43 research outputs found

    Enhancing Sharpness-Aware Optimization Through Variance Suppression

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    Sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) has well documented merits in enhancing generalization of deep neural networks, even without sizable data augmentation. Embracing the geometry of the loss function, where neighborhoods of 'flat minima' heighten generalization ability, SAM seeks 'flat valleys' by minimizing the maximum loss caused by an adversary perturbing parameters within the neighborhood. Although critical to account for sharpness of the loss function, such an 'over-friendly adversary' can curtail the outmost level of generalization. The novel approach of this contribution fosters stabilization of adversaries through variance suppression (VaSSO) to avoid such friendliness. VaSSO's provable stability safeguards its numerical improvement over SAM in model-agnostic tasks, including image classification and machine translation. In addition, experiments confirm that VaSSO endows SAM with robustness against high levels of label noise.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202

    Conic Descent Redux for Memory-Efficient Optimization

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    Conic programming has well-documented merits in a gamut of signal processing and machine learning tasks. This contribution revisits a recently developed first-order conic descent (CD) solver, and advances it in three aspects: intuition, theory, and algorithmic implementation. It is found that CD can afford an intuitive geometric derivation that originates from the dual problem. This opens the door to novel algorithmic designs, with a momentum variant of CD, momentum conic descent (MOCO) exemplified. Diving deeper into the dual behavior CD and MOCO reveals: i) an analytically justified stopping criterion; and, ii) the potential to design preconditioners to speed up dual convergence. Lastly, to scale semidefinite programming (SDP) especially for low-rank solutions, a memory efficient MOCO variant is developed and numerically validated

    Meta-Learning with Versatile Loss Geometries for Fast Adaptation Using Mirror Descent

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    Utilizing task-invariant prior knowledge extracted from related tasks, meta-learning is a principled framework that empowers learning a new task especially when data records are limited. A fundamental challenge in meta-learning is how to quickly "adapt" the extracted prior in order to train a task-specific model within a few optimization steps. Existing approaches deal with this challenge using a preconditioner that enhances convergence of the per-task training process. Though effective in representing locally a quadratic training loss, these simple linear preconditioners can hardly capture complex loss geometries. The present contribution addresses this limitation by learning a nonlinear mirror map, which induces a versatile distance metric to enable capturing and optimizing a wide range of loss geometries, hence facilitating the per-task training. Numerical tests on few-shot learning datasets demonstrate the superior expressiveness and convergence of the advocated approach.Comment: Accepted by 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-24

    Scalable Bayesian Meta-Learning through Generalized Implicit Gradients

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    Meta-learning owns unique effectiveness and swiftness in tackling emerging tasks with limited data. Its broad applicability is revealed by viewing it as a bi-level optimization problem. The resultant algorithmic viewpoint however, faces scalability issues when the inner-level optimization relies on gradient-based iterations. Implicit differentiation has been considered to alleviate this challenge, but it is restricted to an isotropic Gaussian prior, and only favors deterministic meta-learning approaches. This work markedly mitigates the scalability bottleneck by cross-fertilizing the benefits of implicit differentiation to probabilistic Bayesian meta-learning. The novel implicit Bayesian meta-learning (iBaML) method not only broadens the scope of learnable priors, but also quantifies the associated uncertainty. Furthermore, the ultimate complexity is well controlled regardless of the inner-level optimization trajectory. Analytical error bounds are established to demonstrate the precision and efficiency of the generalized implicit gradient over the explicit one. Extensive numerical tests are also carried out to empirically validate the performance of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted as a poster paper in the main track of Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23