10,184 research outputs found

    SafeSkin: A blockchain system of products’ lifespan development to help the user find safer products

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    Due to the escalating demand for cosmetics skincare products and a growing number of beauty products putting people’s health at risk by counterfeits or using chemical ingredients in order to give a better skincare result, people start to have more concerns about the quality of cosmetics and skincare products. Today, many companies strive to make the transparency of the ingredients by labeling on the packaging and knowledge their customers about the benefits of the ingredients they are using. However, the consumers unable to find out how does the product being produced by the original company, and being transferred to the department store or other retailer. This study aims to use data and analysis from Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Get it Beauty Program, to provide comprehensive information on a skincare product from Production, Quality Inspection, Transportation to Marketing to assist consumers to determine whether the product is safe or not, also gathering consumers’ skin related information and skincare concerns to evaluate the product in particular for their skin type and provide recommendations. This paper investigates why it is essential to show a product from choosing raw material to the production process, shipment and when they are buying from the (online) store with after-sales support. To achieve this, a blockchain system of products’ lifespan development that built-in many online websites to the spurious with the genuine and help users find safer products was discussed and evaluated based on the 52 users with different skin conditions background

    The role of alexithymic traits in shaping mental health in the context of parental bonding and COVID-19 pandemic: FinnBrain birth cohort study

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    Alexithymia, a personality trait characterized by difficulties in identifying (DIF) and describing feelings (DDF), a pragmatic and externally oriented thinking style (EOT), and a scarcity of fantasy and imagination, was initially observed in psychosomatic patients and has long been associated with impaired mental wellbeing. However, there is controversy about whether or not alexithymia serves as a predictor for mental illnesses. Thus far, knowledge surrounding alexithymia, especially its nature, etiology, and actual role in the development of mental health problems, remains limited. This study consisted of a general population of parents from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. With both cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches, using multiple analytical methods, this study aimed to explore the intricate relationship between alexithymia and mental health problems related to two specific contexts: perceived parental bonding during childhood, and the recent experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results indicated that alexithymia mediated the link between perceived dysfunctional parental bonding and psychological distress, with a stronger effect among male subjects. In the context of the pandemic, while the role of alexithymia per se in the mental health changes was relatively weak, it functioned as a pronounced contributor when interacting with additional factors, such as perceived stress and existing alcohol use problems. The study also provided evidence regarding the differential role of specific dimensions of alexithymic traits, with DIF and DDF tending to predispose individuals to psychological distress, and EOT being more closely related to alcohol use. The finding suggests alexithymia as a potential mechanism explaining current mental health problems related to early perceived parenting factors. Furthermore, in the context of the pandemic, this study based on longitudinal data with employing different modeling techniques provides more comprehensive insights from several perspectives into the nature of alexithymia and its role in shaping mental health, which highlights the significance of identifying alexithymia and justifies it as a potential target for intervention strategies.Alexithymisten piirteiden rooli mielenterveyden muokkaajana vanhempien kiintymyssuhteen ja COVID-19-pandemian kontekstissa Aleksitymia on persoonallisuuden piirteistö, jolle on ominaista vaikeus tunnistaa (DIF) ja kuvailla tunteita (DDF), pragmaattinen ja ulkokohtainen ajattelutapa (EOT) sekä mielikuvituksen vähyys. Se todettiin alun perin psykosomaattisilla potilailla, ja sillä on pitkään havaittu olevan yhteys mielenterveyteen ja sen häiriöihin. On kuitenkin kiistanalaista, toimiiko aleksitymia mielenterveyden häiriöiden riskitekijänä. Tietoa aleksitymiasta, erityisesti sen luonteesta, etiologiasta ja todellisesta roolista mielenterveyden riskitekijänä, kaivataan edelleen lisää. Tämän tutkimuksen aineistona toimi FinnBrain-syntymäkohorttitutkimuksen vanhemmat. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin useita tilastollisia menetelmiä niin poikkileikkaus- kuin pitkittäisasetelmissa aleksitymian ja mielenterveysongelmien monimutkaisen suhteen tutkimiseksi kahdessa erityisessä kontekstissa: lapsuudessa koetun vanhemmuuden ja viimeaikaisen COVID-19-pandemian suhteen. Tulokset osoittivat, että aleksitymia toimi välittäjänä koetun ongelmallisen vanhemmuuden ja psyykkisten oireiden välillä, ja yhteys oli voimakkaampi miehillä. Pandemiaan liittyen aleksitymian itsenäinen rooli mielenterveyden muutoksissa oli suhteellisen heikko, mutta se oli merkittävä tekijä yhdessä muiden muuttujien, kuten koetun stressin ja olemassa olevien alkoholinkäyttöongelmien, kanssa. Tutkimuksessa saatiin myös näyttöä aleksitymian dimensioiden erilaisista rooleista, sillä DIF ja DDF vaikuttivat altistavan psyykkisille oireille ja EOT oli läheisemmin yhteydessä alkoholin käyttöön. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että aleksitymia voi toimia nykyisten mielenterveysongelmien selittäjänä varhaisiin vanhemmuuden ongelmiin liittyen. Lisäksi pandemian kontekstissa erilaisia mallinnustekniikoita pitkittäisasetelmassa hyödyntävä tutkimus tarjoaa aiempaa kattavamman näkökulman aleksitymian luonteeseen ja sen rooliin mielenterveyden muotoutumisessa, korostaen aleksitymian tunnistamisen merkitystä ja tukien sen potentiaalia interventiostrategioiden kohteena

    Are Smell-Based Metrics Actually Useful in Effort-Aware Structural Change-Proneness Prediction? An Empirical Study

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    Bad code smells (also named as code smells) are symptoms of poor design choices in implementation. Existing studies empirically confirmed that the presence of code smells increases the likelihood of subsequent changes (i.e., change-proness). However, to the best of our knowledge, no prior studies have leveraged smell-based metrics to predict particular change type (i.e., structural changes). Moreover, when evaluating the effectiveness of smell-based metrics in structural change-proneness prediction, none of existing studies take into account of the effort inspecting those change-prone source code. In this paper, we consider five smell-based metrics for effort-aware structural change-proneness prediction and compare these metrics with a baseline of well-known CK metrics in predicting particular categories of change types. Specifically, we first employ univariate logistic regression to analyze the correlation between each smellbased metric and structural change-proneness. Then, we build multivariate prediction models to examine the effectiveness of smell-based metrics in effort-aware structural change-proneness prediction when used alone and used together with the baseline metrics, respectively. Our experiments are conducted on six Java open-source projects with up to 60 versions and results indicate that: (1) all smell-based metrics are significantly related to structural change-proneness, except metric ANS in hive and SCM in camel after removing confounding effect of file size; (2) in most cases, smell-based metrics outperform the baseline metrics in predicting structural change-proneness; and (3) when used together with the baseline metrics, the smell-based metrics are more effective to predict change-prone files with being aware of inspection effort