646 research outputs found

    Localized collapse and revival of coherence in an ultracold Bose gas

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    We study the collapse and revival of coherence induced by dipolar spin waves in a trapped gas of Rb-87 atoms. In particular we observe spatially localized collapse and revival of Ramsey fringe contrast and show how the pattern of coherence depends on strength of the spin wave excitation. We find that the spatial character of the coherence dynamics is incompatible with a simple model based only on position-space overlap of wave functions. This phenomenon requires a full phase-space description of the atomic spin using a quantum Boltzmann transport equation, which highlights spin wave-induced coherent spin currents and the ensuing dynamics they drive.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Spin Diffusion in Trapped Gases: Anisotropy in Dipole and Quadrupole Modes

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    Recent experiments in a mixture of two hyperfine states of trapped Bose gases show behavior analogous to a spin-1/2 system, including transverse spin waves and other familiar Leggett-Rice-type effects. We have derived the kinetic equations applicable to these systems, including the spin dependence of interparticle interactions in the collision integral, and have solved for spin-wave frequencies and longitudinal and transverse diffusion constants in the Boltzmann limit. We find that, while the transverse and longitudinal collision times for trapped Fermi gases are identical, the Bose gas shows unusual diffusion anisotropy in both dipole and quadrupole modes. Moreover, the lack of spin isotropy in the interactions leads to the non-conservation of transverse spin, which in turn has novel effects on the hydrodynamic modes.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    The s=1/2s=1/2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on Fullerene-Type Symmetry Clusters

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    The si=1/2s_{i}={1/2} nearest neighbor antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model is considered for spins sitting on the vertices of clusters with the connectivity of fullerene molecules and a number of sites nn ranging from 24 to 32. Using the permutational and spin inversion symmetries of the Hamiltonian the low energy spectrum is calculated for all the irreducible representations of the symmetry group of each cluster. Frustration and connectivity result in non-trivial low energy properties, with the lowest excited states being singlets except for n=28n=28. Same hexagon and same pentagon correlations are the most effective in the minimization of the energy, with the n=32−D3hn=32-D_{3h} symmetry cluster having an unusually strong singlet intra-pentagon correlation. The magnetization in a field shows no discontinuities unlike the icosahedral IhI_h fullerene clusters, but only plateaux with the most pronounced for n=28n=28. The spatial symmetry as well as the connectivity of the clusters appear to be important for the determination of their magnetic properties.Comment: Extended to include low energy spectra, correlation functions and magnetization data of clusters up to 32 site

    Spin Liquid in the Multiple-Spin Exchange model on the Triangular lattice: 3He on graphite

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    Using exact diagonalizations, we investigate the T=0 phase diagram of the Multi-Spin Exchange (MSE) model on the triangular lattice: we find a transition separating a ferromagnetic phase from a non-magnetic gapped Spin Liquid phase. Systems far enough from the ferromagnetic transition have a metamagnetic behavior with magnetization plateaus at m/m_sat=0 and 1/2. The MSE has been proposed to describe solid 3He films adsorbed onto graphite, thus we compute the MSE heat capacity for parameters in the low density range of the 2nd layer and find a double-peak structure.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted to Phys. Rev. Let

    An investigation of the quantum J1−J2−J3J_1-J_2-J_3 model on the honeycomb lattice

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    We have investigated the quantum J1−J2−J3J_1-J_2-J_3 model on the honeycomb lattice with exact diagonalizations and linear spin-wave calculations for selected values of J2/J1J_{2}/J_{1}, J3/J1J_{3}/J_{1} and antiferromagnetic (J1>0J_{1}>0) or ferromagnetic (J1<0J_{1}<0) nearest neighbor interactions. We found a variety of quantum effects: "order by disorder" selection of a N{\'e}el ordered ground-state, good candidates for non-classical ground-states with dimer long range order or spin-liquid like. The purely antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model is confirmed to be N{\'e}el ordered. Comparing these results with those observed on the square and triangular lattices, we enumerate some conjectures on the nature of the quantum phases in the isotropic models.Comment: 14 pages, 22 Postscript figures, uses svjour.cls and svepj.clo, submitted to European Physical Journal B: condensed matter physi

    How to detect weak emergent broken-symmetries of the Kagome antiferromagnet from Raman spectroscopy

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    We show that the magnetic Raman response of a spin-liquid is independent of the polarizations of the light for triangular symmetries. In contrast, a ground-state that has a broken symmetry shows characteristic oscillations when the polarizations are rotated. This would allow to detect weak broken symmetries and emergent order-parameters. We focus on the Kagome antiferromagnet where no conventional long-range order has been found so far, and present the Raman cross-section of a spin-liquid and a valence bond crystal (VBC) using a random phase approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, v2. intro partially rewritte

    Exact diagonalization Studies of Two-dimensional Frustrated Antiferromagnet Models

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    We describe the four kinds of behavior found in two-dimensional isotropic quantum antiferromagnets. Two of them display long range order at T=0: the N\'eel state and the Valence Bond Crystal. The last two are Spin-Liquids. Properties of these different states are shortly described and open questions are underlined.Comment: 7 pages; invited talk at "HFM 2000" (Waterloo, June 2000); submitted to Can. J. Phy

    Some remarks on the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem and its extension to higher dimensions

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    The extension of the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem to dimensions larger than one is discussed. It is explained why the variational wave-function built by the previous authors is of no help to prove the theorem in dimension larger than one. The short range R.V.B. picture of Sutherland, Rokhsar and Kivelson, Read and Chakraborty gives a strong support to the assertion that the theorem is indeed valid in any dimension. Some illustrations of the general ideas are displayed on exact spectra.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX with 4 EPS figures embedded in the documen

    Quantum phase transition induced by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya in the kagome antiferromagnet

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    We argue that the S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnet undergoes a quantum phase transition when the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coupling is increased. For D<DcD<D_c the system is in a moment-free phase and for D>DcD>D_c the system develops antiferromagnetic long-range order. The quantum critical point is found to be Dc≃0.1JD_c \simeq 0.1J using exact diagonalizations and finite-size scaling. This suggests that the kagome compound ZnCu3(OH)_3(OH)_6ClCl_3$ may be in a quantum critical region controlled by this fixed point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; v2: add. data included, show that D=0.1J is at a quantum critical poin
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