15 research outputs found

    Towards Hierarchical Spoken Language Dysfluency Modeling

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    Speech disfluency modeling is the bottleneck for both speech therapy and language learning. However, there is no effective AI solution to systematically tackle this problem. We solidify the concept of disfluent speech and disfluent speech modeling. We then present Hierarchical Unconstrained Disfluency Modeling (H-UDM) approach, the hierarchical extension of UDM that addresses both disfluency transcription and detection to eliminate the need for extensive manual annotation. Our experimental findings serve as clear evidence of the effectiveness and reliability of the methods we have introduced, encompassing both transcription and detection tasks.Comment: 2024 EACL. Hierarchical extension of our previous workshop paper arXiv:2312.1281

    Robust Disentangled Variational Speech Representation Learning for Zero-shot Voice Conversion

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    Traditional studies on voice conversion (VC) have made progress with parallel training data and known speakers. Good voice conversion quality is obtained by exploring better alignment modules or expressive mapping functions. In this study, we investigate zero-shot VC from a novel perspective of self-supervised disentangled speech representation learning. Specifically, we achieve the disentanglement by balancing the information flow between global speaker representation and time-varying content representation in a sequential variational autoencoder (VAE). A zero-shot voice conversion is performed by feeding an arbitrary speaker embedding and content embeddings to the VAE decoder. Besides that, an on-the-fly data augmentation training strategy is applied to make the learned representation noise invariant. On TIMIT and VCTK datasets, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on both objective evaluation, i.e., speaker verification (SV) on speaker embedding and content embedding, and subjective evaluation, i.e., voice naturalness and similarity, and remains to be robust even with noisy source/target utterances.Comment: Accepted to 2022 ICASS

    AV-data2vec: Self-supervised Learning of Audio-Visual Speech Representations with Contextualized Target Representations

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    Self-supervision has shown great potential for audio-visual speech recognition by vastly reducing the amount of labeled data required to build good systems. However, existing methods are either not entirely end-to-end or do not train joint representations of both modalities. In this paper, we introduce AV-data2vec which addresses these challenges and builds audio-visual representations based on predicting contextualized representations which has been successful in the uni-modal case. The model uses a shared transformer encoder for both audio and video and can combine both modalities to improve speech recognition. Results on LRS3 show that AV-data2vec consistently outperforms existing methods under all settings with the same amount of data and model size.Comment: 2023 ASR

    Deep Neural Convolutive Matrix Factorization for Articulatory Representation Decomposition

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    Most of the research on data-driven speech representation learning has focused on raw audios in an end-to-end manner, paying little attention to their internal phonological or gestural structure. This work, investigating the speech representations derived from articulatory kinematics signals, uses a neural implementation of convolutive sparse matrix factorization to decompose the articulatory data into interpretable gestures and gestural scores. By applying sparse constraints, the gestural scores leverage the discrete combinatorial properties of phonological gestures. Phoneme recognition experiments were additionally performed to show that gestural scores indeed code phonological information successfully. The proposed work thus makes a bridge between articulatory phonology and deep neural networks to leverage informative, intelligible, interpretable,and efficient speech representations.Comment: Submitted to 2022 Interspeec

    Enhancing GAN-Based Vocoders with Contrastive Learning Under Data-limited Condition

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    Vocoder models have recently achieved substantial progress in generating authentic audio comparable to human quality while significantly reducing memory requirement and inference time. However, these data-hungry generative models require large-scale audio data for learning good representations. In this paper, we apply contrastive learning methods in training the vocoder to improve the perceptual quality of the vocoder without modifying its architecture or adding more data. We design an auxiliary task with mel-spectrogram contrastive learning to enhance the utterance-level quality of the vocoder model under data-limited conditions. We also extend the task to include waveforms to improve the multi-modality comprehension of the model and address the discriminator overfitting problem. We optimize the additional task simultaneously with GAN training objectives. Our result shows that the tasks improve model performance substantially in data-limited settings. Our analysis based on the result indicates that the proposed design successfully alleviates discriminator overfitting and produces audio of higher fidelity

    VoxGenesis: Unsupervised Discovery of Latent Speaker Manifold for Speech Synthesis

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    Achieving nuanced and accurate emulation of human voice has been a longstanding goal in artificial intelligence. Although significant progress has been made in recent years, the mainstream of speech synthesis models still relies on supervised speaker modeling and explicit reference utterances. However, there are many aspects of human voice, such as emotion, intonation, and speaking style, for which it is hard to obtain accurate labels. In this paper, we propose VoxGenesis, a novel unsupervised speech synthesis framework that can discover a latent speaker manifold and meaningful voice editing directions without supervision. VoxGenesis is conceptually simple. Instead of mapping speech features to waveforms deterministically, VoxGenesis transforms a Gaussian distribution into speech distributions conditioned and aligned by semantic tokens. This forces the model to learn a speaker distribution disentangled from the semantic content. During the inference, sampling from the Gaussian distribution enables the creation of novel speakers with distinct characteristics. More importantly, the exploration of latent space uncovers human-interpretable directions associated with specific speaker characteristics such as gender attributes, pitch, tone, and emotion, allowing for voice editing by manipulating the latent codes along these identified directions. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed VoxGenesis using both subjective and objective metrics, finding that it produces significantly more diverse and realistic speakers with distinct characteristics than the previous approaches. We also show that latent space manipulation produces consistent and human-identifiable effects that are not detrimental to the speech quality, which was not possible with previous approaches. Audio samples of VoxGenesis can be found at: \url{https://bit.ly/VoxGenesis}.Comment: preprin

    Unconstrained Dysfluency Modeling for Dysfluent Speech Transcription and Detection

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    Dysfluent speech modeling requires time-accurate and silence-aware transcription at both the word-level and phonetic-level. However, current research in dysfluency modeling primarily focuses on either transcription or detection, and the performance of each aspect remains limited. In this work, we present an unconstrained dysfluency modeling (UDM) approach that addresses both transcription and detection in an automatic and hierarchical manner. UDM eliminates the need for extensive manual annotation by providing a comprehensive solution. Furthermore, we introduce a simulated dysfluent dataset called VCTK++ to enhance the capabilities of UDM in phonetic transcription. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed methods in both transcription and detection tasks.Comment: 2023 ASR