103 research outputs found

    Siamese Residual Neural Network for Musical Shape Evaluation in Piano Performance Assessment

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    Understanding and identifying musical shape plays an important role in music education and performance assessment. To simplify the otherwise time- and cost-intensive musical shape evaluation, in this paper we explore how artificial intelligence (AI) driven models can be applied. Considering musical shape evaluation as a classification problem, a light-weight Siamese residual neural network (S-ResNN) is proposed to automatically identify musical shapes. To assess the proposed approach in the context of piano musical shape evaluation, we have generated a new dataset, containing 4116 music pieces derived by 147 piano preparatory exercises and performed in 28 categories of musical shapes. The experimental results show that the S-ResNN significantly outperforms a number of benchmark methods in terms of the precision, recall and F1 score.Comment: X.Li, S.Weiss, Y.Yan, Y.Li, J.Ren, J.Soraghan, M.Gong,"Siamese residual neural network for musical shape evaluation in piano performance assessment" in Proc. of the 31st European Signal Processing Conference, Helsinki, Finlan

    SSA-LHCD: a singular spectrum analysis-driven lightweight network with 2-D self-attention for hyperspectral change detection.

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    As an emerging research hotspot in contemporary remote sensing, hyperspectral change detection (HCD) has attracted increasing attention in remote sensing Earth observation, covering land mapping changes and anomaly detection. This is primarily attributable to the unique capacity of hyperspectral imagery (HSI) to amalgamate both the spectral and spatial information in the scene, facilitating a more exhaustive analysis and change detection on the Earth's surface, proving to be successful across diverse domains, such as disaster monitoring and geological surveys. Although numerous HCD algorithms have been developed, most of them face three major challenges: (i) susceptibility to inherent data noise, (ii) inconsistent accuracy of detection, especially when dealing with multi-scale changes, and (iii) extensive hyperparameters and high computational costs. As such, we propose a singular spectrum analysis-driven-lightweight network for HCD, where three crucial components are incorporated to tackle these challenges. Firstly, singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is applied to alleviate the effect of noise. Next, a 2-D self-attention-based spatial–spectral feature-extraction module is employed to effectively handle multi-scale changes. Finally, a residual block-based module is designed to effectively extract the spectral features for efficiency. Comprehensive experiments on three publicly available datasets have fully validated the superiority of the proposed SSA-LHCD model over eight state-of-the-art HCD approaches, including four deep learning models

    Siamese residual neural network for musical shape evaluation in piano performance assessment.

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    Understanding and identifying musical shape plays an important role in music education and performance assessment. To simplify the otherwise time- and cost-intensive musical shape evaluation, in this paper we explore how artificial intelligence (AI) driven models can be applied. Considering musical shape evaluation as a classification problem, a light-weight Siamese residual neural network (S-ResNN) is proposed to automatically identify musical shapes. To assess the proposed approach in the context of piano musical shape evaluation, we have generated a new dataset, namely MSED-4k, containing 4116 music pieces derived by 147 piano preparatory exercises and performed in 28 categories of musical shapes. The experimental results show that the S-ResNN significantly outperforms a number of benchmark methods in terms of the precision, recall and F1 score

    Unsupervised Change Detection in Hyperspectral Images using Principal Components Space Data Clustering

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    Change detection of hyperspectral images is a very important subject in the field of remote sensing application. Due to the large number of bands and the high correlation between adjacent bands in the hyperspectral image cube, information redundancy is a big problem, which increases the computational complexity and brings negative factor to detection performance. To address this problem, the principal component analysis (PCA) has been widely used for dimension reduction. It has the capability of projecting the original multi-dimensional hyperspectral data into new eigenvector space which allows it to extract light but representative information. The difference image of the PCA components is obtained by subtracting the two dimensionality-reduced images, on which the change detection is considered as a binary classification problem. The first several principal components of each pixel are taken as a feature vector for data classification using k-means clustering with k=2, where the two classes are changed pixels and unchanged pixels, respectively. The centroids of two clusters are determined by iteratively finding the minimum Euclidean distance between pixel's eigenvectors. Experiments on two publicly available datasets have been carried out and evaluated by overall accuracy. The results have validated the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed approach.</p

    PIMSYN: Synthesizing Processing-in-memory CNN Accelerators

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    Processing-in-memory architectures have been regarded as a promising solution for CNN acceleration. Existing PIM accelerator designs rely heavily on the experience of experts and require significant manual design overhead. Manual design cannot effectively optimize and explore architecture implementations. In this work, we develop an automatic framework PIMSYN for synthesizing PIM-based CNN accelerators, which greatly facilitates architecture design and helps generate energyefficient accelerators. PIMSYN can automatically transform CNN applications into execution workflows and hardware construction of PIM accelerators. To systematically optimize the architecture, we embed an architectural exploration flow into the synthesis framework, providing a more comprehensive design space. Experiments demonstrate that PIMSYN improves the power efficiency by several times compared with existing works. PIMSYN can be obtained from https://github.com/lixixi-jook/PIMSYN-NN

    ChipGPT: How far are we from natural language hardware design

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    As large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT exhibited unprecedented machine intelligence, it also shows great performance in assisting hardware engineers to realize higher-efficiency logic design via natural language interaction. To estimate the potential of the hardware design process assisted by LLMs, this work attempts to demonstrate an automated design environment that explores LLMs to generate hardware logic designs from natural language specifications. To realize a more accessible and efficient chip development flow, we present a scalable four-stage zero-code logic design framework based on LLMs without retraining or finetuning. At first, the demo, ChipGPT, begins by generating prompts for the LLM, which then produces initial Verilog programs. Second, an output manager corrects and optimizes these programs before collecting them into the final design space. Eventually, ChipGPT will search through this space to select the optimal design under the target metrics. The evaluation sheds some light on whether LLMs can generate correct and complete hardware logic designs described by natural language for some specifications. It is shown that ChipGPT improves programmability, and controllability, and shows broader design optimization space compared to prior work and native LLMs alone

    CBANet: an end-to-end cross band 2-D attention network for hyperspectral change detection in remote sensing.

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    As a fundamental task in remote sensing observation of the earth, change detection using hyperspectral images (HSI) features high accuracy due to the combination of the rich spectral and spatial information, especially for identifying land-cover variations in bi-temporal HSIs. Relying on the image difference, existing HSI change detection methods fail to preserve the spectral characteristics and suffer from high data dimensionality, making them extremely challenging to deal with changing areas of various sizes. To tackle these challenges, we propose a cross-band 2-D self-attention Network (CBANet) for end-to-end HSI change detection. By embedding a cross-band feature extraction module into a 2-D spatial-spectral self-attention module, CBANet is highly capable of extracting the spectral difference of matching pixels by considering the correlation between adjacent pixels. The CBANet has shown three key advantages: 1) less parameters and high efficiency; 2) high efficacy of extracting representative spectral information from bi-temporal images; and 3) high stability and accuracy for identifying both sparse sporadic changing pixels and large changing areas whilst preserving the edges. Comprehensive experiments on three publicly available datasets have fully validated the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed methodology

    Siamese residual neural network for musical shape evaluation in piano performance assessment

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    Understanding and identifying musical shape plays an important role in music education and performance assessment. To simplify the otherwise time- and cost-intensive musical shape evaluation, in this paper we explore how artificial intelligence (AI) driven models can be applied. Considering musical shape evaluation as a classification problem, a light-weight Siamese residual neural network (S-ResNN) is proposed to automatically identify musical shapes. To assess the proposed approach in the context of piano musical shape evaluation, we have generated a new dataset, containing 4116 music pieces derived by 147 piano preparatory exercises and performed in 28 categories of musical shapes. The experimental results show that the S-ResNN significantly outperforms a number of benchmark methods in terms of the precision, recall and F1 score

    Sealing pipe top enhancing transportation of particulate solids inside a vertically vibrating pipe

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    Particles can move against gravity inside a vibrating tube inserted in a static granular bed. This offers a new approach for transporting bulk material. In this work, we demonstrate a method to enhance the conveying of powder by sealing the tube top. With the same vibration conditions, a comparison of particle motion in an opened tube and closed top (sealed) pipe is made. Compared to an un-sealed pipe, particle upward motion within a sealed pipe is improved. With low vibration strength, only particles in the sealed tube can ascend. With increasing vibration strength, particles can climb in both tubes while particles in sealed pipe move faster and higher. The enhancement effect works well for particles of smaller size (d < 1 mm), and the positive effect becomes weaker with an increase in particle diameter. In a sealed tube, the final height of the granular column increases as the tube length increases while the growth velocity is reduced. Particle conveying in sealed tube shows less dependence on tube diameter compared to an un-sealed tube. Sealing the tube top introduces air pressure difference during each vibration cycle, which induces an additional upward drag force on the particles in the tube. The drag force becomes significant compared to other relevant forces for small diameter particles at high levels of vibration
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