15 research outputs found

    A longitudinal examination of perinatal testosterone, estradiol and vitamin D as predictors of handedness outcomes in childhood and adolescence

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    The developmental origins of handedness remain elusive, though very early emergence suggests individual differences manifesting in utero could play an important role. Prenatal testosterone and Vitamin D exposure are considered, yet findings and interpretations remain equivocal. We examined n = 767 offspring from a population-based pregnancy cohort (The Raine Study) for whom early biological data and childhood/adolescent handedness data were available. We tested whether 18-week maternal circulatory Vitamin D (25[OH]D), and testosterone and estradiol from umbilical cord blood sampled at birth predicted variance in direction of hand preference (right/left), along with right- and left-hand speed, and the strength and direction of relative hand skill as measured by a finger-tapping task completed at 10 (Y10) and/or 16 (Y16) years. Although higher concentrations of Vitamin D predicted more leftward and less lateralized (regardless of direction) relative hand skill profiles, taken as a whole, statistically significant findings typically did not replicate across time-point (Y10/Y16) or sex (male/female) and were rarely detected across different (bivariate/multivariate) levels of analysis. Considering the number of statistical tests and generally inconsistent findings, our results suggest that perinatal testosterone and estradiol contribute minimally, if at all, to subsequent variance in handedness. Vitamin D, however, may be of interest in future studies

    Reduced relative volume in motor and attention regions in developmental coordination disorder: a voxel-based morphometry study.

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    Background and Objectives: Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a prevalent childhood movement disorder, impacting the ability to perform movement skills at an age appropriate level. Although differences in grey matter (GM) volumes have been found in related developmental disorders, no such evidence has been linked with DCD to date. This cross-sectional study assessed structural brain differences in children with and without DCD. Methods: High-resolution structural images were acquired from 44 children aged 7.8–12 years, including 22 children with DCD (≤16th percentile on MABC-2; no ADHD/ASD), and 22 typically developing controls (≥20th percentile on MABC-2). Structural voxel-based morphology analysis was performed to determine group differences in focal GM volumes. Results: Children with DCD were found to have significant, large, right lateralised reductions in grey matter volume in the medial and middle frontal, and superior frontal gyri compared to controls. The addition of motor proficiency as a covariate explained the between-group GM volume differences, suggesting that GM volumes in motor regions are reflective of the level of motor proficiency. A positive correlation between motor proficiency and relative GM volume was also identified in the left posterior cingulate and precuneus. Conclusions: GM volume reductions in premotor frontal regions may underlie the motor difficulties characteristic of DCD. It is possible that intervention approaches targeting motor planning, attention, and executive functioning processes associated with the regions of reduced GM volume may result in functional improvements in children with DCD

    Cortical functioning in children with developmental coordination disorder:a motor overflow study

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    This study examined brain activation in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) to reveal areas that may contribute to poor movement execution and/or abundant motor overflow. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, 13 boys with DCD (mean age = 9.6 years ±0.8) and 13 typically developing controls (mean age = 9.3 years ±0.6) were scanned performing two tasks (finger sequencing and hand clenching) with their dominant hand, while a four-finger motion sensor recorded contralateral motor overflow on their non-dominant hand. Despite displaying increased motor overflow on both functional tasks during scanning, there were no obvious activation deficits in the DCD group to explain the abundant motor overflow seen. However, children with DCD were found to display decreased activation in the left superior frontal gyrus on the finger-sequencing task, an area which plays an integral role in executive and spatially oriented processing. Decreased activation was also seen in the left inferior frontal gyrus, an area typically active during the observation and imitation of hand movements. Finally, increased activation in the right postcentral gyrus was seen in children with DCD, which may reflect increased reliance on somatosensory information during the execution of complex fine motor tasks

    Assessment of motor functioning in the preschool period

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    The assessment of motor functioning in young children has become increasingly important in recent years with the acknowledgement that motor impairment is linked with cognitive, language, social and emotional difficulties. However, there is no one gold standard assessment tool to investigate motor ability in children. The aim of the current paper was to discuss the issues related to the assessment of motor ability in young pre-school children and to provide guidelines on the best approach for motor assessment. The paper discusses the maturational changes in brain development at the preschool level in relation to motor ability. Other issues include sex differences in motor ability at this young age, and evidence for this in relation to sociological versus biological influences. From the previous literature it is unclear what needs to be assessed in relation to motor functioning. Should the focus be underlying motor processes or movement skill assessment? Several key assessment tools are discussed that produce a general measure of motor performance followed by a description of tools that assess specific skills, such as fine and gross motor, ball and graphomotor skills. The paper concludes with recommendations on the best approach in assessing motor function in pre-school children

    The effect of parental logistic support on physical activity in children with, or at risk of, movement difficulties

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    Objectives: In a sample of children with, or at risk of, movement difficulties, (1) To test the direct effects of children's perceptions of parents' logistic support for physical activity on children's physical activity-related self-perceptions and on children's physical activity levels, and (2) To explore the indirect relationship between children's perceptions of parents' logistic support for physical activity and children's physical activity levels through children's physical activity-related self-perceptions. Design: Cross-sectional observation study. Methods: Data were collected from 120 children aged 6 to 12 years; movement proficiency levels were determined using the movement assessment battery for children-2 test. Children's perspectives of parental support for physical activity were captured using the Activity Support Scale for Multiple Groups child report. Children's self-perceptions towards physical activity were reported with the Children's Self- perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilections for physical activity, and time spent in physical activity were measured using accelerometers. Results: There was no significant direct effect between perceived levels of parents' logistic support for physical activity and children's physical activity. A significant indirect relationship between these variables was discovered, with higher perceived levels of parent logistical support for physical activity predicting stronger perceptions of adequacy (i.e., confidence) toward physical activity participation among children, which in turn was associated with increased physical activity minutes. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that irrespective of a child's movement ability, children's perceptions of parents' logistic support for physical activity indirectly and positively predicts children's physical activity levels, via children's confidence for physical activity

    Exploring associations between neuromuscular performance, hypermobility, and children's motor competence

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    Objectives: To evaluate if neuromuscular performance and hypermobility are factors associated with children’s motor competence. Design: Cross-sectional observation study. Methods: Data was collected on 60 children aged 6–12 years; motor competence was determined using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 test, with children classified into 3 groups (Typically Developing n = 30; ‘At Risk’ of low motor competence (LMC) n = 9; LMC n = 21). Neuromuscular performance was determined utilising the Resistance Training Skills Battery for Children (RTSBc), 5-repetition maximum (5RM) leg press and Biodex dynamometry to assess isometric and isokinetic peak torque of the knee flexors and extensors. Hypermobility was measured using the Beighton and Lower Limb Assessment Score. Results: Between-groups MANCOVA revealed typically developing children scored significantly higher on the RTSBc than those ‘at risk’ of LMC (p = 0.021) and those in the LMC group (p < 0.001). 5RM scores also differed between groups, with typically developing children achieving significantly higher scores than the LMC group. No differences were found between groups for isometric or isokinetic measures of strength. Sequential regression analysis revealed neuromuscular performance variables explained 44.7% of the variance in motor competence, with RTSBc (p < 0.001) and 5RM (p = 0.019) emerging as positive significant predictors. Hypermobility failed to explain significant variance in motor competence beyond that explained by neuromuscular performance. Conclusions: Neuromuscular performance of children varies according to levels of motor competence, with those with LMC performing poorly on tasks requiring multi-joint movement. Furthermore, neuromuscular performance predicted almost half the variance observed in motor competence and highlights a novel intervention strategy

    Physiological characteristics, self-perceptions, and parental support of physical activity in children with, or at risk of, developmental coordination disorder

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    Children with low movement proficiency have been identified as having poorer physiological and psychosocial outcomes; however, the varied measurement approaches used to assess these outcomes have varied resulting in conflicting evidence regarding the presence and magnitude of differences compared to Typically Developing (TD) children. Additionally, there has been limited research into the role of parental support for physical activity (PA) in this group. We compared children with varying levels of movement proficiency on physiological characteristics and self-perceptions regarding PA. In addition, these children's parents were compared on physiological characteristics and support of their children's PA. Children (N = 117) aged 6 to 12 years, along with their parent/guardian, participated in this study. Children were classified according to the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 test (Typically Developing (TD) = 60; At Risk = 19; Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) = 38). Children's PA, muscle strength, cardio-respiratory fitness (CRF), body composition, and self-perceptions regarding PA were assessed, with parents assessed on CRF, body composition, and PA support. Compared to TD children, children with DCD had lower PA (p = 0.036), predilection (p ≤0.001) and adequacy (p ≤0.001) regarding PA, higher body fat percentage (p = 0.019), and received less logistic support (i.e., transportation) from their parents (p = 0.012). TD children had increased muscle strength compared to the DCD (p ≤ 0.001) and At Risk (p ≤ 0.001) groups. Results indicated that, relative to TD children, children with DCD have multiple physiological deficits, receive less parental logistic support for PA involvement, and report lower scores on psychological constructs that are predictive of PA involvement

    The Relationship Between Motor Skills, Social Problems, and ADHD Symptomatology: Does It Vary According to Parent and Teacher Report?

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    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the relationship between motor performance; attentional, hyperactive, and impulsive symptoms; and social problems. Correlations between parents' versus teachers' ratings of social problems and ADHD symptomatology were also examined. METHOD: A total of 129 children aged 9 to 12 years were included. ADHD symptoms and social problems were identified based on Conners' Rating Scales-Revised: L, and the McCarron Assessment of Neuromuscular Development was used to assess motor skills. RESULTS: After controlling for ADHD symptomatology, motor skills remained a significant predictor of social problems in the teacher model but not in the parent model. After controlling for motor skills, inattentive (not hyperactive-impulsive) symptoms were a significant predictor of social problems in the parent model, whereas hyperactive-impulsive (not inattentive) symptoms were a significant predictor of social problems in the teacher model. CONCLUSION: The findings suggested that intervention strategies should consider the interaction between symptoms and environmental contexts