100 research outputs found

    Hammer Seismic Reflection Imaging in an Urban Environment

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    Subsurface characterization within urban centers is critically important for city planners, municipalities, and engineers to estimate groundwater resources, track contaminants, assess earthquake or landslide hazards, and many other similar objectives. Improving geophysical imaging methods and results, while minimizing costs, provides greater opportunities for city/project planners and geophysicists alike to take advantage of the improved characterization afforded by the particular method. Seismic reflection results can provide hydrogeologic constraints for groundwater models, provide slip rate estimates for active faults, or simply map stratigraphy to provide target depth estimate. While many traditional urban seismic transects have included the use of vibroseis sources to improve reflection signals and attenuate cultural noise, low-cost and high-quality near-surface seismic reflection data can be obtained within an urban environment using impulsive sources at a variety of scales and at production rates that can significantly exceed those of swept sources

    First Results from HOTSPOT: The Snake River Plain Scientific Drilling Project, Idaho, U.S.A.

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    HOTSPOT is an international collaborative effort to understand the volcanic history of the Snake River Plain (SRP). The SRP overlies a thermal anomaly, the Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot, that is thought to represent a deep-seated mantle plume under North America. The primary goal of this project is to document the volcanic and stratigraphic history of the SRP, which represents the surface expression of this hotspot, and to understand how it affected the evolution of continental crust and mantle. An additional goal is to evaluate the geothermal potential of southern Idaho. Project HOTSPOT has completed three drill holes. (1) The Kimama site is located along the central volcanic axis of the SRP; our goal here was to sample a long-term record of basaltic volcanism in the wake of the SRP hotspot. (2) The Kimberly site is located near the margin of the plain; our goal here was to sample a record of high-temperature rhyolite volcanism associated with the underlying plume. This site was chosen to form a nominally continuous record of volcanism when paired with the Kimama site. (3) The Mountain Home site is located in the western plain; our goal here was to sample the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition in lake sediments at this site and to sample older basalts that underlie the sediments. We report here on our initial results for each site, and on some of the geophysical logging studies carried out as part of this project

    Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis, Phase 3: A Provisional Conceptual Model of the Camas Prairie, Snake River Plain, Idaho

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    The Snake River Plain (SRP) Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis team identified two regions of interest during Phase 2 studies: the western SRP near Mountain Home, Idaho and Camas Prairie, Idaho. New geological, geochemical, and geophysical (gravity, magnetic, MT, seismic) studies of both areas led to a focus on Camas Prairie for validation during Phase 3. Camas Prairie is an EW-trending half-graben bounded on the north by the Idaho Batholith and on the south by the Mount Bennett Hills. Camas Prairie is bisected by a major NW-trending fault system (The Pothole fault) that separates NW-trending faults to east from ENE-trending faults to the west. The Camas Prairie geothermal system is indicated by warm springs and wells, geophysical evidence of buried faults and basins, mapped faults, elevated 3He/4He ratios, moderate calculated reservoir temperatures, and the occurrence of young basalt vents and lava flows along the range front. High permeability is suggested by the confluence of intersecting faults, including the range front system and the Pothole fault system, the presence of springs along mapped structural features, and dilational stress along major NW-trending fault systems. Basaltic vents as young as 692 ka along the range front are offset by late Pleistocene faults, indicating relatively recent magmatic flux and tectonic activity. Prolonged heat flux is inferred to result from mid- to shallow crustal sills, similar to those observed farther south. Magnetotelluric studies suggest the presence of a clay seal over the prospective target area that may result in part from hydrothermal alteration. Our model is similar to that proposed for the western SRP but is less energetic due to the smaller volume of magma inferred. It is also similar to Basin-and-Range geothermal systems, but differs by including a distinct magmatic heat component

    Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Snake River Plain: Phase 2

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    Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) is a methodology adapted from the petroleum industry that integrates data at the regional or basin scale to define favorable plays for exploration in a systematic fashion. Phase 2 of our Play Fairway Analysis of the Western Snake River Plain (WSRP) province in southern Idaho had three primary goals: first, to fill data gaps in critical areas in order to better define potential prospects, second, to integrate these data into new thermal and structural models, and finally, to infer the location of potential resources and drilling targets that could be validated during Phase 3. Prospects in the WSRP identified as potential target resources for Phase 3 validation include the Mountain Home region close to the Air Force Base, and the Camas Prairie. The Mountain Home region represents a blind geothermal resource in an area of high heat flow and young volcanism. The Camas Prairie is a, structurally controlled resource in an area with indicators of magmatic heat. New geophysical data acquired at these sites includes reflection seismic, gravity and magnetic surveys, and a magnetotelluric field survey. New geochemical data collection focused on the Camas Prairie, and included the aqueous and isotope geochemistry of hot springs, cold springs, and wells (geothermal, groundwater, and irrigation). New field mapping, sampling, and basalt flow chronology was also conducted at Camas Prairie. Integrated results from Phase 1 and 2 studies suggest that the system near the Mountain Home Air Force Base is located at ~1.5–2.3 km depth, and the structurally-controlled system at Camas Prairie is shallower, with upper reservoir depths perhaps only ~0.5–0.7 km

    Seeing Through the Noise: Seismic Reflection Profiling in Urban Areas

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    Studies for urban hazard or resource assessment often take place in densely populated areas characterized by considerable cultural noise. These site conditions can severely compromise seismic reflection data quality. We have collected vibroseis and hammer (weight drop) seismic reflection data in a range of geologic conditions to image stratigraphy and structures in the upper one km along regional highways, city streets,and power line access roads. In addition to the challenges of safety and outreach, acquisition efforts along busy streets and highways often encounter poor receiver coupling and large-amplitude coherent noise from traffic and power lines. Although higher quality seismic reflection data may be obtained by simply choosing alternate sites with less cultural noise, modifications to the acquisition and processing step scan minimize the effects of cultural noise and poor coupling where profiling is most relevant. Flagging crews, flyers and public announcements assist with outreach and safety concerns, and the local news media are often enthusiastic about publicizing geologic studies. Recording long-record vibroseis data reduces the effects of noise by itself,but data quality can be further optimized by recording uncorrelated,unstacked data and applying precorrelation amplitude adjustments and filters. Recording individual hammer shots likewise allows gains or mutes to normalize or remove traffic noise prior to vertical stacking. Large numbers of receiver channels allow attenuation of random noise and velocity filtering to remove coherent noise. Because ground roll and normal moveout (NMO) corrections minimize near-surface coverage, asymmetric source-receiver geometry allows for additional near-surface fold while muting large amplitude ground rolland NMO stretch. Source and geophone coupling on road shoulder scan degrade signal quality due to variable materials and topography,but these problems are often addressed with static corrections. Our experience is that high-quality seismic data can be obtained in noisy urban areas, but many recorded channels and a careful attention to acquisition and processing procedures can significantly improve the results

    Locating Oil Spills Under Sea Ice Using Ground-Penetrating Radar

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    The accelerating level of interest in arctic oil and gas exploration was demonstrated in the overwhelming response to recent lease sales in the Alaskan OCS region. As development increases, the potential for accidental oil spills in the arctic marine environment increases. The need for reliable systems to detect oil trapped in a range of ice conditions remains at the forefront of continued efforts to improve response to ocean spills

    Isolating Retrograde and Prograde Rayleigh-Wave Modes Using a Polarity Mute

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    Estimates of S-wave velocity with depth from Rayleigh-wave dispersion data are limited by the accuracy of fundamental and/or higher mode signal identification. In many scenarios, the fundamental mode propagates in retrograde motion, whereas higher modes propagate in prograde motion. This difference in particle motion (or polarity) can be used by joint analysis of vertical and horizontal inline recordings. We have developed a novel method that isolates modes by separating prograde and retrograde motions; we call this a polarity mute. Applying this polarity mute prior to traditional multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) analysis improves phase velocity estimation for fundamental and higher mode dispersion. This approach, in turn, should lead to improvement of S-wave velocity estimates with depth. With two simple models and a field example, we have highlighted the complexity of the Rayleigh-wave particle motions and determined improved MASW dispersion images using the polarity mute. Our results show that we can separate prograde and retrograde signals to independently process fundamental and higher mode signals, in turn allowing us to identify lower frequency dispersion when compared with single component data. These examples demonstrate that the polarity mute approach can improve estimates of S-wave velocities with depth

    Upper-Plate Structure and Tsunamigenic Faults Near the Kodiak Islands, Alaska, USA

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    The Kodiak Islands lie near the southern terminus of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake rupture area and within the Kodiak subduction zone segment. Both local and trans-Pacific tsunamis were generated during this devastating megathrust event, but the local tsunami source region and the causative faults are poorly understood. We provide an updated view of the tsunami and earthquake hazard for the Kodiak Islands region through tsunami modeling and geophysical data analysis. Using seismic and bathymetric data, we characterize a regionally extensive seafloor lineament related to the Kodiak shelf fault zone, with focused uplift along a 50-km-long portion of the newly named Ugak fault as the most likely source of the local Kodiak Islands tsunami in 1964. We present evidence of Holocene motion along the Albatross Banks fault zone, but we suggest that this fault did not produce a tsunami in 1964. We relate major structural boundaries to active forearc splay faults, where tectonic uplift is collocated with gravity lineations. Differences in interseismic locking, seismicity rates, and potential field signatures argue for different stress conditions at depth near presumed segment boundaries. We find that the Kodiak segment boundaries have a clear geophysical expression and are linked to upper-plate structure and splay faulting. The tsunamigenic fault hazard is higher for the Kodiak shelf fault zone when compared to the nearby Albatross Banks fault zone, suggesting short wave travel paths and little tsunami warning time for nearby communities

    Near-Surface Imaging of a Hydrogeothermal System at Mount Princeton, Colorado Using 3D Seismic, Self-Potential, and DC Resistivity Data

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    The Upper Arkansas Valley in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado is the northernmost extensional basin of the Rio Grande Rift(Figure 1). The valley is a half graben bordered to the east and west by the Mosquito and Sawatch ranges,respectively. The Sawatch Range is home to the Collegiate Peaks,which include some of the highest summits in the Rocky Mountains. Some Collegiate Peaks over 4250 m (14,000 ft) from north to south include Mount Harvard, Mount Yale, Mount Princeton,and Mount Antero. The Sawatch range-front normal fault strikes north-northwest along the eastern margin of the Collegiate Peaks and is characterized by a right-lateral offset between the Mount Princeton batholith and Mount Antero. This offset in basin-bounding faults is accommodated by a northeast-southwest dextral strike-slip transfer fault (Richards et al.,2010) and coincides with an area of hydrogeothermal activity and Mount Princeton Hot Springs. This transfer fault is here termed the Chalk Creek fault due to it\u27s alignment with the Chalk Creek valley. A 250-m high erosional scarp, called the Chalk Cliffs, lies along the northern boundary of this valley.The cliffs are geothermally altered quartz monzonite and not chalk.These cliffs coincide with the Chalk Creek fault, whose intersection with the Sawatch range-front normal fault results in a primary pathway for upwelling geothermal waters

    Megathrust Splay Faults at the Focus of the Prince William Sound Asperity, Alaska

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    [1] High-resolution sparker and crustal-scale air gun seismic reflection data, coupled with repeat bathymetric surveys, document a region of repeated coseismic uplift on the portion of the Alaska subduction zone that ruptured in 1964. This area defines the western limit of Prince William Sound. Differencing of vintage and modern bathymetric surveys shows that the region of greatest uplift related to the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake was focused along a series of subparallel faults beneath Prince William Sound and the adjacent Gulf of Alaska shelf. Bathymetric differencing indicates that 12 m of coseismic uplift occurred along two faults that reached the seafloor as submarine terraces on the Cape Cleare bank southwest of Montague Island. Sparker seismic reflection data provide cumulative Holocene slip estimates as high as 9 mm/yr along a series of splay thrust faults within both the inner wedge and transition zone of the accretionary prism. Crustal seismic data show that these megathrust splay faults root separately into the subduction zone décollement. Splay fault divergence from this megathrust correlates with changes in midcrustal seismic velocity and magnetic susceptibility values, best explained by duplexing of the subducted Yakutat terrane rocks above Pacific plate rocks along the trailing edge of the Yakutat terrane. Although each splay fault is capable of independent motion, we conclude that the identified splay faults rupture in a similar pattern during successive megathrust earthquakes and that the region of greatest seismic coupling has remained consistent throughout the Holocene