1,512 research outputs found

    What I learned from Ben Okri about creative writing

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    First paragraph: Midway through his sentence Ben Okri stands up and turns to the whiteboard. “Who knows their work well?” he asks. The students in the class look at each other. “Someone give me a line, a line of your work”.  Access this article at The Conversation website: https://theconversation.com/what-i-learned-from-ben-okri-about-creative-writing-6717

    The Busker: Writing Occupy, Politics, and Protest

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    The protagonist of my second novel, The Busker, is a singer-songwriter who seeks to use the Occupy LSX movement as a way of promoting his protest songs. In this paper, I will examine the ways in which folk music allows singers to “say whatever needs to be said... at the time when it needs to be said” (Guthrie in Jackson, 2007:40) and how this character provided the frame to investigate the Occupy movement, which David Graeber describes as “changing the national debate to begin addressing issues of financial power, the corruption of the political process, and social inequality” (Graeber, 2013:141). By analysing the structures and themes of the novel, I aim to show how the narrative explores the contradictions, diversity of opinion and lasting impact of the Occupy movement on our society and our politics, whilst also exploring the potential pitfalls of appropriating a mass movement for individual gain

    Overland to Malta

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    This essay details a research trip undertaken, by train and ferry, from Scotland to Malta. In doing so, it examines the creative process of writing my third noveldot dot dashand the research supporting the writing of the text. This aspect focuses on the historical and political context of Malta in the 1940s and 60s, as well as the linkages to the contemporary political situation in Scotland, in particular the Independence Referendum of 2014 and the Brexit vote of 2016, making use of examples from the creative narrative.dot dot dashis the story of a Maltese steward in the Royal Navy, Pietru, who has impacted on the lives of the three main characters in the book in various ways: as a father to young Joe; as a wartime husband to Beth; and, it emerges, as the man responsible for the horrific airman’s burns suffered by RAF pilot Stuart. It is a historical literary thriller

    Zinc containing dental fixative causing copper deficiency myelopathy

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    A 62-year-old male, previously well, was referred to neurology clinic following 6 months history of worsening lower limbs instability, paraesthesia, pain and weakness rendering him housebound. Examination revealed upper motor neuron pattern of weakness of the lower limbs and loss of proprioception. Serum analysis revealed reduced caeruloplasmin and copper levels with raised zinc. Spinal imaging revealed subtle dorsal column intensity changes in C2-C7, confirmed with 3T MRI. A copper deficiency myeloneuropathy was diagnosed secondary to chronic use of a zinc-containing dental fixative paste. The paste was discontinued and a copper supplementation was started. Resolution of symptoms was not achieved with intensive physiotherapy. The patient remains a wheelchair user though progression of symptoms has halted. Prompt recognition and treatment of hyperzincaemia-induced hypocupraemia earlier in the disease course may have prevented any irreversible neurological deficit

    The Role of Fantasy in Video Games: A Reappraisal

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    The majority of videogames as they are currently constituted seem to display a mechanistic repetitiveness in conception, development and production. A creative shallowness in games, a lack of innovation, and a tendency to clone successful titles, are in part attributable to the hegemonic control exerted by game producers.  This situation persists despite the intense frustration from the creative talent within the industry: “design documents are worked out by the marketing department; effectively as an artist or programmer you do what you’re told” (Wade 2007, p.687). This article approaches Fantasy as an underlying structuring element capable of energising the creative evolution of video games. Fantasy is interpreted as persisting throughout all game forms, and not confined to its own recognisable genre

    A Comparison of the Utilization of E-learning Management Systems in the Republic of Ireland and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Case Study (2015)

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    The authors of this paper investigated the number of proprietary and commercial learning management systems in the Republic of Ireland and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To identify and tally the systems in use, authors conducted web searches followed by email and interview follow-ups. After investigating (31) institutions in the Republic of Ireland, and (46) of institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the authors learned that each country had chosen a different system for the majority of their work. The research examines both self-developed and commercial systems and looks at which is used more. The study analyses many higher education institutions using both types of E-learning systems. The study works to answer the following questions: • What is the most widely used learning management system used in Saudi and Irish universities? • What is the most widely used learning management system used by teachers in Saudi and Irish universities? • What is the most widely used learning management system used by students in Saudi and Irish universities? The research works to provide information for a part of the educational field that has not been studied extensively
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