25,614 research outputs found

    Quantum Doubles from a Class of Noncocommutative Weak Hopf Algebras

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    The concept of biperfect (noncocommutative) weak Hopf algebras is introduced and their properties are discussed. A new type of quasi-bicrossed products are constructed by means of weak Hopf skew-pairs of the weak Hopf algebras which are generalizations of the Hopf pairs introduced by Takeuchi. As a special case, the quantum double of a finite dimensional biperfect (noncocommutative) weak Hopf algebra is built. Examples of quantum doubles from a Clifford monoid as well as a noncommutative and noncocommutative weak Hopf algebra are given, generalizing quantum doubles from a group and a noncommutative and noncocommutative Hopf algebra, respectively. Moreover, some characterisations of quantum doubles of finite dimensional biperfect weak Hopf algebras are obtained.Comment: LaTex 18 pages, to appear in J. Math. Phys. (To compile, need pb-diagram.sty, pb-lams.sty, pb-xy.sty and lamsarrow.sty

    Experimental evidence for new symmetry axis of electromagnetic beams

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    The new symmetry axis of a well-behaved electromagnetic beam advanced in paper Physical Review A 78, 063831 (2008) is not purely a mathematical concept. The experimental result reported by Hosten and Kwiat in paper Science 319, 787 (2008) is shown to demonstrate the existence of this symmetry axis that is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the propagation axis.Comment: 10 pages and 3 figure

    Impulsive cylindrical gravitational wave: one possible radiative form emitted from cosmic strings and corresponding electromagnetic response

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    The cosmic strings(CSs) may be one important source of gravitational waves(GWs), and it has been intensively studied due to its special properties such as the cylindrical symmetry. The CSs would generate not only usual continuous GW, but also impulsive GW that brings more concentrated energy and consists of different GW components broadly covering low-, intermediate- and high-frequency bands simultaneously. These features might underlie interesting electromagnetic(EM) response to these GWs generated by the CSs. In this paper, with novel results and effects, we firstly calculate the analytical solutions of perturbed EM fields caused by interaction between impulsive cylindrical GWs (would be one of possible forms emitted from CSs) and background celestial high magnetic fields or widespread cosmological background magnetic fields, by using rigorous Einstein - Rosen metric. Results show: perturbed EM fields are also in the impulsive form accordant to the GW pulse, and asymptotic behaviors of the perturbed EM fields are fully consistent with the asymptotic behaviors of the energy density, energy flux density and Riemann curvature tensor of corresponding impulsive cylindrical GWs. The analytical solutions naturally give rise to the accumulation effect which is proportional to the term of distance^1/2, and based on it, we for the first time predict potentially observable effects in region of the Earth caused by the EM response to GWs from the CSs.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figure

    A statistical method (cross-validation) for bone loss region detection after spaceflight.

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    Astronauts experience bone loss after the long spaceflight missions. Identifying specific regions that undergo the greatest losses (e.g. the proximal femur) could reveal information about the processes of bone loss in disuse and disease. Methods for detecting such regions, however, remains an open problem. This paper focuses on statistical methods to detect such regions. We perform statistical parametric mapping to get t-maps of changes in images, and propose a new cross-validation method to select an optimum suprathreshold for forming clusters of pixels. Once these candidate clusters are formed, we use permutation testing of longitudinal labels to derive significant changes

    Bifurcation Boundary Conditions for Switching DC-DC Converters Under Constant On-Time Control

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    Sampled-data analysis and harmonic balance analysis are applied to analyze switching DC-DC converters under constant on-time control. Design-oriented boundary conditions for the period-doubling bifurcation and the saddle-node bifurcation are derived. The required ramp slope to avoid the bifurcations and the assigned pole locations associated with the ramp are also derived. The derived boundary conditions are more general and accurate than those recently obtained. Those recently obtained boundary conditions become special cases under the general modeling approach presented in this paper. Different analyses give different perspectives on the system dynamics and complement each other. Under the sampled-data analysis, the boundary conditions are expressed in terms of signal slopes and the ramp slope. Under the harmonic balance analysis, the boundary conditions are expressed in terms of signal harmonics. The derived boundary conditions are useful for a designer to design a converter to avoid the occurrence of the period-doubling bifurcation and the saddle-node bifurcation.Comment: Submitted to International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications on August 10, 2011; Manuscript ID: CTA-11-016

    Lateral shift of the transmitted light beam through a left-handed slab

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    It is reported that when a light beam travels through a slab of left-handed medium in the air, the lateral shift of the transmitted beam can be negative as well as positive. The necessary condition for the lateral shift to be positive is given. The validity of the stationary-phase approach is demonstrated by numerical simulations for a Gaussian-shaped beam. A restriction to the slab's thickness is provided that is necessary for the beam to retain its profile in the traveling. It is shown that the lateral shift of the reflected beam is equal to that of the transmitted beam in the symmetric configuration.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure