411,547 research outputs found

    Sermones y espejos de principes castellanos

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    This essay describes the evolution of the political discourse in the Castilian mirrors of princes. In fact it can be observed that, even if the catalogues of vices and virtues were already considerably important in the treaties of Arabic origin, these lists became even more relevant in the treaties of western sources and became their distinctive mark. This allowed the bringing together of the political and the religious discourse and it especially contributed to the mixing of two literary genres: the mirrors of princes with the sermons.Con este estudio se propone el autor destacar la evolución del discurso político en los espejos de príncipes castellanos. En este sentido se puede observar que, si bien en los tratados de origen árabe los catálogos de vicios y virtudes ocuparon un puesto considerable, estos listados se volvieron aún más importantes en los tratados de fuentes occidentales y se transformaron en su marca distintiva. Ello permitió un acercamiento aún más estrecho entre discurso político y religioso, en especial favoreció el cruce de dos géneros literarios: el de los espejos de príncipes con el de los sermones

    Lithium abundances in the old open cluster NGC 3960 from VLT/FLAMES observations

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    Old open clusters are very useful targets to investigate mechanisms responsible for lithium (Li) depletion during the main sequence. Comparison of the Li abundances in clusters of different age allows us to understand the efficiency of the Li destruction process. Our goal is the determination of membership and Li abundance in a sample of candidate members of the open cluster NGC 3960 (age ~1 Gyr), with the aim to fill the gap between 0.6 and 2 Gyr in the empirical description of the behavior of the average Li abundance as a function of the stellar age. We use VLT/FLAMES Giraffe spectra to determine the radial velocities and thus the membership of a sample of 113 photometrically selected candidate cluster members. From the analysis of the Li line we derive Li abundances for both cluster members and non-members. 39 stars have radial velocity consistent with membership, with an expected fraction of contaminating field stars of about 20%. Li is detected in 29 of the RV members; we consider these stars as cluster members, while we make the reasonable assumption that the remaining 10 RV members without Li, are among the contaminating stars. Li abundances of the stars hotter than about 6000 K are similar to those of stars in the Hyades, while they are slightly smaller for cooler stars. This confirms that NGC 3960 is older than the Hyades. The average Li abundance of stars cooler than about 6000 K indicates that the Li Pop. I plateau might start already at ~1 Gyr rather than 2 Gyr that is the upper limit previously derived in the literature. We also find that the fraction of field stars with high Li abundance (>1.5) is about one third of the whole sample, which is in agreement with previous estimates. The fraction of contaminating field stars is consistent with that previously derived by us from photometry.Comment: 12 pages,10 figures, in press in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Corrigendum to "Effects of organic composition on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of food waste" [Bioresour. Technol. 244 (2017) 213-224]

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    Yangyang Li, Yiying Jin, Aiduan Borrion, Hailong Li, Jinhui Li (2017) Effects of organic composition on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of food waste, Bioresource Technology, Volume 244, Part 1, November 2017, Pages 213-224 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2017.07.006

    Changement grammatical et discursif en français multiculturel de la région parisienne : éléments de comparaison

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    Cet article cherche à comparer la variation et le changement dans deux domaines linguistiques, à savoir la grammaire et le discours. Il présente les résultats du projet « Multicultural London English – Multicultural Paris French » et s’interroge sur les différences dans l’usage des traits innovants et leur corrélation avec certaines catégories sociales. Du côté grammatical, la recherche se concentre en particulier sur l’usage des interrogatives indirectes in situ telles que 'je sais pas c’est qui' et 'je sais ça veut dire quoi', fréquemment utilisées à l’oral chez certains locuteurs. Du côté pragmatico-discursif, elle discute de l’utilisation des particules d’extension (et tout, et tout ça). L’étude révèle que la distribution des innovations discursives n’est pas la même que celle des innovations grammaticales, dont l’usage est davantage clivé en fonction des catégories sociales. L’article tente d’apporter des éclairages sur les processus de grammaticalisation et de changement, en s’interrogeant sur l’existence d’un français multiculturel typiquement « jeune » ou typiquement « parisien »

    Construction and optical-electrical properties of inorganic/organic heterojunction nanostructures

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    We have designed and synthesized a series of ordered inorganic/organic hybrid aggregate nanostructures of by self-assembly and self-organizing technique. The process and mechanism of growing hybrid aggregate nanostructures have been studied. The ability to tune the size and morphologies of hybrid aggregate nanostructures has been achieved by controlling reaction conditions. The effects of morphologies and size dependent on electrical and optical properties have been demonstrated. These semiconductor molecular hybrid aggregate nanostructures exhibit interesting electrical, optical, and optoelectronic properties for use in next-generation electronic and optoelectronic devices. REFERENCES [1] Liu, H. B.; Zuo, Z. C.; Guo, Y. B.; Li, Y. J.; Li, Y. L. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 2705. [2] Huang, C. S.; Li, Y. L.; Song, Y. L.; Li, Y. J.; Liu, H. B.; Zhu, D. B. Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 3532. [3] Wang, K.; Yang, H.; Qian, X. M.; Xue, Z.; Li, Y. J.; Liu, H. B.; Li, Y. L. Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 11542. [4] Liu, H. B.; Wang, K.; Zhang, L.; Qian, X. M.; Y. J.; Li, Y. L. Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 432. [5] Guo, Y. B.; Xu, L.; Liu, H. B.; Li, Y. J.; Che, C.-M.; Li, Y. L. Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 985