
SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY) is a scanning nadir and limb spectrometer covering the wavelength range from 212 nm to 2386 nm in 8 channels. It is a joint project of Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium and was launched in February 2002 on the ENVISAT platform. After the platform failure in April 2012, SCIAMACHY is now in the postprocessing phase F. Its originally specified in-orbit lifetime was double the planned lifetime. SCIAMACHY was designed to measure column densities and vertical profiles of trace gas species in the mesosphere, in the stratosphere and in the troposphere (Bovensmann et al., 1999). It can detect a large amount of atmospheric gases (e.g. O3 , H2CO, CHOCHO, SO2 , BrO, OClO, NO2 , H2O, CO, CH4 , among others ) and can provide information about aerosols and clouds. The operational processing of SCIAMACHY is split into Level 0-1 processing (essentially providing calibrated radiances) and Level 1-2 processing providing geophysical products. The operational Level 0-1 processor has been completely re-coded and embedded in a newly developed framework that speeds up processing considerably. In the frame of the SCIAMACHY Quality Working Group activities, ESA is continuing the improvement of the archived data sets. Version 9 of the Level 0-1 processor includes - An updated degradation correction - Improvements to the polarisation correction algorithm - Improvements to the geolocation by a better pointing characterisation - Several improvements in the SWIR spectral range like a better dark correction, an improved dead & bad pixel characterisation and an improved spectral calibration The new format for the Level 1b and Level 1c will be netCDF V4. We will present the verification results and the results of the mission re-processing

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