113 research outputs found

    SCIAMACHY Calibration Lessons Learned

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    The presentation reviews SCIAMACHY calibration and presents the lessons to be learned for future/current instrument

    Atmospheric methane with SCIAMACHY: Operational Level 2 data analysis and verification

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    SCIAMACHY is a passive imaging spectrometer mounted on board ESA’s ENVISAT satellite to probe a large number of atmospheric trace gas species, such as methane, and their global distribution and evolution. Methane (CH4) is particularly interesting as it is one of the most abundant greenhouse gas in the Earth atmosphere. To analyze SCIAMACHY methane measurements, we used the DLR BIRRA (Beer InfraRed Retrieval Algorithm) to retrieve nadir methane concentrations from its infrared spectra in channel 6. By integrating the DLR BIRRA code into ESAs operational Level 2 processor, we expanded it to include atmospheric CH4 column measurements. We have therefore performed an extensive test and verification operation. Our tests are based on separate comparisons with existing space and ground-based obtained measurements of methane column density. We present here our strategy for quality check of this first version of a CH4 product. We will further discuss specific geographical areas we used to validate the products

    New Developments in the SCIAMACHY Level 2 Ground Processor Towards Version 7

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    SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric ChartographY) aboard ESA’s environmental satellite ENVISAT observed the Earth’s atmosphere in limb, nadir, and solar/lunar occultation geometries covering the UV-Visible to NIR spectral range. It is a joint project of Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium and was launched in February 2002. SCIAMACHY doubled its originally planned in-orbit lifetime of five years before the communication to ENVISAT was severed in April 2012, and the mission entered its post-operational phase. In order to preserve the best quality of the outstanding data recorded by SCIAMACHY, data processors are still being updated. This presentation will highlight three new developments that are currently being incorporated into the forthcoming Version 7 of ESA’s operational Level 2 processor: 1. Tropospheric BrO, a new retrieval based on the scientific algorithm of (Theys et al., 2011). This algorithm had originally been developed for the GOME-2 sensor and was later adapted for SCIAMACHY. 2. Improved cloud flagging using limb measurements (Liebing, 2015). Limb cloud flags are already part of the SCIAMACHY L2 product. They are currently calculated employing the scientific algorithm developed by (Eichmann et al., 2015). Clouds are categorized into four types: water, ice, polar stratospheric and noctilucent clouds. High atmospheric aerosol loadings, however, often lead to spurious cloud flags, when aerosols had been misidentified as clouds. The new algorithm will better discriminate between aerosol and clouds. It will also have a higher sensitivity w.r.t. thin clouds. 3. A new, future-proof file format for the level 2 product based on NetCDF. The data format will be aligned and harmonized with other missions, particularly GOME and Sentinels. The final concept for the new format is still under discussion within the SCIAMACHY Quality Working Group

    Pattern formation in quantum Turing machines

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    We investigate the iteration of a sequence of local and pair unitary transformations, which can be interpreted to result from a Turing-head (pseudo-spin SS) rotating along a closed Turing-tape (MM additional pseudo-spins). The dynamical evolution of the Bloch-vector of SS, which can be decomposed into 2M2^{M} primitive pure state Turing-head trajectories, gives rise to fascinating geometrical patterns reflecting the entanglement between head and tape. These machines thus provide intuitive examples for quantum parallelism and, at the same time, means for local testing of quantum network dynamics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.A, 3 figures, REVTEX fil

    SCIAMACHY: The new Level 0-1 Processor

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    SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY) is a scanning nadir and limb spectrometer covering the wavelength range from 212 nm to 2386 nm in 8 channels. It is a joint project of Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium and was launched in February 2002 on the ENVISAT platform. After the platform failure in April 2012, SCIAMACHY is now in the postprocessing phase F. SCIAMACHY�s originally specified in-orbit lifetime was double the planned lifetime. SCIAMACHY was designed to measure column densities and vertical profiles of trace gas species in the mesosphere, in the stratosphere and in the troposphere (Bovensmann et al., 1999). It can detect a large amount of atmospheric gases (e.g. O3 , H2CO, CHOCHO, SO2 , BrO, OClO, NO2 , H2O, CO, CH4 , among others ) and can provide information about aerosols and clouds. The operational processing of SCIAMACHY is split into Level 0-1 processing (essentially providing calibrated radiances) and Level 1-2 processing providing geophysical products. The operational Level 0-1 processor has been completely re-coded and embedded in a newly developed framework that speeds up processing considerably. In the frame of the SCIAMACHY Quality Working Group activities, ESA is continuing the improvement of the archived data sets. Currently Version 9 of the Level 0-1 processor is being implemented. It will include An updated degradation correction Several improvements in the SWIR spectral range like a better dark correction, an improved dead & bad pixel characterisation and an improved spectral calibration Improvements to the polarisation correction algorithm Improvements to the geolocation by a better pointing characterisation Additionally a new format for the Level 1b and Level 1c will be implemented. The version 9 products will be available in netCDF version 4 that is aligned with the formats of the GOME -1 and Sentinel missions. We will present the first results of the new Level 0-1 processing in this paper

    The FDR4ATMOS Project

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    The FDR4ATMOS project has two main tasks. The focus of task A is to update the SCIAMACHY processing chain for better Ozone total columns. After the full re-processing of the SCIAMACHY mission with processor versions 9 (Level 1) and version 7 (Level 2), the comparison with ground-based data showed that the total Ozone column showed a downward trend of nearly 2% from the beginning of the time series to its end. This trend is an artefact and is likely caused by changes made to the calibration algorithms in the Level 1 processor (the DOAS retrieval algorithm for Ozone was not changed). The most likely reason are changes in the degradation correction that lead to subtle changes in the spectral structures that in the retrieval are interpreted as an atmospheric signature. In task A we will update the Level 0-1 processor with the final aim of a mission re-processing. The second task in the FDR4ATMOS project is to develop a cross-instrument Level 1 product for GOME-1 and SCIAMACHY for the UV, VIS and NIR spectral range with a focus on the spectral windows used for O3, SO2, NO2 total column retrieval and the determination of cloud properties. Contrary to other projects, FDR4ATMOS does not aim to build a harmonised time series on Level 2 products but on Level 1 products, i.e. radiances and reflectances. The GOME-1 and SCIAMACHY instrument together span 17 years of spectrally highly resolved data. The goal of the FDR4ATMOS project is to generate harmonised data sets that allow the user to use it directly in long term trend analysis, independent of the instrument. Since this was never done for highly resolved spectrometers, new methods have to be developed that e.g. take into account the different observation geometries and observation times of the instrument without impacting the spectral structures that are used for the retrieval of the atmospheric species. The resulting algorithms and the processor should also be as generic as possible to be able to transfer the methodology easily to other instruments (e.g. GOME-2, Sentinel-5p) for a future extension of the time series. The FDR4ATMOS started in October 2019 and is currently in phase 1. We will present the goals of the project and first results

    SCIAMACHY: Level 0-1 Processor V9 and Phase F Re-processing

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    SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY) is a scanning nadir and limb spectrometer covering the wavelength range from 212 nm to 2386 nm in 8 channels. It is a joint project of Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium and was launched in February 2002 on the ENVISAT platform. After the platform failure in April 2012, SCIAMACHY is now in the postprocessing phase F. Its originally specified in-orbit lifetime was double the planned lifetime. SCIAMACHY was designed to measure column densities and vertical profiles of trace gas species in the mesosphere, in the stratosphere and in the troposphere (Bovensmann et al., 1999). It can detect a large amount of atmospheric gases (e.g. O3 , H2CO, CHOCHO, SO2 , BrO, OClO, NO2 , H2O, CO, CH4 , among others ) and can provide information about aerosols and clouds. The operational processing of SCIAMACHY is split into Level 0-1 processing (essentially providing calibrated radiances) and Level 1-2 processing providing geophysical products. The operational Level 0-1 processor has been completely re-coded and embedded in a newly developed framework that speeds up processing considerably. In the frame of the SCIAMACHY Quality Working Group activities, ESA is continuing the improvement of the archived data sets. Version 9 of the Level 0-1 processor includes - An updated degradation correction - Improvements to the polarisation correction algorithm - Improvements to the geolocation by a better pointing characterisation - Several improvements in the SWIR spectral range like a better dark correction, an improved dead & bad pixel characterisation and an improved spectral calibration The new format for the Level 1b and Level 1c will be netCDF V4. We will present the verification results and the results of the mission re-processing

    The CO2Image mission: retrieval studies and performance analysis

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    The CO2Image satellite mission, led by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), aims to demonstrate the feasibility of quantifying carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from medium-size point sources. Several DLR institutes are currently working on the reliminary design phase (Phase B) of the mission. Here we present a performance analysis based on the current instrument specifications. The Beer InfraRed Retrieval Algorithm (BIRRA), the line-by-line radiative transfer model Py4CAtS (Python for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy) and a COSIS (Carbon dioxide Sensing Imaging Spectrometer) instrument model are employed to infer CO2 and CH4 concentrations from synthetic COSIS spectra. We evaluate the instrument's performance and determine if it meets the intended requirements. The study assesses uncertainties in the retrieved concentrations as well as errors in point source emission estimates caused by instrument noise. First results suggest that the detection and quantification limits stated in the mission requirements document are justified. The analysis also demonstrates that retrieval errors tend to increase when the signal-to-noise ratio is low, complicating the distinction between emission sources and background concentrations. Furthermore, we discuss non-instrumental effects and demonstrate that the fit quality significantly improves if a low-level plume is scaled instead of a background reference profile that covers the atmosphere's full vertical extent. The analysis on heterogeneous scenes (high albedo contrast) reveals that the various instrument setups perform similarly for both molecules

    CO2Image retrieval studies and performance analysis

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    Current and planned satellite missions such as the Japanese GOSAT (Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite) and NASA's OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) series and the upcoming Copernicus Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M) mission aim to constrain national and regional-scale emissions down to scales of urban agglomerations and large point sources. The CO2Image demonstrator mission of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is specifically designed to detect and quantify carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from medium-size point sources. To this end its COSIS (Carbon dioxide Sensing Imaging Spectrometer) push-broom grating spectrometer measures reflected solar radiation with a high spatial resolution of 50x50 m2, covering tiles of ~50x50 km2 extent. The instrument has a moderate spectral resolution of approximately ~1 nm and observes in a single spectral window in the 2 µm region. Here we present and discuss the impact of the expected COSIS performance on the retrieved level-2 data. The level-1 data (spectra) are generated using the Py4CAtS (Python for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy) line-by-line radiative transfer model and the COSIS SIMulator (COSIS-SIM). Based on the COSIS instrument parameters the analysis examines the retrieval errors related to noise which allows to estimate the detection and quantification limit of CO2 and CH4 emission rates at the instrument's spatial and spectral resolution. We further discuss the effect of heterogeneous scenes, i.e. high contrast surfaces that cause an effective distortion of the spectral response function by non-uniform illumination of the entrance slit. Finally, we assess the influence of initial guess values for the plume's vertical extent and shape on the retrieval

    FDR4ATMOS (Task A): Improving SCIAMACHY Level 1 and add calibrated lunar data

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    The project FDR4ATMOS (Fundamental Data Records in the domain of satellite Atmospheric Composition) has been initiated by the European Space Agency (ESA). Task A of the project covers the improvement of the SCIAMACHY Level 1b degradation correction, with the aim to remove ozone trends from the SCIAMACHY Level 2 data set that were introduced during the development of baseline version 9 (both data sets not released). We will also, for the first time, add calibrated lunar data to Level 1, covering the whole spectral range of SCIAMACHY and the full mission time. The SCIAMACHY processing chain for better Ozone total column data: After the full re-processing of the SCIAMACHY mission with the updated processor versions, the validation showed that the total Ozone column drifted downward by nearly 2% over the mission lifetime. This drift is likely caused by changes in the degradation correction in the Level 1 processor, that led to subtle changes in the spectral structures. These are misinterpreted as an atmospheric signature. We updated the Level 0-1 processor accordingly and a full mission re-processing was done. As a major improvement we additionally incorporated calibrated lunar data in the SCIAMACHY Level 1b product. In the new Level 1b product we will provide the individual scans of the moon as well as disk integrated and calibrated lunar irradiance and reflectance. The instrument performed regular lunar observations building up a unique 10 year data set of lunar spectra from the UV to the SWIR with moderately high spectral resolution. SCIAMACHY scanned the full lunar disk and over the ten year mission time made 1123 observations of the moon. Most satellites can only observe the moon under very specific geometries due to instrument-viewing and orbit restrictions. SCIAMACHY, however, with a two mirror pointing system was much less constrained and was able to observe the moon under an extreme large variation of geometries (especially during dedicated lunar observation campaigns), allowing it thus potentially to tie different satellites and geometry observations together. During the individual lunar observations, SCIAMACHY only saw a small slice of the Moon and scanned over the moon in order to obtain data for the full disk. We combined the individual calibrated scans, correcting for scan speed and the fact the Moon does not fill the entire slit length. The calculation of distance-normalized lunar reflectances did not require an external solar spectrum, but used solar measurements of SCIAMACHY itself. This version of Level 1 will also be the first one that replaces the ENVISAT byte stream format with the netCDF format that is aligned with the product format of other atmospheric sensors like the Sentinels The paper will present the improvements of the Level 1 product, the results of the quality control and validation