499 research outputs found

    Lipschitz equivalence of a class of self-similar sets

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    We consider a class of homogeneous self-similar sets with complete overlaps and give a sufficient condition for the Lipschitz equivalence between members in this class.Comment: A remark was added. To appear in Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Mat

    Multiple expansions of real numbers with digits set {0,1,q}\{0,1,q\}

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    For q>1q>1 we consider expansions in base qq over the alphabet {0,1,q}\{0,1,q\}. Let Uq\mathcal{U}_q be the set of xx which have a unique qq-expansions. For k=2,3,⋯ ,β„΅0k=2, 3,\cdots,\aleph_0 let Bk\mathcal{B}_k be the set of bases qq for which there exists xx having kk different qq-expansions, and for q∈Bkq\in \mathcal{B}_k let Uq(k)\mathcal{U}_q^{(k)} be the set of all such xx's which have kk different qq-expansions. In this paper we show that Bβ„΅0=[2,∞),Bk=(qc,∞)forΒ anykβ‰₯2, \mathcal{B}_{\aleph_0}=[2,\infty),\quad \mathcal{B}_k=(q_c,\infty)\quad \textrm{for any}\quad k\ge 2, where qcβ‰ˆ2.32472q_c\approx 2.32472 is the appropriate root of x3βˆ’3x2+2xβˆ’1=0x^3-3x^2+2x-1=0. Moreover, we show that for any positive integer kβ‰₯2k\ge 2 and any q∈Bkq\in\mathcal{B}_{k} the Hausdorff dimensions of Uq(k)\mathcal{U}_q^{(k)} and Uq\mathcal{U}_q are the same, i.e., dim⁑HUq(k)=dim⁑HUqforΒ anykβ‰₯2. \dim_H\mathcal{U}_q^{(k)}=\dim_H\mathcal{U}_q\quad\textrm{for any}\quad k\ge 2. Finally, we conclude that the set of xx having a continuum of qq-expansions has full Hausdorff dimension.Comment: 15 page, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Spectrality of Infinite Convolutions in Rd\mathbb{R}^d

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    In this paper, we study the spectrality of infinite convolutions in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, where the spectrality means the corresponding square integrable function space admits a family of exponential functions as an orthonormal basis. Suppose that the infinite convolutions are generated by a sequence of admissible pairs in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. We give two sufficient conditions for their spectrality by using the equi-positivity condition and the integral periodic zero set of Fourier transform. By applying these results, we show the spectrality of some specific infinite convolutions in Rd\mathbb{R}^d.Comment: 22 pages; update the main theorem
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