1,928 research outputs found

    Coherent acceleration of material wavepackets in modulated optical fields

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a material wavepacket bouncing off a modulated atomic mirror in the presence of a gravitational field. We find the occurrence of coherent accelerated dynamics for atoms beyond the familiar regime of dynamical localization. The acceleration takes place for certain initial phase space data and within specific windows of modulation strengths. The realization of the proposed acceleration scheme is within the range of present day experimental possibilities

    Isolated resonances in conductance fluctuations in ballistic billiards

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    We study numerically quantum transport through a billiard with a classically mixed phase space. In particular, we calculate the conductance and Wigner delay time by employing a recursive Green's function method. We find sharp, isolated resonances with a broad distribution of resonance widths in both the conductance and the Wigner time, in contrast to the well-known smooth conductance fluctuations of completely chaotic billiards. In order to elucidate the origin of the isolated resonances, we calculate the associated scattering states as well as the eigenstates of the corresponding closed system. As a result, we find a one-to-one correspondence between the resonant scattering states and eigenstates of the closed system. The broad distribution of resonance widths is traced to the structure of the classical phase space. Husimi representations of the resonant scattering states show a strong overlap either with the regular regions in phase space or with the hierarchical parts surrounding the regular regions. We are thus lead to a classification of the resonant states into regular and hierarchical, depending on their phase space portrait.Comment: 2 pages, 5 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., proceedings Localisation 2002 (Tokyo, Japan

    Regular-to-chaotic tunneling rates using a fictitious integrable system

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    We derive a formula predicting dynamical tunneling rates from regular states to the chaotic sea in systems with a mixed phase space. Our approach is based on the introduction of a fictitious integrable system that resembles the regular dynamics within the island. For the standard map and other kicked systems we find agreement with numerical results for all regular states in a regime where resonance-assisted tunneling is not relevant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Time-independent approximations for periodically driven systems with friction

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    The classical dynamics of a particle that is driven by a rapidly oscillating potential (with frequency ω\omega) is studied. The motion is separated into a slow part and a fast part that oscillates around the slow part. The motion of the slow part is found to be described by a time-independent equation that is derived as an expansion in orders of ω1\omega^{-1} (in this paper terms to the order ω3\omega^{-3} are calculated explicitly). This time-independent equation is used to calculate the attracting fixed points and their basins of attraction. The results are found to be in excellent agreement with numerical solutions of the original time-dependent problem.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Revised version. Minor change

    When can Fokker-Planck Equation describe anomalous or chaotic transport?

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    The Fokker-Planck Equation, applied to transport processes in fusion plasmas, can model several anomalous features, including uphill transport, scaling of confinement time with system size, and convective propagation of externally induced perturbations. It can be justified for generic particle transport provided that there is enough randomness in the Hamiltonian describing the dynamics. Then, except for 1 degree-of-freedom, the two transport coefficients are largely independent. Depending on the statistics of interest, the same dynamical system may be found diffusive or dominated by its L\'{e}vy flights.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted in Physical Review Letters. V2: only some minor change

    Degeneracy Between the Regge Slope of Mesons and Baryons from Supersymmetry

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    We consider the degeneracy between the Regge slope of mesons and baryons in QCD. We argue that within the "orientifold large-N approximation" asymptotically massive mesons and baryons become supersymmetric partners and hence degenerate. To this end, we generalize QCD by a SU(N) theory with a quark in the two-index antisymmetric representation. We show that in this framework the meson is represented by an oriented bosonic QCD-string and the baryon is represented by an un-oriented fermionic QCD-string. At large-N, due to an equivalence with super Yang-Mills, the tensions of the bosonic and the fermionic strings coincide. Our description of mesons and baryons as oriented and un-oriented bosonic and fermionic QCD-strings is in full agreement with the spectra of open strings in the dual type 0' string theory.Comment: v2: extended version. Appendices and references adde

    Drastic facilitation of the onset of global chaos in a periodically driven Hamiltonian system due to an extremum in the dependence of eigenfrequency on energy

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    The Chirikov resonance-overlap criterion predicts the onset of global chaos if nonlinear resonances overlap in energy, which is conventionally assumed to require a non-small magnitude of perturbation. We show that, for a time-periodic perturbation, the onset of global chaos may occur at unusually {\it small} magnitudes of perturbation if the unperturbed system possesses more than one separatrix. The relevant scenario is the combination of the overlap in the phase space between resonances of the same order and their overlap in energy with chaotic layers associated with separatrices of the unperturbed system. One of the most important manifestations of this effect is a drastic increase of the energy range involved into the unbounded chaotic transport in spatially periodic system driven by a rather {\it weak} time-periodic force, provided the driving frequency approaches the extremal eigenfrequency or its harmonics. We develop the asymptotic theory and verify it in simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, to appear PR

    Bose-Einstein Condensate Driven by a Kicked Rotor in a Finite Box

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    We study the effect of different heating rates of a dilute Bose gas confined in a quasi-1D finite, leaky box. An optical kicked-rotor is used to transfer energy to the atoms while two repulsive optical beams are used to confine the atoms. The average energy of the atoms is localized after a large number of kicks and the system reaches a nonequilibrium steady state. A numerical simulation of the experimental data suggests that the localization is due to energetic atoms leaking over the barrier. Our data also indicates a correlation between collisions and the destruction of the Bose-Einstein condensate fraction.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Web-assisted tunneling in the kicked harmonic oscillator

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    We show that heating of harmonically trapped ions by periodic delta kicks is dramatically enhanced at isolated values of the Lamb-Dicke parameter. At these values, quasienergy eigenstates localized on island structures undergo avoided crossings with extended web-states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    A classical scaling theory of quantum resonances

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    The quantum resonances occurring with delta-kicked particles are studied with the help of a fictitious classical limit, establishing a direct correspondence between the nearly resonant quantum motion and the classical resonances of a related system. A scaling law which characterizes the structure of the resonant peaks is derived and numerically demonstrated.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Fig