4,703 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussianity from Large-Scale Structure Surveys

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    With the advent of galaxy surveys which provide large samples of galaxies or galaxy clusters over a volume comparable to the horizon size (SDSS-III, HETDEX, Euclid, JDEM, LSST, Pan-STARRS, CIP etc.) or mass-selected large cluster samples over a large fraction of the extra-galactic sky (Planck, SPT, ACT, CMBPol, B-Pol), it is timely to investigate what constraints these surveys can impose on primordial non-Gaussianity. I illustrate here three different approaches: higher-order correlations of the three dimensional galaxy distribution, abundance of rare objects (extrema of the density distribution), and the large-scale clustering of halos (peaks of the density distribution). Each of these avenues has its own advantages, but, more importantly, these approaches are highly complementary under many respects.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the special issue "Testing the Gaussianity and Statistical Isotropy of the Universe" of Advances in Astronom

    Standard rulers, candles, and clocks from the low-redshift Universe

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    We measure the length of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) feature, and the expansion rate of the recent Universe, from low-redshift data only, almost model-independently. We make only the following minimal assumptions: homogeneity and isotropy; a metric theory of gravity; a smooth expansion history, and the existence of standard candles (supernov\ae) and a standard BAO ruler. The rest is determined by the data, which are compilations of recent BAO and Type IA supernova results. Making only these assumptions, we find for the first time that the standard ruler has length 103.9±2.3 h−1103.9 \pm 2.3\, h^{-1} Mpc. The value is a measurement, in contrast to the model-dependent theoretical prediction determined with model parameters set by Planck data (99.3±2.1 h−199.3 \pm 2.1 \, h^{-1} Mpc). The latter assumes Λ\LambdaCDM, and that the ruler is the sound horizon at radiation drag. Adding passive galaxies as standard clocks or a local Hubble constant measurement allows the absolute BAO scale to be determined (142.8±3.7142.8\pm 3.7 Mpc), and in the former case the additional information makes the BAO length determination more precise (101.9±1.9 h−1 101.9\pm 1.9 \, h^{-1}\,Mpc). The inverse curvature radius of the Universe is weakly constrained and consistent with zero, independently of the gravity model, provided it is metric. We find the effective number of relativistic species to be Neff=3.53±0.32N_{\rm eff} = 3.53\pm 0.32, independent of late-time dark energy or gravity physics.Comment: Accepted for publication in PRL. 5 pages, 4 figure

    The expansion rate of the intermediate Universe in light of Planck

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    We use cosmology-independent measurements of the expansion history in the redshift range 0.1 < z <1.2 and compare them with the Cosmic Microwave Background-derived expansion history predictions. The motivation is to investigate if the tension between the local (cosmology independent) Hubble constant H0 value and the Planck-derived H0 is also present at other redshifts. We conclude that there is no tension between Planck and cosmology independent-measurements of the Hubble parameter H(z) at 0.1 < z < 1.2 for the LCDM model (odds of tension are only 1:15, statistically not significant). Considering extensions of the LCDM model does not improve these odds (actually makes them worse), thus favouring the simpler model over its extensions. On the other hand the H(z) data are also not in tension with the local H0 measurements but the combination of all three data-sets shows a highly significant tension (odds ~ 1:400). Thus the new data deepen the mystery of the mismatch between Planck and local H0 measurements, and cannot univocally determine wether it is an effect localised at a particular redshift. Having said this, we find that assuming the NGC4258 maser distance as the correct anchor for H0, brings the odds to comfortable values. Further, using only the expansion history measurements we constrain, within the LCDM model, H0 = 68.5 +- 3.5 and Omega_m = 0.32 +- 0.05 without relying on any CMB prior. We also address the question of how smooth the expansion history of the universe is given the cosmology independent data and conclude that there is no evidence for deviations from smoothness on the expansion history, neither variations with time in the value of the equation of state of dark energy.Comment: Submitted to Physics of the Dark Univers

    Over-cooled haloes at z > 10: a route to form low-mass first stars

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    It has been shown by Shchekinov & Vasiliev2006 (SV06) that HD molecules can be an important cooling agent in high redshift z >10 haloes if they undergo mergers under specific conditions so suitable shocks are created. Here we build upon Prieto et al. (2012) who studied in detail the merger-generated shocks, and show that the conditions for HD cooling can be studied by combining these results with a suite of dark-matter only simulations. We have performed a number of dark matter only simulations from cosmological initial conditions inside boxes with sizes from 1 to 4 Mpc. We look for haloes with at least two progenitors of which at least one has mass M > M_cr (z), where M_cr (z) is the SV06 critical mass for HD over-cooling. We find that the fraction of over-cooled haloes with mass between M_cr (z) and 10^{0.2} M_cr (z), roughly below the atomic cooling limit, can be as high as ~ 0.6 at z ~ 10 depending on the merger mass ratio. This fraction decreases at higher redshift reaching a value ~0.2 at z ~ 15. For higher masses, i.e. above 10^{0.2} M_cr (z) up to 10^{0.6} M_cr (z), above the atomic cooling limit, this fraction rises to values ~ 0.8 until z ~ 12.5. As a consequence, a non negligible fraction of high redshift z > 10 mini-haloes can drop their gas temperature to the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature limit allowing the formation of low mass stars in primordial environments.Comment: Submitted to MNRA
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