225 research outputs found

    Co-projection-plane based 3-D padding for polyhedron projection for 360-degree video

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    The polyhedron projection for 360-degree video is becoming more and more popular since it can lead to much less geometry distortion compared with the equirectangular projection. However, in the polyhedron projection, we can observe very obvious texture discontinuity in the area near the face boundary. Such a texture discontinuity may lead to serious quality degradation when motion compensation crosses the discontinuous face boundary. To solve this problem, in this paper, we first propose to fill the corresponding neighboring faces in the suitable positions as the extension of the current face to keep approximated texture continuity. Then a co-projection-plane based 3-D padding method is proposed to project the reference pixels in the neighboring face to the current face to guarantee exact texture continuity. Under the proposed scheme, the reference pixel is always projected to the same plane with the current pixel when performing motion compensation so that the texture discontinuity problem can be solved. The proposed scheme is implemented in the reference software of High Efficiency Video Coding. Compared with the existing method, the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the rate-distortion performance. The experimental results obviously demonstrate that the texture discontinuity in the face boundary can be well handled by the proposed algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Spatial and Temporal Mutual Promotion for Video-based Person Re-identification

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    Video-based person re-identification is a crucial task of matching video sequences of a person across multiple camera views. Generally, features directly extracted from a single frame suffer from occlusion, blur, illumination and posture changes. This leads to false activation or missing activation in some regions, which corrupts the appearance and motion representation. How to explore the abundant spatial-temporal information in video sequences is the key to solve this problem. To this end, we propose a Refining Recurrent Unit (RRU) that recovers the missing parts and suppresses noisy parts of the current frame's features by referring historical frames. With RRU, the quality of each frame's appearance representation is improved. Then we use the Spatial-Temporal clues Integration Module (STIM) to mine the spatial-temporal information from those upgraded features. Meanwhile, the multi-level training objective is used to enhance the capability of RRU and STIM. Through the cooperation of those modules, the spatial and temporal features mutually promote each other and the final spatial-temporal feature representation is more discriminative and robust. Extensive experiments are conducted on three challenging datasets, i.e., iLIDS-VID, PRID-2011 and MARS. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods of video-based person re-identification on iLIDS-VID and MARS and achieves favorable results on PRID-2011.Comment: Accepted by AAAI19 as spotligh

    Feature Selective Networks for Object Detection

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    Objects for detection usually have distinct characteristics in different sub-regions and different aspect ratios. However, in prevalent two-stage object detection methods, Region-of-Interest (RoI) features are extracted by RoI pooling with little emphasis on these translation-variant feature components. We present feature selective networks to reform the feature representations of RoIs by exploiting their disparities among sub-regions and aspect ratios. Our network produces the sub-region attention bank and aspect ratio attention bank for the whole image. The RoI-based sub-region attention map and aspect ratio attention map are selectively pooled from the banks, and then used to refine the original RoI features for RoI classification. Equipped with a light-weight detection subnetwork, our network gets a consistent boost in detection performance based on general ConvNet backbones (ResNet-101, GoogLeNet and VGG-16). Without bells and whistles, our detectors equipped with ResNet-101 achieve more than 3% mAP improvement compared to counterparts on PASCAL VOC 2007, PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO datasets
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