107 research outputs found

    On the accuracy of the S/N estimates obtained with the exposure time calculator of the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on board the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We have studied the accuracy and reliability of the exposure time calculator (ETC) of the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) with the objective of determining how well it represents actual observations and, therefore, how much confidence can be invested in it and in similar software tools. We have found, for example, that the ETC gives, in certain circumstances, very optimistic values for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of point sources. These values overestimate by up to a factor of 2 the HST performance when simulations are needed to plan deep imaging observations, thus bearing serious implications on observing time allocation. For this particular case, we calculate the corrective factors to compute the appropriate SNR and detection limits and we show how these corrections vary with field crowding and sky background. We also compare the ETC of the WFPC2 with a more general ETC tool, which takes into account the real effects of pixel size and charge diffusion. Our analysis indicates that similar problems may afflict other ETCs in general showing the limits to which they are bound and the caution with which their results must be taken.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, to be published in PASP on July 200

    Interferometry of chemically peculiar stars: theoretical predictions vs. modern observing facilities

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    By means of numerical experiments we explore the application of interferometry to the detection and characterization of abundance spots in chemically peculiar (CP) stars using the brightest star eps~Uma as a case study. We find that the best spectral regions to search for spots and stellar rotation signatures are in the visual domain. The spots can clearly be detected already at a first visibility lobe and their signatures can be uniquely disentangled from that of rotation. The spots and rotation signatures can also be detected in NIR at low spectral resolution but baselines longer than 180~m are needed for all potential CP candidates. According to our simulations, an instrument like VEGA (or its successor e.g., FRIEND) should be able to detect, in the visual, the effect of spots and spots+rotation, provided that the instrument is able to measure V2≈10−3V^2\approx10^{-3}, and/or closure phase. In infrared, an instrument like AMBER but with longer baselines than the ones available so far would be able to measure rotation and spots. Our study provides necessary details about strategies of spot detection and the requirements for modern and planned interferometric facilities essential for CP star research.Comment: Accepted by NMRAS, 18 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    On the binarity of the classical Cepheid X Sgr from interferometric observations

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    Optical-infrared interferometry can provide direct geometrical measurements of the radii of Cepheids and/or reveal unknown binary companions of these stars. Such information is of great importance for a proper calibration of Period-Luminosity relations and for determining binary fraction among Cepheids. We observed the Cepheid X Sgr with VLTI/AMBER in order to confirm or disprove the presence of the hypothesized binary companion and to directly measure the mean stellar radius, possibly detecting its variation along the pulsation cycle. From AMBER observations in MR mode we performed a binary model fitting on the closure phase and a limb-darkened model fitting on the visibility. Our analysis indicates the presence of a point-like companion at a separation of 10.7 mas and 5.6 magK fainter than the primary, whose flux and position are sharply constrained by the data. The radius pulsation is not detected, whereas the average limb-darkened diameter results to be 1.48+/-0.08 mas, corresponding to 53+/-3 R_sun at a distance of 333.3 pc.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, research not

    De-biasing interferometric visibilities in VLTI-AMBER data of low SNR observations

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    AIMS: We have found that the interferometric visibilities of VLTI-AMBER observations, extracted via the standard reduction package, are significantly biased when faint targets are concerned. The visibility biases derive from a time variable fringing effect (correlated noise) appearing on the detector. METHODS: We have developed a method to correct this bias that consists in a subtraction of the extra power due to such correlated noise, so that the real power spectrum at the spatial frequencies of the fringing artifact can be restored. RESULTS: This pre-processing procedure is implemented in a software, called AMDC and available to the community, to be run before the standard reduction package. Results obtained on simulated and real observations are presented and discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    A long-lasting quiescence phase of the eruptive variable V1118 Ori

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    V1118 Ori is an eruptive variable belonging to the EXor class of Pre-Main Sequence stars whose episodic outbursts are attributed to disk accretion events. Since 2006, V1118 Ori is in the longest quiescence stage ever observed between two subsequent outbursts of its recent history. We present near-infrared photometry of V1118 Ori carried out during the last eight years, along with a complete spectroscopic coverage from 0.35 to 2.5 um. A longterm sampling of V1118 Ori in quiescence has never been done, hence we can benefit from the current circumstance to determine the lowest values (i.e. the zeroes) of the parameters to be used as a reference for evaluating the physical changes typical of more active phases. A quiescence mass accretion rate between 1--3 ×\times 10−9^{-9} M_{\sun} yr−1^{-1} can be derived and the difference with previous determinations is discussed. From line emission and IR colors analysis a visual extinction of 1-2 mag is consistently derived, confirming that V1118 Ori (at least in quiescence) is a low-extinction T Tauri star with a bolometric luminosity of about 2.1 L_{\sun}. An anti-correlation exists between the equivalent width of the emission lines and the underlying continuum. We searched the literature for evaluating whether or not such a behaviour is a common feature of the whole class. The anti-correlation is clearly recognizable for all the available EXors in the optical range (Hβ\beta and Hα\alpha lines), while it is not as much evident in the infrared (Paβ\beta and Brγ\gamma lines). The observed anti-correlation supports the accretion-driven mechanism as the most likely to account for continuum variations.Comment: 6 figures, 5 tables, accepted on Ap

    Recent outburst of the young star V1180 Cas

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    We report on the ongoing outburst of the young variable V1180 Cas, which is known to display characteristics in common with EXor eruptive variables. We present results that support the scenario of an accretion-driven nature of the brightness variations of the object and provide the first evidence of jet structures around the source. We monitored the recent flux variations of the target in the Rc, J, H, and K bands. New optical and near-IR spectra taken during the current high state of V1180 Cas are presented, in conjunction with H2 narrow-band imaging of the source. Observed near-IR colour variations are analogous to those observed in EXors and consistent with excess emission originating from an accretion event. The spectra show numerous emission lines, which indicates accretion, ejection of matter, and an active disc. Using optical and near-IR emission features we derive a mass accretion rate of ~3 E-8 Msun/yr, which is an order of magnitude lower than previous estimates. In addition, a mass loss rate of ~4 E-9 and ~4 E-10 Msun/yr are estimated from atomic forbidden lines and H2, respectively. Our H2 imaging reveals two bright knots of emission around the source and the nearby optically invisible star V1180 Cas B, clearly indicative of mass-loss phenomena. Higher resolution observations of the detected jet will help to clarify whether V1180 Cas is the driving source and to determine the relation between the observed knots.Comment: Accepted as Letter in A&A; 4 pages, 3 figure

    Supervised machine learning on Galactic filaments. Revealing the filamentary structure of the Galactic interstellar medium

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    Context. Filaments are ubiquitous in the Galaxy, and they host star formation. Detecting them in a reliable way is therefore key towards our understanding of the star formation process. Aims: We explore whether supervised machine learning can identify filamentary structures on the whole Galactic plane. Methods: We used two versions of UNet-based networks for image segmentation. We used H2 column density images of the Galactic plane obtained with Herschel Hi-GAL data as input data. We trained the UNet-based networks with skeletons (spine plus branches) of filaments that were extracted from these images, together with background and missing data masks that we produced. We tested eight training scenarios to determine the best scenario for our astrophysical purpose of classifying pixels as filaments. Results: The training of the UNets allows us to create a new image of the Galactic plane by segmentation in which pixels belonging to filamentary structures are identified. With this new method, we classify more pixels (more by a factor of 2 to 7, depending on the classification threshold used) as belonging to filaments than the spine plus branches structures we used as input. New structures are revealed, which are mainly low-contrast filaments that were not detected before. We use standard metrics to evaluate the performances of the different training scenarios. This allows us to demonstrate the robustness of the method and to determine an optimal threshold value that maximizes the recovery of the input labelled pixel classification. Conclusions: This proof-of-concept study shows that supervised machine learning can reveal filamentary structures that are present throughout the Galactic plane. The detection of these structures, including low-density and low-contrast structures that have never been seen before, offers important perspectives for the study of these filaments
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