121 research outputs found

    Practical Production of Oligosaccharides Employing Multiple-enzymes System

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    Sensitivity experiments of RegCM4 using different cumulus and land surface schemes over the upper reaches of the Yangtze river

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    For the optimal performance of climate simulation, it is critical to localize physical parameterization schemes of climate models, especially in regions with unique geographic characteristics. To study the performance of different physical parameterization schemes for climate simulation in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin (UYRB), we conducted short-term simulations with a resolution of 50 km from 1990 to 1993 using RegCM4 driven by ERA-Interim. Simulations with 72 different scheme combinations were conducted and analyzed to identify the optimal cumulus convection schemes (CSs) and the land surface process schemes in the RegCM4 model. Using the multi-standard scoring method, we evaluated the model performance of precipitation and temperature over the UYRB with different physical parameterization schemes. The results show that precipitation is more sensitive to the CSs than the LSPs. Among the selected CSs, the Kain-Fritsch scheme can better reproduce precipitation characteristics of the UYRB, with a wet bias of only 0.2 mm/day for the multi-year average precipitation. Compared to the community land model (CLM 3.5 and CLM4.5), the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) performs better in reproducing temperature characteristics of the UYRB, with an average cold bias of only 0.2°C for all BATS schemes. The soil moisture, evapotranspiration and precipitation are lower and sensible heat flux is higher in CLM simulations, which can account for CLMs simulating warmer temperatures than BATS. The results provide a baseline for the localization of the RegCM4’s parameterization schemes in the UYRB and other regions of China

    A novel esterase gene cloned from a metagenomic library from neritic sediments of the South China Sea

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Marine microbes are a large and diverse group, which are exposed to a wide variety of pressure, temperature, salinity, nutrient availability and other environmental conditions. They provide a huge potential source of novel enzymes with unique properties that may be useful in industry and biotechnology. To explore the lipolytic genetic resources in the South China Sea, 23 sediment samples were collected in the depth < 100 m marine areas.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A metagenomic library of South China Sea sediments assemblage in plasmid vector containing about 194 Mb of community DNA was prepared. Screening of a part of the unamplified library resulted in isolation of 15 unique lipolytic clones with the ability to hydrolyze tributyrin. A positive recombinant clone (pNLE1), containing a novel esterase (Est_p1), was successfully expressed in <it>E. coli </it>and purified. In a series of assays, Est_p1 displayed maximal activity at pH 8.57, 40°C, with ρ-Nitrophenyl butyrate (C<sub>4</sub>) as substrate. Compared to other metagenomic esterases, Est_p1 played a notable role in specificity for substrate C<sub>4 </sub>(<it>k</it><sub>cat</sub>/<it>K</it><sub>m </sub>value 11,500 S<sup>-1</sup>m M<sup>-1</sup>) and showed no inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, suggested that the substrate binding pocket was suitable for substrate C<sub>4 </sub>and the serine active-site residue was buried at the bottom of substrate binding pocket which sheltered by a lid structure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Esterase, which specificity towards short chain fatty acids, especially butanoic acid, is commercially available as potent flavoring tools. According the outstanding activity and specificity for substrate C<sub>4</sub>, Est_p1 has potential application in flavor industries requiring hydrolysis of short chain esters.</p

    Valutazione delle funzioni cognitive e della capacità di automonitoraggio delle emozioni in pazienti con neoplasia mammaria.

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    ABSTRACT La relazione tra tumore e fattori psicosociali è un’ipotesi molto antica in medicina che è stata a lungo studiata, sia dal punto di vista dell’effetto dei fattori psico- sociali sull' eziologia del tumore sia dal punto di vista dell’effetto di diagnosi e trattamenti sui fattori psicosociali. Questo studio si inscrive nel secondo ambito di ricerca e in particolare il suo scopo è l’analisi degli effetti di due trattamenti farmacologici, chemioterapia e ormonoterapia, sulle funzioni cognitive e sull’ abilità di riconosci- mento e gestione delle emozioni nelle donne a cui è stato diagnosticato un tumore della mammella. In letteratura, il problema dei deficit cognitivi correlati ai trattamenti chemio-terapici (definiti colloquialmente in ambito clinico come chemofog) è molto noto e studiato, ma al momento non siamo a conoscenza di studi che abbiano indagato l’effetto dei trattamenti farmacologici sull’ intelligenza emotiva (IE), ovvero l’abilità cognitiva di riconoscimento e gestione delle emozioni. Fino ad oggi gli studi che hanno indagato la chemofog si sono concentrati su funzioni cognitive “di pensiero logico” quali memoria, attenzione, linguaggio, funzioni esecutive; l'attenzione agli effetti sull’IE può essere utile per le ricadute che vi possono essere sul paziente, in quanto è noto come la popolazione oncologica sia sottoposta ad un forte stress emotivo. Andare ad indagare quanto l'IE venga intaccata dalla neurotossicità legata ai farmaci può dare informazioni utili ad improntare degli interventi terapeutici e riabilitativi per aiutare i pazienti a far fronte al carico di stress emotivo che stanno affrontando; questo nell’ ottica anche di avere un impatto positivo sulla qualità di vita e sulla gestione delle fasi di malattia. La popolazione oggetto di studio è identificata in donne adulte con diagnosi di neoplasia mammaria, afferenti alle Oncologie Mediche di un ospedale regionale; complessivamente sono state contattate 113 donne con diagnosi di neoplasia mammaria di età compresa tra i 33 e i 60 anni. Di queste 65 sono risultate arruolabili se- condo i criteri di inclusione ed esclusione definiti per la partecipazione allo studio. Hanno accettato di partecipare 37 donne ed in seguito ad un drop-out sono state effettivamente valutate 36 partecipanti. 5 Sono stati misurati in quattro tempi di rilevazione (T0-baseline, T1-3 mesi, T2-6 mesi, T3-Follow up a 12 mesi) le abilità cognitive di memoria, attenzione, capacità visuospaziale e linguaggio utilizzando il test RBANS e le capacità di IE utilizzando il questionario self-report SREIS; sono inoltre state misurate quali variabili di controllo le problematiche soggettive, emozionali e comportamentali utilizzando la scala CBA-H. In generale i risultati di questo lavoro confermano quanto riportato in lettera- tura circa gli effetti negativi di chemioterapia e ormonoterapia su alcune capacità cognitive; si evidenzia in particolare non tanto un deficit sulle abilità cognitive, quanto un’interferenza sull’ effetto di apprendimento. Interessanti sono i risultati emersi dalla percezione delle capacità relative all’ intelligenza emotiva, aspetto innovativo dello studio, che, complessivamente, sembrano avere un andamento peggiorativo nelle pazienti che fanno trattamenti chemioterapici, ormonoterapici o una combinazione di entrambi. Sempre relativamente alle competenze di intelligenza emotiva è emerso come le pazienti chemiotrattate riferiscano di percepire maggiormente le emozione e di saperle meglio comprendere rispetto alle altre partecipanti, risultato inatteso rispetto alle ipotesi che andrebbe approfondito in ulteriori studi. La tesi di seguito presentata è articolata in quattro capitoli: nel primo viene fornita una descrizione di epidemiologia, eziologia, diagnosi e tipologia di trattamenti del tumore della mammella. Il secondo capitolo è focalizzato sugli aspetti psicologici interessati dalla malattia, in particolare sulle modalità di reazione emotiva e di adattamento alla diagnosi e ai trattamenti, con i loro effetti collaterali, per la neoplasia mammaria. Nel terzo capitolo viene presentata una rassegna della letteratura circa l’impatto dei trattamenti farmacologici, chemioterapia e ormonoterapia, sulle funzioni cognitive. Infine, nel quarto capitolo viene descritto il lavoro di ricerca: gli obiettivi, gli strumenti e il metodo utilizzati, le analisi statistiche svolte per la verifica delle ipotesi di lavoro, vengono inoltre dettagliati e commentati i risultati emersi.Evaluation of cognitive functions and emotional intelligence in breast cancer patients

    Association of miRNA-145 with the occurrence and prognosis of hydrosalpinx-induced defective endometrial receptivity

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    MiR-145 is reported to facilitate inflammation and is also associated with unsuccessful embryonic implantation. Whether miR-145 mediates inflammatory response underlying hydrosalpinx-induced defective endometrial receptivity (ER) remains unclear, and this study attempted to clarify this point. Endometrium samples were collected from hydrosalpinx patients (case, n = 243) and patients with tubal patency/obstruction (control, n = 187). The peripheral blood samples of cases and controls were collected to determine the genotypes of miR-145 SNPs. The value of miR-145 expression in the diagnosis and prognostic estimation of hydrosalpinx was assessed using ROC curve and regression analysis, respectively. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) cell model was established with endometrial cells, and cells were transfected with miR-145 mimic, inhibitor, or negative control. MiR-145 and cytokine levels were quantified by quantitative reverse transcription PCR or western blot. MiR-145 expression was significantly higher in hydrosalpinx compared to control group, and high miR-145 expression was significantly associated with moderate/severe tube lesion, high pulsatility index (>1.06), and high resistance index (>0.61) in hydrosalpinx patients. ROC curve analysis indicated that monitoring miR-145 expression may be useful for the diagnosis of hydrosalpinx (AUC = 0.704). A alleles of rs41291957 (G>A) and rs353292 (G>A) were significantly associated with an increased risk of hydrosalpinx compared to G allele (p G) and rs4705343 (T>C) significantly reduced susceptibility to hydrosalpinx compared to the wild type allele. Treatments with miR-145 mimic and LPS in endometrial cells significantly increased the levels of transforming growth factor-β1, tumor necrosis factor -α, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8 compared to negative control, while treatment with miR-145 inhibitor decreased the cytokine levels. In conclusion, abnormally expressed miR-145 may be involved in hydrosalpinx-induced ER defects by regulating the inflammatory response

    Diagnostic performance and clinical impact of blood metagenomic next-generation sequencing in ICU patients suspected monomicrobial and polymicrobial bloodstream infections

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    IntroductionEarly and effective application of antimicrobial medication has been evidenced to improve outcomes of patients with bloodstream infection (BSI). However, conventional microbiological tests (CMTs) have a number of limitations that hamper a rapid diagnosis.MethodsWe retrospectively collected 162 cases suspected BSI from intensive care unit with blood metagenomics next-generation sequencing (mNGS) results, to comparatively evaluate the diagnostic performance and the clinical impact on antibiotics usage of mNGS.Results and discussionResults showed that compared with blood culture, mNGS detected a greater number of pathogens, especially for Aspergillus spp, and yielded a significantly higher positive rate. With the final clinical diagnosis as the standard, the sensitivity of mNGS (excluding viruses) was 58.06%, significantly higher than that of blood culture (34.68%, P&lt;0.001). Combing blood mNGS and culture results, the sensitivity improved to 72.58%. Forty-six patients had infected by mixed pathogens, among which Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii contributed most. Compared to monomicrobial, cases with polymicrobial BSI exhibited dramatically higher level of SOFA, AST, hospitalized mortality and 90-day mortality (P&lt;0.05). A total of 101 patients underwent antibiotics adjustment, among which 85 were adjusted according to microbiological results, including 45 cases based on the mNGS results (40 cases escalation and 5 cases de-escalation) and 32 cases on blood culture. Collectively, for patients suspected BSI in critical condition, mNGS results can provide valuable diagnostic information and contribute to the optimizing of antibiotic treatment. Combining conventional tests with mNGS may significantly improve the detection rate for pathogens and optimize antibiotic treatment in critically ill patients with BSI

    Proteomic Analysis of Rhesus Macaque Brain Explants Treated With Borrelia burgdorferi Identifies Host GAP-43 as a Potential Factor Associated With Lyme Neuroborreliosis

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    BackgroundLyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) is one of the most dangerous manifestations of Lyme disease, but the pathogenesis and inflammatory mechanisms are not fully understood.MethodsCultured explants from the frontal cortex of rhesus monkey brain (n=3) were treated with live Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 6, 12, and 24 h. Total protein was collected for sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. In addition, changes in protein expression in the explants over time following Bb treatment were screened.ResultsWe identified 1237 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs; fold change ≥1.5 or ≤0.67, P-value ≤0.05). One of these, growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43), was highly expressed at all time points in the explants. The results of the protein-protein interaction network analysis of DEPs suggested that GAP-43 plays a role in the neuroinflammation associated with LNB. In HMC3 cells incubated with live Bb or PBS for 6, 12, and 24 h, real-time PCR and western blot analyses confirmed the increase of GAP-43 mRNA and protein, respectively.ConclusionsElevated GAP-43 expression is a potential marker for LNB that may be useful for diagnosis or treatment

    Bias Correction for Precipitation Simulated by RegCM4 over the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River Based on the Mixed Distribution Quantile Mapping Method

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    Traditional multi-parameter single distribution quantile mapping (QM) methods excel in some respects in correcting climate model precipitation, but are limited in others. Multi-parameter mixed distribution quantile mapping can potentially exploit the strengths of single distribution methods and avoid their weaknesses. The correction performance of mixed distribution QM methods varies with the geographical location they are applied to and the combination of distributions that are included. This study compares multiple sets of single distribution and multi-parameter mixed distribution QM methods in order to correct the precipitation bias in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River basin (UYRB) in RegCM4 simulated precipitation. The results show that, among the selected distributions, the gamma distribution has the highest performance in the basin; explaining more than 50% of the precipitation events based on the weighting coefficients. The Gumbel distribution had the worst performance, only explaining about 10% of the precipitation events. The performance parameters, such as the root mean square error (RMSE) and the correlation coefficient (R) of the corrected precipitation, that were derived by using mixed distribution were better than those derived by using single distribution. The QM method that is based on the gamma-generalized extreme value distribution best corrected the precipitation, could reproduce the annual cycle and geographical pattern of observed precipitation, and could significantly reduce the wet bias from the RegCM4 model in the UYRB. In addition to enhancing precipitation climatology, the correction method also improved the simulation performance of the RegCM4 model for extreme precipitation events