27 research outputs found

    Treatment with NS3623, a novel Cl-conductance blocker, ameliorates erythrocyte dehydration in transgenic SAD mice: a possible new therapeutic approach for sickle cell disease

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    The dehydration of sickle red blood cells (RBCs) through the Ca-activated K channel depends on the parallel movement of Cl ions. To study whether Cl-conductance block might prevent dehydration of sickle RBCs, a novel Cl-conductance inhibitor (NS3623) was characterized in vitro using RBCs from healthy donors and sickle cell patients and in vivo using normal mice and a transgenic mouse model of sickle cell disease (SAD mice). In vitro, NS3623 reversibly blocked human RBC Cl-conductance (gCl) with an IC50 value of 210 nmol/L and a maximal block of 95%. In vivo, NS3623 inhibited RBC gCl after oral administration to normal mice (ED50 = 25 mg/kg). Although gCl, at a single dose of 100 mg/kg, was still 70% inhibited 5 hours after dosing, the inhibition disappeared after 24 hours. Repeated administration of 100 mg/kg twice a day for 10 days caused no adverse effects; therefore, this regimen was chosen as the highest dosing for the SAD mice. SAD mice were treated for 3 weeks with 2 daily administrations of 10, 35, and 100 mg/kg NS3623, respectively. The hematocrit increased, and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration decreased in all groups with a concomitant increase in the intracellular cation content. A loss of the densest red cell population was observed in conjunction with a shift from a high proportion of sickled to well-hydrated discoid erythrocytes, with some echinocytes present at the highest dosage. These data indicate feasibility for the potential use of Cl-conductance blockers to treat human sickle cell disease

    Requirements of SLP76 tyrosines in ITAM and integrin receptor signaling and in platelet function in vivo

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    Src homology 2 domain–containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76 kD (SLP76), an adaptor that plays a critical role in platelet activation in vitro, contains three N-terminal tyrosine residues that are essential for its function. We demonstrate that mice containing complementary tyrosine to phenylalanine mutations in Y145 (Y145F) and Y112 and Y128 (Y112/128F) differentially regulate integrin and collagen receptor signaling. We show that mutation of Y145 leads to severe impairment of glycoprotein VI (GPVI)–mediated responses while preserving outside-in integrin signaling. Platelets from Y112/128F mice, although having mild defects in GPVI signaling, exhibit defective actin reorganization after GPVI or αIIbβ3 engagement. The in vivo consequences of these signaling defects correlate with the mild protection from thrombosis seen in Y112/128F mice and the near complete protection observed in Y145F mice. Using genetic complementation, we further demonstrate that all three phosphorylatable tyrosines are required within the same SLP76 molecule to support platelet activation by GPVI

    The relative role of PLCβ and PI3Kγ in platelet activation

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    Stimulation of platelet G protein–coupled receptors results in the cleavage of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-trisphosphate (PIP2) into inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and 1,2-diacylglycerol by phospholipase C (PLCβ). It also results in the phosphorylation of PIP2 by the γ isoform of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3Kγ) to synthesize phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. To understand the role of PIP2 in platelet signaling, we evaluated knock-out mice lacking 2 isoforms of PLCβ (PLCβ2 and PLCβ3) or lacking the Gβγ-activated isoform of PI3K (PI3Kγ). Both knock-out mice were unable to form stable thrombi in a carotid injury model. To provide a functional explanation, knock-out platelets were studied ex vivo. PLCβ2/β3–/– platelets failed to assemble filamentous actin, had defects in both secretion and mobilization of intracellular calcium, and were unable to form stable aggregates following low doses of agonists. Platelets lacking PI3Kγ disaggregated following low-dose adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and had a mildly impaired ability to mobilize intracellular calcium. Yet, they exhibited essentially normal actin assembly and secretion. Remarkably, both PLCβ2/β3–/– and PI3Kγ–/– platelets spread more slowly upon fibrinogen. These results suggest substantial redundancy in platelet signaling pathways. Nonetheless, the diminished ability of knock-out platelets to normally spread after adhesion and to form stable thrombi in vivo suggests that both PLCβ2/β3 and PI3Kγ play vital roles in platelet cytoskeletal dynamics

    RhoA is essential for maintaining normal megakaryocyte ploidy and platelet generation.

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    RhoA plays a multifaceted role in platelet biology. During platelet development, RhoA has been proposed to regulate endomitosis, proplatelet formation, and platelet release, in addition to having a role in platelet activation. These processes were previously studied using pharmacological inhibitors in vitro, which have potential drawbacks, such as non-specific inhibition or incomplete disruption of the intended target proteins. Therefore, we developed a conditional knockout mouse model utilizing the CRE-LOX strategy to ablate RhoA, specifically in megakaryocytes and in platelets to determine its role in platelet development. We demonstrated that deleting RhoA in megakaryocytes in vivo resulted in significant macrothrombocytopenia. RhoA-null megakaryocytes were larger, had higher mean ploidy, and exhibited stiff membranes with micropipette aspiration. However, in contrast to the results observed in experiments relying upon pharmacologic inhibitors, we did not observe any defects in proplatelet formation in megakaryocytes lacking RhoA. Infused RhoA-null megakaryocytes rapidly released platelets, but platelet levels rapidly plummeted within several hours. Our evidence supports the hypothesis that changes in membrane rheology caused infused RhoA-null megakaryocytes to prematurely release aberrant platelets that were unstable. These platelets were cleared quickly from circulation, which led to the macrothrombocytopenia. These observations demonstrate that RhoA is critical for maintaining normal megakaryocyte development and the production of normal platelets