the aquatic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to investigate how the abundance of benthic invertebrate functional feeding groups in headwater streams develops after clear-cutting and if it also is possible to detect a change in the composition of feeding groups. The study also attempts to determine what factors have an effect on temporal changes in abundance of these groups. For the study, 11 sites in northern Sweden were sampled for benthic invertebrates using a Surber-sampler, and for each site canopy-cover and pH was obtained. Further, the age of the surrounding forest at each was visually assessed and created a 100-year gradient along which temporal changes in abundance of the functional feeding groups were investigated. The results revealed that the total abundance of organisms was the highest short after clear-cutting and afterward decreased to the lowest level in streams with the highest age of surrounding forest. Significant results for the functional feeding groups were found for predators, shredders and scrapers, which also had the highest levels of abundance early after clear-cutting and thereafter decreased. The result shows that clear-cutting, not only changes the fundamental terrestrial conditions, but also has an impact on the abundance of different benthic functional feeding group

    Hur påverkas bentiska funktionella födogrupper av kalavverkning? : Effekt på abundans, samt återhämning, av funktionella födogrupper efter kalavverkning kring små vattendrag.

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    Forestry affects most of the forest-covered land in Sweden. In the landscape, the most common stream type is headwaters, which are important sites for many processes and organisms in both the terrestrial and the aquatic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to investigate how the abundance of benthic invertebrate functional feeding groups in headwater streams develops after clear-cutting and if it also is possible to detect a change in the composition of feeding groups. The study also attempts to determine what factors have an effect on temporal changes in abundance of these groups. For the study, 11 sites in northern Sweden were sampled for benthic invertebrates using a Surber-sampler, and for each site canopy-cover and pH was obtained. Further, the age of the surrounding forest at each was visually assessed and created a 100-year gradient along which temporal changes in abundance of the functional feeding groups were investigated. The results revealed that the total abundance of organisms was the highest short after clear-cutting and afterward decreased to the lowest level in streams with the highest age of surrounding forest. Significant results for the functional feeding groups were found for predators, shredders and scrapers, which also had the highest levels of abundance early after clear-cutting and thereafter decreased. The result shows that clear-cutting, not only changes the fundamental terrestrial conditions, but also has an impact on the abundance of different benthic functional feeding group

    ”Open source” eller ”Open sores” : en studie om öppen programvara i kommunal IT-miljö

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    Uppsatsen behandlar användandet av öppen källkod i kommunala ITmiljöer. Den snabba mognadstakten och ökad synlighet i olika sammanhang som påverkar samhällsdebatten, gör frågan om användning av öppen programvara i kommunala ITmiljöer till en fråga som är relevant för alla samhällsmedborgare. Öppen programvara kan erbjuda kostnadsbesparingar genom minskade licensavgifter, och ökad frihet genom att källkoden är tillgänglig. Detta medför att den som vill kan anpassa programmen efter sina egna behov, vilket inte är möjlig med slutna program, där källkoden inte är tillgänglig. Öppen programvara eller öppen källkod har genomgått en snabb utveckling under de senaste åren, från att vara hobbyprojekt för programmerare och tekniskt intresserade till att bli en verksamhetskritisk komponent och del av affärsstrategin för myndigheter och stora företag. Emellertid förefaller svenska kommuner inte vara lika snabba med att anamma den nya tekniken. Argumenten för och emot öppen programvara kan delas in i tre huvudkategorier: ekonomiska aspekter som beskriver den totala ägandekostnaden, tekniska aspekter som berör teknisk mognad och integration, samt demokratiska aspekter som är speciella för offentlig verksamhet. Eftersom verksamheten bekostas av allmänna skattemedel är det i medborgarnas intresse att genom sina folkvalda politiker bevaka situationen. Genom att intervjua ITchefer för tre kommuner i Västerbotten har data erhållits om hur dessa kommuners ITmiljöer ser ut, hur öppen programvara bedöms, samt deras uppfattningar om den framtida utvecklingen. Respondenterna anger som främsta orsak för att öppen programvara ej används att den totala ägandekostnaden fortfarande är för oklar, till skillnad från existerande system där inga oklarheter finns. eftersom ingen egen utveckling bedrivs köps alla system in av leverantörer, som ännu inte har någon mogen affärsmodell för öppen programvara. Av större intresse är att påverka leverantörerna att använda öppna format och standarder, som kan minska inlåsningseffekterna till specifika system och förbättra konkurrenssituationen. Även kompetensfrågan påverkar, eftersom kommunerna i dagsläget inte har tillräcklig intern kompetens om öppen programvara. Den komplexa ITmiljön med flera hundra olika system försvårar också ett byte. Den framtida utvecklingen pekar dock på att situationen kommer att ändras. I takt med att fler kommuner inför öppna ITmiljöer blir kostnadsbilden tydligare, och ökat samarbete mellan olika kommuner för upphandlingar och utvecklingsprojekt erbjuder besparingsmöjligheter med öppen programvara. Det folkliga och politiska trycket är i nuläget lågt, men i takt med att den allmänna debatten ökar och politiker nås av utlandsinfluenser kommer sannolikt förändringstrycket från ett demokratisk perspektiv att öka. Om fem år är det mycket möjligt att en kritisk massa har uppnåtts, som gör att stora förändringar sker på kort tid. I debatten jämställs ofta all offentlig ITverksamhet, men studien finner att det föreligger stora skillnader mellan förutsättningarna för statlig och kommunal IT. Statliga verk har en smal uppgift och ett nationellt omfång, medan kommuner ska erbjuda sina ITtjänster till alla medborgare på ett standardiserat och kostnadseffektivt sätt. Denna distinktion är betydelsefull att förstå