31 research outputs found

    West Florida Shelf Upwelling: Origins and Pathways

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    Often described as oligotrophic, the west Florida continental shelf supports abundant fisheries, experiences blooms of the harmful alga, Karenia brevis, and exhibits subsurface chlorophyll maxima evident in shipboard and glider surveys. Renewal of inorganic nutrients by the upwelling of deeper ocean water onto the shelf may account for this, but what are the origins and pathways by which such new water may broach the shelf break and advance toward the shoreline? We address these questions via numerical model simulations of pseudo-Lagrangian, isopycnic water parcel trajectories. Focus is on 2010, when the west Florida shelf was subjected to an anomalously protracted period of upwelling caused by Gulf of Mexico Loop Current interactions with the shelf slope. Origins and pathways are determined by integrating trajectories over successive 45 day intervals, beginning from different locations along the shelf break and at various locations and depths along the shelf slope. Waters upwelling across the shelf break are found to originate from relatively shallow depths along the shelf slope. Even for the anomalous 2010 year, much of this upwelling occurs from about 150 m and above, although waters may broach the shelf break from 300 m depth, particularly in the Florida Panhandle. Such interannual renewal of west Florida shelf waters appears to have profound effects on west Florida shelf ecology

    On the Movement of Deepwater Horizon Oil to Northern Gulf Beaches

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    Surface oil of Deepwater Horizon origin sullied the northern Gulf of Mexico marshes and beaches from Louisiana to Florida. The Mississippi to Florida beaches were particularly impacted during the month of June 2010. We review the evolution of the surface oil as it approached the beach and then consider the mechanisms of transport. Both the ocean circulation and ocean waves are found to be important. The circulation appears to control the transport of surface oil in deep waters and over most of the continental shelf. But as oil approaches shallow water the wave orientation may become more conducive than the circulation orientation for transporting oil to the beach. In essence it is found that the circulation gets the oil to the vicinity of the beach, whereas the waves, via Stokes drift, are responsible for the actual beaching of oil. A combination of observations and numerical model simulations are used to demonstrate this

    Combining Numerical Ocean Circulation Models with Satellite Observations in a Trajectory Forecast System: a Rapid Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

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    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill presented an unprecedented threat to the Gulf of Mexico coastline and living marine resources, and possibly to that of the southeastern USA. Needed for mitigation efforts and to guide scientific investigations was a system for tracking the oil, both at the surface and at depth. We report on such system, implemented immediately upon spill onset, by marshaling numerical model and satellite remote sensing resources available from existing coastal ocean observing activities. Surface oil locations inferred from satellite imagery were used to initialize the positions of the virtual particles in an ensemble of trajectory models, and the particles were tracked using forecast surface currents, with new particles added to simulate the continual release of oil from the well. Three dimensional subsurface tracking were also performed from the well site location at several different depths. Timely trajectory forecasts were used to plan scientific surveys and other spill response activities

    Dysfunction in interhemispheric inhibition and enhancement in patients with schizophrenia

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    The Tampa Bay Coastal Ocean Model Performance for Hurricane Irma

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    The Tampa Bay response to Hurricane Irma in September 2017 is analyzed using a combination of in situ observations and numerical model simulations. The observations include winds and water levels from in situ recording stations. The model simulations are by the Tampa Bay Coastal Ocean Model (TBCOM), which downscales from the continental shelf to the estuary by nesting the unstructured grid, Finite-Volume, primitive equation Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) in the West Florida Coastal Ocean Model, which in turn downscales from the deep ocean across the continental shelf by nesting FVCOM in the Gulf of Mexico Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model. Both the observations and the model simulations show a rapid negative storm surge (a setdown of sea level) followed by a positive surge associated with the change of wind direction. The initial forecast underestimates the magnitude of the negative surge. After adjusting for the difference between the winds actually observed compared with the original forecast winds, the hindcast sea level simulation very closely matches the observations. These findings imply that a massive exchange of water occurred between Tampa Bay and the adjacent continental shelf as the hurricane passed by the region. A large portion of the bay water was flushed out to the south, to be replaced by new waters advected in from the along the coast to the north

    Tracking the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: a Modeling Perspective

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    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was caused by a drilling rig explosion on 20 April 2010 that killed 11 people. It was the largest oil spill in U.S. history and presented an unprecedented threat to Gulf of Mexico marine resources. Although oil gushing to the surface diminished after the well was capped, on 15 July 2010, much remains to be known about the oil and the dispersants beneath the surface, including their trajectories and effects on marine life. A system for tracking the oil, both at the surface and at depth, was needed for mitigation efforts and ship survey guidance. Such a system was implemented immediately after the spill by marshaling numerical model and satellite remote sensing resources available from existing coastal ocean observing activities [e.g., Weisberg et al., 2009]. Analyzing this system\u27s various strengths and weaknesses can help further improve similar systems designed for other emergency responses

    Winds on the West Florida Shelf: Regional Comparisons between Observations and Model Estimates

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    Wind fields on the West Florida Continental Shelf are investigated using observations from five University of South Florida Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System buoys and seven of NOAA\u27s National Ocean Service and National Weather Service, National Data Buoy Center stations or buoys spanning the 10 year period, 2004–2013. These observations are compared with NOAA\u27s National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis wind fields (NCEP winds). The analyses consist of vector correlations in both the time and frequency domains. The primary findings are that winds observed on and near the coastline underestimate those observed offshore and that NCEP winds derived from assimilating mostly land-based observations also underestimate winds observed offshore. With regard to wind stress, and depending upon location, wind stress derived from NCEP winds are 6%–49% lower than what is computed from observations over open water. A corollary is that wind forcing fields that are underestimated may result in coastal ocean model circulation fields that are also underestimated. These analyses stress the importance of having offshore wind observations, and suggest that adding more offshore wind observations will lead to improved coastal ocean wind fields and hence to improved model renditions of coastal ocean model circulation and related water property fields

    Comparisons of Different Ensemble Schemes for Glider Data Assimilation on West Florida Shelf

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    An Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) system is built to assimilate underwater profiling glider observations into a West Florida Shelf (WFS) coastal ocean model. The Floating Temporal Window (FTW) technique is incorporated into the EnOI scheme to generate and update associated ensemble members, which are directly extracted from the model output states from previous output cycles. The model performance is validated against independent observations from moorings located near the glider tracks. The EnKF, traditional EnOI and the FTW-EnOI schemes are compared in terms of error covariance evolution and model performance at mooring locations. It is found that all three assimilation schemes provide significant (2-3 times) better fit to the mooring data compared with the free model run. Although the EnKF scheme produces the best results, the FTW-EnOI should be considered as an alternative method given the low computational cost and the flow-dependent information embedded in the algorithm