182 research outputs found

    Dual Node and Edge Fairness-Aware Graph Partition

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    Fair graph partition of social networks is a crucial step toward ensuring fair and non-discriminatory treatments in unsupervised user analysis. Current fair partition methods typically consider node balance, a notion pursuing a proportionally balanced number of nodes from all demographic groups, but ignore the bias induced by imbalanced edges in each cluster. To address this gap, we propose a notion edge balance to measure the proportion of edges connecting different demographic groups in clusters. We analyze the relations between node balance and edge balance, then with line graph transformations, we propose a co-embedding framework to learn dual node and edge fairness-aware representations for graph partition. We validate our framework through several social network datasets and observe balanced partition in terms of both nodes and edges along with good utility. Moreover, we demonstrate our fair partition can be used as pseudo labels to facilitate graph neural networks to behave fairly in node classification and link prediction tasks

    The relationship between activated H2 bond length and adsorption distance on MXenes identified with graph neural network and resonating valence bond theory

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    Motivated by the recent experimental study on hydrogen storage in MXene multilayers [Nature Nanotechnol. 2021, 16, 331], for the first time we propose a workflow to computationally screen 23,857 compounds of MXene to explore the general relation between the activated H2 bond length and adsorption distance. By using density functional theory (DFT), we generate a dataset to investigate the adsorption geometries of hydrogen on MXenes, based on which we train physics-informed atomistic line graph neural networks (ALIGNNs) to predict adsorption parameters. To fit the results, we further derived a formula that quantitatively reproduces the dependence of H2 bond length on the adsorption distance from MXenes within the framework of Pauling's resonating valence bond (RVB) theory, revealing the impact of transition metal's ligancy and valence on activating dihydrogen in H2 storage

    Coffee: Cost-Effective Edge Caching for 360 Degree Live Video Streaming

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    While live 360 degree video streaming delivers immersive viewing experience, it poses significant bandwidth and latency challenges for content delivery networks. Edge servers are expected to play an important role in facilitating live streaming of 360 degree videos. In this paper, we propose a novel predictive edge caching algorithm (Coffee) for live 360 degree video that employ collaborative FoV prediction and predictive tile prefetching to reduce bandwidth consumption, streaming cost and improve the streaming quality and robustness. Our light-weight caching algorithms exploit the unique tile consumption patterns of live 360 degree video streaming to achieve high tile caching gains. Through extensive experiments driven by real 360 degree video streaming traces, we demonstrate that edge caching algorithms specifically designed for live 360 degree video streaming can achieve high streaming cost savings with small edge cache space consumption. Coffee, guided by viewer FoV predictions, significantly reduces back-haul traffic up to 76% compared to state-of-the-art edge caching algorithms. Furthermore, we develop a transcoding-aware variant (TransCoffee) and evaluate it using comprehensive experiments, which demonstrate that TransCoffee can achieve 63\% lower cost compared to state-of-the-art transcoding-aware approaches

    VISinger 2: High-Fidelity End-to-End Singing Voice Synthesis Enhanced by Digital Signal Processing Synthesizer

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    End-to-end singing voice synthesis (SVS) model VISinger can achieve better performance than the typical two-stage model with fewer parameters. However, VISinger has several problems: text-to-phase problem, the end-to-end model learns the meaningless mapping of text-to-phase; glitches problem, the harmonic components corresponding to the periodic signal of the voiced segment occurs a sudden change with audible artefacts; low sampling rate, the sampling rate of 24KHz does not meet the application needs of high-fidelity generation with the full-band rate (44.1KHz or higher). In this paper, we propose VISinger 2 to address these issues by integrating the digital signal processing (DSP) methods with VISinger. Specifically, inspired by recent advances in differentiable digital signal processing (DDSP), we incorporate a DSP synthesizer into the decoder to solve the above issues. The DSP synthesizer consists of a harmonic synthesizer and a noise synthesizer to generate periodic and aperiodic signals, respectively, from the latent representation z in VISinger. It supervises the posterior encoder to extract the latent representation without phase information and avoid the prior encoder modelling text-to-phase mapping. To avoid glitch artefacts, the HiFi-GAN is modified to accept the waveforms generated by the DSP synthesizer as a condition to produce the singing voice. Moreover, with the improved waveform decoder, VISinger 2 manages to generate 44.1kHz singing audio with richer expression and better quality. Experiments on OpenCpop corpus show that VISinger 2 outperforms VISinger, CpopSing and RefineSinger in both subjective and objective metrics.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    Optimization of Traced Neuron Skeleton Using Lasso-Based Model

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    Reconstruction of neuronal morphology from images involves mainly the extraction of neuronal skeleton points. It is an indispensable step in the quantitative analysis of neurons. Due to the complex morphology of neurons, many widely used tracing methods have difficulties in accurately acquiring skeleton points near branch points or in structures with tortuosity. Here, we propose two models to solve these problems. One is based on an L1-norm minimization model, which can better identify tortuous structure, namely, a local structure with large curvature skeleton points; the other detects an optimized branch point by considering the combination patterns of all neurites that link to this point. We combined these two models to achieve optimized skeleton detection for a neuron. We validate our models in various datasets including MOST and BigNeuron. In addition, we demonstrate that our method can optimize the traced skeletons from large-scale images. These characteristics of our approach indicate that it can reduce manual editing of traced skeletons and help to accelerate the accurate reconstruction of neuronal morphology
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