62 research outputs found

    Stochastic Control Representations for Penalized Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

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    This paper shows that penalized backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE), which is often used to approximate and solve the corresponding reflected BSDE, admits both optimal stopping representation and optimal control representation. The new feature of the optimal stopping representation is that the player is allowed to stop at exogenous Poisson arrival times. The convergence rate of the penalized BSDE then follows from the optimal stopping representation. The paper then applies to two classes of equations, namely multidimensional reflected BSDE and reflected BSDE with a constraint on the hedging part, and gives stochastic control representations for their corresponding penalized equations.Comment: 24 pages in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 201

    Dynkin games with Poisson random intervention times

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    This paper introduces a new class of Dynkin games, where the two players are allowed to make their stopping decisions at a sequence of exogenous Poisson arrival times. The value function and the associated optimal stopping strategy are characterized by the solution of a backward stochastic differential equation. The paper further applies the model to study the optimal conversion and calling strategies of convertible bonds, and their asymptotics when the Poisson intensity goes to infinity

    Representation of homothetic forward performance processes in stochastic factor models via ergodic and infinite horizon BSDE

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    In an incomplete market, with incompleteness stemming from stochastic factors imperfectly correlated with the underlying stocks, we derive representations of homothetic (power, exponential and logarithmic) forward performance processes in factor-form using ergodic BSDE. We also develop a connection between the forward processes and infinite horizon BSDE, and, moreover, with risk-sensitive optimization. In addition, we develop a connection, for large time horizons, with a family of classical homothetic value function processes with random endowments.Comment: 34 page

    Analysis of the optimal exercise boundary of American put option with delivery lags

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    We show that an American put option with delivery lags can be decomposed as a European put option and another American-style derivative. The latter is an option for which the investor receives the Greek Theta of the corresponding European option as the running payoff, and decides an optimal stopping time to terminate the contract. Based on the this decomposition, we further show that the associated optimal exercise boundary exists, and is a strictly increasing and smooth curve. We also analyze its asymptotic behavior for both large maturity and small time lag using the free-boundary method.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Fully coupled forward-backward stochastic dynamics and functional differential systems

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    This article introduces and solves a general class of fully coupled forward-backward stochastic dynamics by investigating the associated system of functional differential equations. As a consequence, we are able to solve many different types of forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs) that do not fit in the classical setting. In our approach, the equations are running in the same time direction rather than in a forward and backward way, and the conflicting nature of the structure of FBSDEs is therefore avoided.Comment: 24 page

    Constrained portfolio-consumption strategies with uncertain parameters and borrowing costs

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    This paper studies the properties of the optimal portfolio-consumption strategies in a {finite horizon} robust utility maximization framework with different borrowing and lending rates. In particular, we allow for constraints on both investment and consumption strategies, and model uncertainty on both drift and volatility. With the help of explicit solutions, we quantify the impacts of uncertain market parameters, portfolio-consumption constraints and borrowing costs on the optimal strategies and their time monotone properties.Comment: 35 pages, 8 tables, 1 figur

    Funding Liquidity, Debt Tenor Structure, and Creditor's Belief: An Exogenous Dynamic Debt Run Model

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    We propose a unified structural credit risk model incorporating both insolvency and illiquidity risks, in order to investigate how a firm's default probability depends on the liquidity risk associated with its financing structure. We assume the firm finances its risky assets by mainly issuing short- and long-term debt. Short-term debt can have either a discrete or a more realistic staggered tenor structure. At rollover dates of short-term debt, creditors face a dynamic coordination problem. We show that a unique threshold strategy (i.e., a debt run barrier) exists for short-term creditors to decide when to withdraw their funding, and this strategy is closely related to the solution of a non-standard optimal stopping time problem with control constraints. We decompose the total credit risk into an insolvency component and an illiquidity component based on such an endogenous debt run barrier together with an exogenous insolvency barrier.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures. The article was previously circulated under the title A Continuous Time Structural Model for Insolvency, Recovery, and Rollover Risks in Mathematics and Financial Economics, 201

    Indifference Pricing and Hedging in a Multiple-Priors Model with Trading Constraints

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    This paper considers utility indifference valuation of derivatives under model uncertainty and trading constraints, where the utility is formulated as an additive stochastic differential utility of both intertemporal consumption and terminal wealth, and the uncertain prospects are ranked according to a multiple-priors model of Chen and Epstein (2002). The price is determined by two optimal stochastic control problems (mixed with optimal stopping time in the case of American option) of forward-backward stochastic differential equations. By means of backward stochastic differential equation and partial differential equation methods, we show that both bid and ask prices are closely related to the Black-Scholes risk-neutral price with modified dividend rates. The two prices will actually coincide with each other if there is no trading constraint or the model uncertainty disappears. Finally, two applications to European option and American option are discussed.Comment: 28 pages in Science China Mathematics, 201