4 research outputs found

    Fully-printable soft actuator with variable stiffness by phase transition and hydraulic regulations

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    Actuators with variable stiffness have vast potential in the field of compliant robotics. Morphological shape changes in the actuators are possible, while they retain their structural strength. They can shift between a rigid load-carrying state and a soft flexible state in a short transition period. This work presents a hydraulically actuated soft actuator fabricated by a fully 3D printing of shape memory polymer (SMP). The actuator shows a stiffness of 519 mN/mm at 20◦ C and 45 mN/mm at 50◦ C at the same pressure (0.2 MPa). This actuator demonstrates a high stiffness variation of 474 mN/mm (10 times the baseline stiffness) for a temperature change of 30◦ C and a large variation (≈1150%) in average stiffness. A combined variation of both temperature (20–50◦ C) and pressure (0–0.2 MPa) displays a stiffness variation of 501 mN/mm. The pressure variation (0–0.2 MPa) in the actuator also shows a large variation in the output force (1.46 N) at 50◦ C compared to the output force variation (0.16 N) at 20◦ C. The pressure variation is further utilized for bending the actuator. Varying the pressure (0–0.2 MPa) at 20◦ C displayed no bending in the actuator. In contrast, the same variation of pressure at 50◦ C displayed a bending angle of 80◦ . A combined variation of both temperature (20–50◦ C) and pressure (0–0.2 MPa) shows the ability to bend 80◦ . At the same time, an additional weight (300 g) suspended to the actuator could increase its bending capability to 160◦ . We demonstrated a soft robotic gripper varying its stiffness to carry various objects

    Lipid metabolism and antioxidant system contribute to salinity tolerance in halophytic grass seashore paspalum in a tissue-specific manner

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    Abstract Soil salinization is a growing issue that limits agriculture globally. Understanding the mechanism underlying salt tolerance in halophytic grasses can provide new insights into engineering plant salinity tolerance in glycophytic plants. Seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Sw.) is a halophytic turfgrass and genomic model system for salt tolerance research in cereals and other grasses. However, the salt tolerance mechanism of this grass largely unknown. To explore the correlation between Na+ accumulation and salt tolerance in different tissues, we utilized two P. vaginatum accessions that exhibit contrasting tolerance to salinity. To accomplish this, we employed various analytical techniques including ICP-MS-based ion analysis, lipidomic profiling analysis, enzyme assays, and integrated transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis. Under high salinity, salt-tolerant P. vaginatum plants exhibited better growth and Na+ uptake compared to salt-sensitive plants. Salt-tolerant plants accumulated heightened Na+ accumulation in their roots, leading to increased production of root-sourced H2O2, which in turn activated the antioxidant systems. In salt-tolerant plants, metabolome profiling revealed tissue-specific metabolic changes, with increased amino acids, phenolic acids, and polyols in roots, and increased amino acids, flavonoids, and alkaloids in leaves. High salinity induced lipidome adaptation in roots, enhancing lipid metabolism in salt-tolerant plants. Moreover, through integrated analysis, the importance of amino acid metabolism in conferring salt tolerance was highlighted. This study significantly enhances our current understanding of salt-tolerant mechanisms in halophyte grass, thereby offering valuable insights for breeding and genetically engineering salt tolerance in glycophytic plants