4 research outputs found


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    Istraživanje cjelovitoga znanstvenoga i umjetničkoga opusa Nikole Buble temelji se na dva osnovna obilježja njegova stvaralaÅ”tva: (1) znanstveni ā€žpečatā€œ autora koji se eksplicira u nevjerojatnoj Å”irini, bogatstvu i raznolikosti učinjenoga i postignutoga, te (2) umjetnička kreativnost utemeljena na tradiciji, koju je vrlo uspjeÅ”no kontekstualizirao. Monografskom obradom i interpretacijom opusa i aktivnoga djelovanja u razdoblju od 70-ih godina XX. stoljeća do sredine drugoga desetljeća u trećem mileniju, istraživali smo značajnu ulogu Nikole Buble u povijesti hrvatske etnomuzikologije s kraja XX. i na početku XXI. stoljeća. Rad je elaborirao autorov značajan doprinos u formuliranju bitnih obilježja etnomuzikologije u Hrvatskoj, i to prvenstveno u Dalmaciji. Time se konstruirala i obogatila povijest hrvatske etnomuzikologije, poÅ”to se u radu u cjelini istraživački obrađuje i analizira ukupan stvaralački rad Nikole Buble. U tom opusu autor se prepoznaje i potvrđuje kao dosljedan predstavnik suvremene etnomuzikologije. Unatoč iznimno bogatoj biografiji i originalnome (etno)muzikoloÅ”kom radu koji su prepoznati kao prekretnica hrvatske etnomuzikologije, opus autora Buble nije do sada bio cjelovito proučavan i valoriziran. Stoga je u ovom radu ostvaren iscrpan uvid u život i djelo Nikole Buble, uz ekspliciranje njegovog značajnog i upečatljivog mjesta u povijesti hrvatske suvremene etnomuzikologije odnosno glazbene umjetnosti i znanosti.Research of Nikola Buble's complete scientific and artistic work is based on two main features of his creativity: (1) author's strong scientific ā€žsignatureā€œ being explained in the incredible wideness and richness through variety of his work and achievements and (2) artistic creativity based on tradition that prof. Buble contextualized very successfully. Using monographic analysis and interpretation of complete creative opus as well as the active work of prof. Buble in the period from the 70's of the XX. century to the middle of second decade in the third millennium the author's important role in history of Ethnomusicology in Croatia at the end of XX. and beginning of XXI. century is being researched. Work is also elaborating the author's significant contribution to formulating the settings in Croatian Ethnomusicology, mainly in Dalmatian region. History of Croatian Ehtnomusicology is being contributed and completed by N. Buble's creative work as whole being paper researched and analysed in this work. This was to establishe as well enriche the history of Croatian Ethnomusicology, as this work is bringing reasearched analyses of the whole Nikola Buble's creative work. Throught this work the author is being recognised an established as valuable representative of the contemporaray ethnomusicology. Regardless the extrodinary rich author's biography and original ethnomusicological work that are recognised as the turning point for the Croatian Ethnomusicology, the work of Nicola Buble has not being studied, researched and validated as a whole to this date. Therefore, this work is offering the complete picture to life and work of Nikola Buble as well as is enlightening his important and significant role in history of Croatian contemperary Ethnomusicology and music art and since as the whole


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    Istraživanje cjelovitoga znanstvenoga i umjetničkoga opusa Nikole Buble temelji se na dva osnovna obilježja njegova stvaralaÅ”tva: (1) znanstveni ā€žpečatā€œ autora koji se eksplicira u nevjerojatnoj Å”irini, bogatstvu i raznolikosti učinjenoga i postignutoga, te (2) umjetnička kreativnost utemeljena na tradiciji, koju je vrlo uspjeÅ”no kontekstualizirao. Monografskom obradom i interpretacijom opusa i aktivnoga djelovanja u razdoblju od 70-ih godina XX. stoljeća do sredine drugoga desetljeća u trećem mileniju, istraživali smo značajnu ulogu Nikole Buble u povijesti hrvatske etnomuzikologije s kraja XX. i na početku XXI. stoljeća. Rad je elaborirao autorov značajan doprinos u formuliranju bitnih obilježja etnomuzikologije u Hrvatskoj, i to prvenstveno u Dalmaciji. Time se konstruirala i obogatila povijest hrvatske etnomuzikologije, poÅ”to se u radu u cjelini istraživački obrađuje i analizira ukupan stvaralački rad Nikole Buble. U tom opusu autor se prepoznaje i potvrđuje kao dosljedan predstavnik suvremene etnomuzikologije. Unatoč iznimno bogatoj biografiji i originalnome (etno)muzikoloÅ”kom radu koji su prepoznati kao prekretnica hrvatske etnomuzikologije, opus autora Buble nije do sada bio cjelovito proučavan i valoriziran. Stoga je u ovom radu ostvaren iscrpan uvid u život i djelo Nikole Buble, uz ekspliciranje njegovog značajnog i upečatljivog mjesta u povijesti hrvatske suvremene etnomuzikologije odnosno glazbene umjetnosti i znanosti.Research of Nikola Buble's complete scientific and artistic work is based on two main features of his creativity: (1) author's strong scientific ā€žsignatureā€œ being explained in the incredible wideness and richness through variety of his work and achievements and (2) artistic creativity based on tradition that prof. Buble contextualized very successfully. Using monographic analysis and interpretation of complete creative opus as well as the active work of prof. Buble in the period from the 70's of the XX. century to the middle of second decade in the third millennium the author's important role in history of Ethnomusicology in Croatia at the end of XX. and beginning of XXI. century is being researched. Work is also elaborating the author's significant contribution to formulating the settings in Croatian Ethnomusicology, mainly in Dalmatian region. History of Croatian Ehtnomusicology is being contributed and completed by N. Buble's creative work as whole being paper researched and analysed in this work. This was to establishe as well enriche the history of Croatian Ethnomusicology, as this work is bringing reasearched analyses of the whole Nikola Buble's creative work. Throught this work the author is being recognised an established as valuable representative of the contemporaray ethnomusicology. Regardless the extrodinary rich author's biography and original ethnomusicological work that are recognised as the turning point for the Croatian Ethnomusicology, the work of Nicola Buble has not being studied, researched and validated as a whole to this date. Therefore, this work is offering the complete picture to life and work of Nikola Buble as well as is enlightening his important and significant role in history of Croatian contemperary Ethnomusicology and music art and since as the whole


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    Istraživanje cjelovitoga znanstvenoga i umjetničkoga opusa Nikole Buble temelji se na dva osnovna obilježja njegova stvaralaÅ”tva: (1) znanstveni ā€žpečatā€œ autora koji se eksplicira u nevjerojatnoj Å”irini, bogatstvu i raznolikosti učinjenoga i postignutoga, te (2) umjetnička kreativnost utemeljena na tradiciji, koju je vrlo uspjeÅ”no kontekstualizirao. Monografskom obradom i interpretacijom opusa i aktivnoga djelovanja u razdoblju od 70-ih godina XX. stoljeća do sredine drugoga desetljeća u trećem mileniju, istraživali smo značajnu ulogu Nikole Buble u povijesti hrvatske etnomuzikologije s kraja XX. i na početku XXI. stoljeća. Rad je elaborirao autorov značajan doprinos u formuliranju bitnih obilježja etnomuzikologije u Hrvatskoj, i to prvenstveno u Dalmaciji. Time se konstruirala i obogatila povijest hrvatske etnomuzikologije, poÅ”to se u radu u cjelini istraživački obrađuje i analizira ukupan stvaralački rad Nikole Buble. U tom opusu autor se prepoznaje i potvrđuje kao dosljedan predstavnik suvremene etnomuzikologije. Unatoč iznimno bogatoj biografiji i originalnome (etno)muzikoloÅ”kom radu koji su prepoznati kao prekretnica hrvatske etnomuzikologije, opus autora Buble nije do sada bio cjelovito proučavan i valoriziran. Stoga je u ovom radu ostvaren iscrpan uvid u život i djelo Nikole Buble, uz ekspliciranje njegovog značajnog i upečatljivog mjesta u povijesti hrvatske suvremene etnomuzikologije odnosno glazbene umjetnosti i znanosti.Research of Nikola Buble's complete scientific and artistic work is based on two main features of his creativity: (1) author's strong scientific ā€žsignatureā€œ being explained in the incredible wideness and richness through variety of his work and achievements and (2) artistic creativity based on tradition that prof. Buble contextualized very successfully. Using monographic analysis and interpretation of complete creative opus as well as the active work of prof. Buble in the period from the 70's of the XX. century to the middle of second decade in the third millennium the author's important role in history of Ethnomusicology in Croatia at the end of XX. and beginning of XXI. century is being researched. Work is also elaborating the author's significant contribution to formulating the settings in Croatian Ethnomusicology, mainly in Dalmatian region. History of Croatian Ehtnomusicology is being contributed and completed by N. Buble's creative work as whole being paper researched and analysed in this work. This was to establishe as well enriche the history of Croatian Ethnomusicology, as this work is bringing reasearched analyses of the whole Nikola Buble's creative work. Throught this work the author is being recognised an established as valuable representative of the contemporaray ethnomusicology. Regardless the extrodinary rich author's biography and original ethnomusicological work that are recognised as the turning point for the Croatian Ethnomusicology, the work of Nicola Buble has not being studied, researched and validated as a whole to this date. Therefore, this work is offering the complete picture to life and work of Nikola Buble as well as is enlightening his important and significant role in history of Croatian contemperary Ethnomusicology and music art and since as the whole


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    Ovom se studijom nastoje rekonstruirati osobitosti glazbene kulture u Mostaru u prvoj polovini XX. stoljeća, njezine vrste, ishodiÅ”ta i značenje u kontinuitetu, s težiÅ”tem na institucionalno organiziranoj glazbenoj praksi i njezinoj povezanosti sa Å”irim druÅ”tvenim kontekstom. Pristup Å”to ga je nametnuo tako postavljeni istraživački cilj obuhvaća predstavljanje glazbene stvaranosti u okviru kulturne, ali i političke povijesti izabrana vremena, čiji je rezultat u najvećoj mjeri i bila. U polju autonomnoga, glazba do sredine XX. stoljeća gotovo da i nije postojala jer se funkcionalno povezivala s oblicima svijesti i načinima života sredine čiju su zbilju obilježile mijene režima, stranačka trvenja vlasti i vladara, gospodarske, političke i kulturoloÅ”ke razlike ostavivÅ”i zamjetne tragove u njezinu povijesnome hodu. Stoga se pristup glazbi kao dijelu cjelokupnoga druÅ”tveno- političkog i kulturnoga života činio jedino ispravnim. Predložena građa može se promotriti kao mozaična cjelina satkana od dijelova Å”to predočuju mjesta i oblike muziciranja, djelovanje istaknutih pjevačkih druÅ”tava, amaterskih i profesionalnih glazbenih udruženja, Å”kolstva i organiziranih manifestacija preko kojih je glazba živjela u gradu Mostaru.This article was intended to reconstruct the peculiarities of the Mostarā€™s musical culture in the first half of the 20th century, its species, starting points and meaning in the continuity, emphasizing the institutional organized musical practice and its connection with larger social context. The approach that was imposed by purpose of research includes the presentation of the musical reality whithin the cultural and political history of the determinated period, whose result in the larger part it was. In the field of the autonomous, music until the middle of 20.th century almost it has not existed, because it has been connecting functionally with the kindes of the conscience and living ways of the enviroment whose reality was determinated by regime changes, political party conflicts, economical, political and cultural differences leaving the significant tracks in its historical continuity. Because of that, the approach to music as the part of the entire socio-political and cultural life seemed to be the only correct one. The proposed material can be observed as the mosaic whole made of the parts presenting the localities and forms of the music practice, the activites of prominent choral societies, amateur and professional musical societies, the education and organized manifestations by which music has lived in Mostar