13,552 research outputs found

    Solar Energetic Particle Spectral Breaks

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    The five large solar particle events during October–November 2003 presented an opportunity to test shock acceleration models with in-situ observations. We use solar particle spectra of H to Fe ions, measured by instruments on ACE, SAMPEX, and GOES-11, to investigate the Q/M-dependence of spectral breaks in the 28 October 2003 event. We find that the break energies scale as (Q/M)^b with b ≈ 1.56 to 1.75, somewhat less than predicted. We also conclude that SEP spectra >100 MeV/nucleon are best fit by a double power-law shape. ©2005 American Institute of Physic

    STEREO and ACE observations of CIR particles

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    In the present solar minimum, corotating interaction regions (CIRs) produce frequent particle enhancements at 1 AU as observed at STEREO and ACE. As the two STEREO spacecraft move apart, differences in CIR time profiles observed at each spacecraft are becoming large. The timing differences are often roughly similar to the corotation time lag between the two spacecraft, however many of the features seen at Ahead and Behind require more than just a time shift. Perhaps transient disturbances in the solar wind affect connection to or transport from the shock, or temporal changes occur in the CIR shock itself. Additional timing differences of >1 day result from the different heliographic latitudes of the two STEREO spacecraf

    Fermion Propagators in Type II Fivebrane Backgrounds

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    The fermion propagators in the fivebrane background of type II superstring theories are calculated. The propagator can be obtained by explicitly evaluating the transition amplitude between two specific NS-R boundary states by the propagator operator in the non-trivial world-sheet conformal field theory for the fivebrane background. The propagator in the field theory limit can be obtained by using point boundary states. We can explicitly investigate the lowest lying fermion states propagating in the non-trivial ten-dimensional space-time of the fivebrane background: M^6 x W_k^(4), where W_k^(4) is the group manifold of SU(2)_k x U(1). The half of the original supersymmetry is spontaneously broken, and the space-time Lorentz symmetry SO(9,1) reduces to SO(5,1) in SO(5,1) x SO(4) \subset SO(9,1) by the fivebrane background. We find that there are no propagations of SO(4) (local Lorentz) spinor fields, which is consistent with the arguments on the fermion zero-modes in the fivebrane background of low-energy type II supergravity theories.Comment: 15 page

    Combinatorics of Boundaries in String Theory

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    We investigate the possibility that stringy nonperturbative effects appear as holes in the world-sheet. We focus on the case of Dirichlet string theory, which we argue should be formulated differently than in previous work, and we find that the effects of boundaries are naturally weighted by eO(1/gst)e^{-O(1/g_{\rm st})}.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, LaTe

    How efficient are coronal mass ejections at accelerating solar energetic particles?

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    The largest solar energetic particle (SEP) events are thought to be due to particle acceleration at a shock driven by a fast coronal mass ejection (CME). We investigate the efficiency of this process by comparing the total energy content of energetic particles with the kinetic energy of the associated CMEs. The energy content of 23 large SEP events from 1998 through 2003 is estimated based on data from ACE, GOES, and SAMPEX, and interpreted using the results of particle transport simulations and inferred longitude distributions. CME data for these events are obtained from SOHO. When compared to the estimated kinetic energy of the associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs), it is found that large SEP events can extract ~10% or more of the CME kinetic energy. The largest SEP events appear to require massive, very energetic CMEs

    Effects of pressure on diffusion and vacancy formation in MgO from non-empirical free-energy integrations

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    The free energies of vacancy pair formation and migration in MgO were computed via molecular dynamics using free-energy integrations and a non-empirical ionic model with no adjustable parameters. The intrinsic diffusion constant for MgO was obtained at pressures from 0 to 140 GPa and temperatures from 1000 to 5000 K. Excellent agreement was found with the zero pressure diffusion data within experimental error. The homologous temperature model which relates diffusion to the melting curve describes well our high pressure results within our theoretical framework.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 1 figure, revtex, submitted to PR

    2+1 flavor domain wall QCD on a (2 fm)^3 lattice: light meson spectroscopy with Ls = 16

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    We present results for light meson masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from the first of a series of lattice calculations with 2+1 dynamical flavors of domain wall fermions and the Iwasaki gauge action. The work reported here was done at a fixed lattice spacing of about 0.12 fm on a 16^3\times32 lattice, which amounts to a spatial volume of (2 fm)^3 in physical units. The number of sites in the fifth dimension is 16, which gives m_{res} = 0.00308(4) in these simulations. Three values of input light sea quark masses, m_l^{sea} \approx 0.85 m_s, 0.59 m_s and 0.33 m_s were used to allow for extrapolations to the physical light quark limit, whilst the heavier sea quark mass was fixed to approximately the physical strange quark mass m_s. The exact rational hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm was used to evaluate the fractional powers of the fermion determinants in the ensemble generation. We have found that f_\pi = 127(4) MeV, f_K = 157(5) MeV and f_K/f_\pi = 1.24(2), where the errors are statistical only, which are in good agreement with the experimental values.Comment: RBC and UKQCD Collaborations. 17 pages, 14 figures. Typeset with ReVTEX4. v2: replaced with the version published in PRD with improved introductio