348 research outputs found

    Consumer Coupon Redemption Behavior Prediction on B2C E-commerce

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    How to recognize the tendency of the coupons among the users who receive the coupons and then send the coupon reminder to improve the coupon redemption rate and reduce the marketing cost has become an important issue in the coupon decision-making process. Based on the log data and transaction data in enterprise database, this study combined with the demographics, past purchasing behavior, past coupon usage behavior and the visiting behavior during the coupon validity period to construct the e-coupon redemption behavior prediction model. The model is constructed to help e-commerce enterprises identify the target users who have the coupon proneness after the coupons are issued, so as to send coupon reminders in time and enhance the effectiveness of coupon marketing

    A Wideband Receiver with Adaptive Strong Interference Suppression

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    In this paper, a wideband receiver with high dynamic range is proposed. At the front end of the proposed receiver, a sensing waveform is used to sense the input signal. And by adjusting the sensing waveform so as to project the interference to zero, the receiver can eliminate the strong interference signal adaptively before sampling. Both the theoretic analysis and simulation show that this method can suppress the interference signal effectively and improve the sampling accuracy of the weak desired signal when the instantaneous dynamic range of the input signal is larger than the dynamic range of the ADC's quantizer

    Personality Openness Predicts Driver Trust in Automated Driving

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    Maintaining an appropriate level of trust in automated driving (AD) is critical to safe driving. However, few studies have explored factors affecting trust in AD in general, and no study, as far as is known, has directly investigated whether driver personality influences driver trust in an AD system. The current study investigates the relation between driver personality and driver trust in AD, focusing on Level 2 AD. Participants were required to perform a period of AD in a driving simulator, during which their gaze and driving behavior were recorded, as well as their subjective trust scores after driving. In three distinct measures, a significant correlation between Openness and driver trust in the AD system is found: participants with higher Openness traits tend to have less trust in the AD system. No significant correlations between driver trust in AD and other personality traits are found. The findings suggest that driver personality has an impact on driver trust in AD. Theoretical and practical implications of this finding are discussed

    RNA Sequencing Characterizes Transcriptomes Differences in Cold Response Between Northern and Southern Alternanthera philoxeroides and Highlight Adaptations Associated With Northward Expansion

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    Alternanthera philoxeroides recently expanded its range northwards in China. It is unknown if the range expansion has a genetic and/or epigenetic basis, or merely an environmental basis due to a warming climate. To test these possibilities, we used an RNAseq approach with a common greenhouse design to examine gene expression in individuals from the northern edge and central portion of alligator weed range from China to determine if there were differences in their responses to cold temperatures. We hypothesized that if the recent range expansion was primarily environmental, we would observe few differences or only differences unrelated to low-temperature adaptations. We assembled over 75,000 genes of which over 65,000 had long open reading frames with similarity to sequences from arabidopsis. Differences in expression between northern and southern populations that were both exposed to low temperatures showed similar expression among genes in the C-REPEAT/DRE BINDING FACTOR (CBF) regulon. However, gene set and sub-network enrichment analysis indicated differences in the response of photosynthetic processes and oxidative stress responses were different between the two populations and we relate these differences to cold adaptation. The transcriptome differences in response to cold between the individuals from the two populations is consistent with adaptations potentiating or resulting from selection after expansion into colder environments and may indicate that genetic changes have accompanied the recent northward expansion of A. philoxeroides in China. However, we cannot rule out the possibility of epigenetic changes may have a role in this expansion
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