112 research outputs found

    Late Ordovician beachrock as a far-field indicator for glacial meltwater pulse

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    Understanding ancient climate changes is hampered by the inability to disentangle trends in continental ice volume from records of relative sea-level change. As a unique coastal deposit in tropical and subtropical regions, beachrock has been proved to be reliable for constraining the glacial meltwater signal and thus the total volume of land-based ice in Quaternary. However, beachrock is rarely recognized in the fossil record due to (a) the two-dimensional distribution of beach deposits, as opposed, for example, to extended platform sediments, and (b) the fact that specific environmental conditions are required in order to lithify sediments directly on the beach. By combining the stratigraphic architecture with petrography of characteristic carbonate cements, we demonstrate the first known occurrence of Ordovician beachrock in the Tarim Block, northwestern China. According to biostratigraphic data, a middle Katian (Upper Ordovician) palaeokarst surface is capped by carbonate conglomerate beachrock and this is suggesting a significant relative sea-level rise in late Katian. The beachrock can be correlated with widespread subaerial exposure surfaces and a pronounced stratigraphic gap within the Katian in northwestern Tarim. We suggest that the beachrock âfingerprintedâ a strong melt-water pulse in high latitudes after a short-lived Katian glaciation, which has not received much attention in scientific papers so far

    Ordovician successions in southern-central Xizang (Tibet), China—Refining the stratigraphy of the Himalayan and Lhasa terranes

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    The Ordovician stratigraphy of southern-central Xizang (Tibet) has been revised based on new conodont data recovered from 43 samples in four stratigraphic units and their integration with existing nautiloid and graptolite data. The Histiodella holodentata and Pygodus serra biozones have been identified respectively in the Alai and Jiaqu formations of the Chiatsun Group exposed near Alai village in Nyalam County within the Himalayan terrane, and the Yangtzeplacognathus foliaceus Subbiozone (lower part of the Pygodus serra Biozone) in the Sangqu Formation exposed at the Guyu section within Zayu County in the Lhasa terrane. Recognition of these biozones has increased the precision of correlation of the middle-upper Darriwilian strata in the region. Regional reassessment of the Ordovician stratigraphy permitted by new biostratigraphic data has allowed revised definitions for the Chiatsun and Keerduo groups and the Sangqu and Xainza formations. The Chiatsun Group is defined herein to include three lithologically distinctive formations in descending order, the Jiaqu, the Alai and the Adang formations. The stratigraphic age for the Jiaqu and Alai formations in the type area ranges from the middle Darriwilian (Histiodella holodentata Biozone) to middle Katian (Hamarodus brevirameus Biozone), but the age of the Adang Formation remains less certain

    An Environment-Friendly Multipath Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network

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    Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network (UASN) is a promising technique by facilitating a wide range of aquatic applications. However, routing scheme in UASN is a challenging task because of the characteristics of the nodes mobility, interruption of link, and interference caused by other underwater acoustic systems such as marine mammals. In order to achieve reliable data delivery in UASN, in this work, we present a disjoint multipath disruption-tolerant routing protocol for UASN (ENMR), which incorporates the Hue, Saturation, and Value color space (HSV) model to establish routing paths to greedily forward data packets to sink nodes. ENMR applies the mechanism to maintain the network topology. Simulation results show that, compared with the classic underwater routing protocols named PVBF, ENMR can improve packet delivery ratio and reduce network latency while avoiding introducing additional energy consumption

    Enhanced Generic Phase-field Model of Irradiation Materials: Fission Gas Bubble Growth Kinetics in Polycrystalline UO2

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    Experiments show that inter-granular and intra-granular gas bubbles have different growth kinetics which results in heterogeneous gas bubble microstructures in irradiated nuclear fuels. A science-based model predicting the heterogeneous microstructure evolution kinetics is desired, which enables one to study the effect of thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the system on gas bubble microstructure evolution kinetics and morphology, improve the understanding of the formation mechanisms of heterogeneous gas bubble microstructure, and provide the microstructure to macroscale approaches to study their impact on thermo-mechanical properties such as thermo-conductivity, gas release, volume swelling, and cracking. In our previous report 'Mesoscale Benchmark Demonstration, Problem 1: Mesoscale Simulations of Intra-granular Fission Gas Bubbles in UO2 under Post-irradiation Thermal Annealing', we developed a phase-field model to simulate the intra-granular gas bubble evolution in a single crystal during post-irradiation thermal annealing. In this work, we enhanced the model by incorporating thermodynamic and kinetic properties at grain boundaries, which can be obtained from atomistic simulations, to simulate fission gas bubble growth kinetics in polycrystalline UO2 fuels. The model takes into account of gas atom and vacancy diffusion, vacancy trapping and emission at defects, gas atom absorption and resolution at gas bubbles, internal pressure in gas bubbles, elastic interaction between defects and gas bubbles, and the difference of thermodynamic and kinetic properties in matrix and grain boundaries. We applied the model to simulate gas atom segregation at grain boundaries and the effect of interfacial energy and gas mobility on gas bubble morphology and growth kinetics in a bi-crystal UO2 during post-irradiation thermal annealing. The preliminary results demonstrate that the model can produce the equilibrium thermodynamic properties and the morphology of gas bubbles at grain boundaries for given grain boundary properties. More validation of the model capability in polycrystalline is underway


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    In this report, we summarize our current collobarative efforts, involving three national laboratories: Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Los Alamos National Laboatory (LANL), to develop a computational framework for homogenous and heterogenous nucleation mechanisms into the generic phase-field model. During the studies, the Fe-Cr system was chosen as a model system due to its simplicity and availability of reliable thermodynamic and kinetic data, as well as the range of applications of low-chromium ferritic steels in nuclear reactors. For homogenous nucleation, the relavant parameters determined from atomistic studies were used directly to determine the energy functional and parameters in the phase-field model. Interfacial energy, critical nucleus size, nucleation rate, and coarsening kinetics were systematically examined in two- and three- dimensional models. For the heteregoneous nucleation mechanism, we studied the nucleation and growth behavior of chromium precipitates due to the presence of dislocations. The results demonstrate that both nucleation schemes can be introduced to a phase-field modeling algorithm with the desired accuracy and computational efficiency
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