51 research outputs found

    ERGs on the brain: the benefits of simultaneous flash retinal and cortical responses in paediatric cerebral visual impairment

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    PURPOSE: To highlight the importance of simultaneous flash electroretinogram (ERG) and visual evoked potential (VEP) recording to differentiate a true flash VEP response from an artefact caused by the intrusion of the ERG on a mid-frontal reference electrode in cases of severe cerebral visual impairment (CVI). METHODS: We report an observational case series of four children with severe CVI who underwent simultaneous flash ERG and VEP recordings. Flash VEPs from Oz-Fz and lower lid skin ERGs referred to Fz were recorded simultaneously to Grass intensity setting 4 flash stimulation. RESULTS: In all cases, atypical, but reproducible VEPs were evident. Comparison of the timing and waveform of the VEPs and ERGs showed the occipital responses were inverted ERGs and no true flash VEP was evident. CONCLUSIONS: While ISCEV and neurophysiology standards do not require the simultaneous recording of the flash ERG with the VEP, these cases highlight the usefulness of this non-invasive technique particularly in suspected paediatric cerebral visual impairment to differentiate a true VEP from an artefact caused by ERG contamination

    7 Scoping review of homonymous hemianopia in childhood

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    Cerebral visual impairment (CVI) encompasses a heterogeneous group of disorders and a spectrum of types of visual impairments. Research is needed to characterise the different forms of CVI and identify the specific needs of these groups to inform individualised patient care. Homonymous hemianopia (HH) is a definable visual field defect that affect some children with CVI. As part of a new research programme, we conducted a scoping review of the literature on HH in children and young people to map current knowledge and identify evidence gaps.We used the PRISMA extension for Scoping Reviews methodology. Multiple online databases were searched using terms associated with 'homonymous hemianopia' and 'children'. This yielded 1588 papers which were screened by two reviewers. Of these 1001 were excluded at abstract screen and a further 415 excluded after full text review, with full text unavailable for 15. Data were extracted and charted from 157 studies and additional grey literature.Interim analysis shows reported studies are predominantly from high income countries with a paucity of higher-level evidence, and a preponderance of case reports. Most papers reported causative pathology and diagnosis of HH. There was minimal attention to or evidence relating to intervention. Child-specific grey literature on HH was limited.This review collates the current evidence-base for HH in children. It demonstrates the important evidence-gap relating to intervention in these cases that would help inform more individualised care. Similar scoping reviews may be prove useful in assessing the evidence relating to other definable groups within the CVI umbrella

    Reduction of severe visual loss and complications following intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) for refractory retinoblastoma.

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    BACKGROUND: Intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) for retinoblastoma has been documented as causing visual loss and ocular motility problems. A lack of safety data has precluded its acceptance in all centres. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study of patients with retinoblastoma from 2013 to 2015 who had a healthy foveola and relapsed following systemic chemotherapy. All required IAC. The correlation of complications with doses of melphalan +/- topotecan used and putative catheterisation complications was assessed. Ocular complications were determined using vision, macular (including pattern visual evoked potentials (PVEPs)), retinal electroretinograms (ERGs) and ocular motility functions. Efficacy (tumour control) was also assessed. RESULTS: All eyes had age appropriate doses of melphalan with five having additional doses of topotecan. Severe physiological reactions requiring adrenaline were seen in six patients during the catheterisation procedure. Difficulty was documented in accessing the ophthalmic artery in 7/27 catheterisations. The median/mean number of courses of chemotherapy was three. No child had severe visual loss as assessed by age appropriate tests (median follow-up 20.9 months, range 3.7-35.2 months). One child had nasal choroidal ischaemia and a sixth nerve palsy. Post-IAC PVEPs were performed in eight and reported as normal. All post-IAC ERGs were normal apart from one (total dose 20 mg melphalan 0.8 mg topotecan). Tumour control was achieved in six of nine cases. CONCLUSION: The proportion of visual and ocular motility complications may be reduced by providing age-adjusted doses of melphalan. Dose rather than complications from catheterisation is the most important risk factor for ocular injury

    Mapping degeneration of the visual system in long-term follow-up after childhood hemispherectomy - A series of four cases

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    OBJECTIVE: Although hemidisconnection surgery may eliminate or reduce seizure activity in patients with epilepsy, there are visual, cognitive and motor deficits which affect patients' function post-operatively, with varying severity and according to pathology. Consequently, there is a need to map microstructural changes over long time periods and develop/apply methods that work with legacy data. METHODS: In this study, we applied the novel single shell 3-Tissue method to data from a cohort of 4 patients who were scanned 20-years following childhood hemidisconnection surgery and presented with variable clinical outcomes. We have successfully reconstructed tractography of the whole visual pathway from single shell diffusion data with reduced number of gradient directions. RESULTS: All patients presented with degeneration of the visual system characterised by low fractional anisotropy and high mean diffusivity. There were no apparent microstructural differences between both optic nerves that could explain the different level of visual function across patients. However, we provide evidence suggesting an association between the level of visual function and DTI metrics within the remaining components of the visual system, particularly the optic tract, of the contralateral hemisphere post-surgery. SIGNIFICANCE: We believe this study suggests that diffusion MRI can be used to monitor the integrity of the visual system following hemispherectomy and if extended to larger cohorts and a greater number of time-points, including pre-surgically, can provide a clearer picture of the natural history of visual system degeneration. This knowledge may in turn help to identify patients at greatest risk of poor visual outcomes that might benefit from rehabilitation therapies

    Visual Function Twenty Years After Childhood Hemispherectomy for Intractable Epilepsy

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    PURPOSE: To investigate visual function in adults post hemispherectomy in childhood. DESIGN: Non-comparative case series. METHODS: All participants underwent visual acuity, binocular function, visual field, optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), and monocular pattern reversal visually evoked potentials (prVEP). PARTICIPANTS: 6 adults who had a hemispherectomy in childhood (median 21.5 years post-op). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Comparison was made of visual acuity, visual field height, global RNFL thickness and prVEP amplitude evoked by full and half field stimulation. Comparison of the eye ipsilateral to the side of surgery to the contralateral eye was achieved employing paired t-tests to the visual function measures. RESULTS: All participants had homonymous hemianopia. The residual seeing visual field was constricted in all cases when compared to normative data despite crossing the midline into the blind hemi field in 11/12 eyes. This observation was supported by prVEP's to stimuli presented in the blind half field. The height of visual field was smaller in the eye contralateral to side of surgery compared to the ipsilateral side (P=0.047). Visual acuity and RNFL thickness also showed greater diminution in the eye contralateral (P=0.040 and P=0.0004). Divergent strabismus was in four participants with greater field loss. CONCLUSIONS: Adults post hemispherectomy in childhood may have better visual function in the eye ipsilateral to the side of the hemispherectomy compared to the contralateral eye. Possible mechanisms of the inter-ocular difference are discussed. Though visual fields and prVEP responses demonstrate evidence of re-organization in to the blind half field, they also reveal significant un-expected constriction of the functional field

    Lack of association of cranial lacunae with intracranial hypertension in children with Crouzon syndrome and Apert syndrome: a 3D morphometric quantitative analysis

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    Purpose Cranial lacunae (foci of attenuated calvarial bone) are CT equivalents ofBcopper beating seen on plain skull radio-graphs in children with craniosynostosis. The qualitative presence of copper beating has not been found to be useful for the diagnosis of intracranial hypertension (IH) in these patients. 3D morphometric analysis (3DMA) allows a more systematic and quantitative assessment of calvarial attenuation. We used 3DMA to examine the relationship between cranial lacunae and IH in children with Crouzon and Apert syndromic craniosynostosis

    Study of Optimal Perimetric Testing In Children (OPTIC): Development and feasibility of the kinetic perimetry reliability measure (KPRM)

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    INTRODUCTION: Interpretation of perimetric findings, particularly in children, relies on accurate assessment of test reliability, yet no objective measures of reliability exist for kinetic perimetry. We developed the kinetic perimetry reliability measure (KPRM), a quantitative measure of perimetric test reproducibility/reliability and report here its feasibility and association with subjective assessment of reliability. METHODS: Children aged 5-15 years, without an ophthalmic condition that affects the visual field, were recruited from Moorfields Eye Hospital and underwent Goldmann perimetry as part of a wider research programme on perimetry in children. Subjects were tested with two isopters and the blind spot was plotted, followed by a KPRM. Test reliability was also scored qualitatively using our examiner-based assessment of reliability (EBAR) scoring system, which standardises the conventional clinical approach to assessing test quality. The relationship between KPRM and EBAR was examined to explore the use of KPRM in assessing reliability of kinetic fields. RESULTS: A total of 103 children (median age 8.9 years; IQR: 7.1 to 11.8 years) underwent Goldmann perimetry with KPRM and EBAR scoring. A KPRM was achieved by all children. KPRM values increased with reducing test quality (Kruskal-Wallis, p=0.005), indicating greater testretest variability, and reduced with age (linear regression, p=0.015). One of 103 children (0.97%) demonstrated discordance between EBAR and KPRM. CONCLUSION: KPRM and EBAR are distinct but complementary approaches. Though scores show excellent agreement, KPRM is able to quantify withintest variability, providing data not captured by subjective assessment. Thus, we suggest combining KPRM with EBAR to aid interpretation of kinetic perimetry test reliability in children

    Mutation of SALL2 causes recessive ocular coloboma in humans and mice.

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    Ocular coloboma is a congenital defect resulting from failure of normal closure of the optic fissure during embryonic eye development. This birth defect causes childhood blindness worldwide, yet the genetic etiology is poorly understood. Here, we identified a novel homozygous mutation in the SALL2 gene in members of a consanguineous family affected with non-syndromic ocular coloboma variably affecting the iris and retina. This mutation, c.85G>T, introduces a premature termination codon (p.Glu29*) predicted to truncate the SALL2 protein so that it lacks three clusters of zinc-finger motifs that are essential for DNA-binding activity. This discovery identifies SALL2 as the third member of the Drosophila homeotic Spalt-like family of developmental transcription factor genes implicated in human disease. SALL2 is expressed in the developing human retina at the time of, and subsequent to, optic fissure closure. Analysis of Sall2-deficient mouse embryos revealed delayed apposition of the optic fissure margins and the persistence of an anterior retinal coloboma phenotype after birth. Sall2-deficient embryos displayed correct posterior closure toward the optic nerve head, and upon contact of the fissure margins, dissolution of the basal lamina occurred and PAX2, known to be critical for this process, was expressed normally. Anterior closure was disrupted with the fissure margins failing to meet, or in some cases misaligning leading to a retinal lesion. These observations demonstrate, for the first time, a role for SALL2 in eye morphogenesis and that loss of function of the gene causes ocular coloboma in humans and mice

    Visual mismatch negativity to masked stimuli presented at very brief presentation rates

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    Mismatch Negativity (MMN) has been characterised as a ‘pre-attentive’ component of an event-related potential (ERP) that is related to discrimination and error prediction processes. The aim of the current experiment was to establish whether visual MMN could be recorded to briefly presented, backward and forward masked visual stimuli, given both below and above levels of subjective experience. Evidence of visual MMN elicitation in the absence of the ability to consciously report stimuli would provide strong evidence for the automaticity of the visual MMN mechanism. Using an oddball paradigm, two stimuli that differed in orientation from each other, an + and an x were presented on a computer screen. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from nine participants (six females), mean age 21.4 years. Results showed that for stimuli that were effectively masked at 7ms presentation, there was little variation in the ERPs evoked to standard and deviant stimuli or in the subtraction waveform employed to delineate the visual MMN. At 14 ms stimulus presentation, when participants were able to report stimulus presence, an enhanced negativity at around 175 ms and 305 ms was observed to the deviant and was evident in the subtraction waveform. Although some of the difference observed in the ERPs can be attributed to stimulus characteristics, the use of a ‘lonely’ deviant protocol revealed attenuated visual MMN components at 14 ms stimulus presentation. Overall, results suggest that some degree of conscious attention is required before visual MMN components emerge, suggesting visual MMN is not an entirely pre-attentive process
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