6 research outputs found

    How astrocytic ATP shapes neuronal activity and brain circuits

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    Astrocytes play a key role in processing information at synapses, by controlling synapse formation, modulating synapse strength and terminating neurotransmitter action. They release ATP to shape brain activity but it is unclear how, as astrocyte processes contact many targets and ATP-mediated effects are diverse and numerous. Here, I review recent studies showing how astrocytic ATP modulates cellular mechanisms in nearby neurons and glia in the grey and white matter, how it affects signal transmission in these areas, and how it modulates behavioural outputs. I attempt to provide a flowchart of astrocytic ATP signalling, showing that it tends to inhibit neural circuits to match energy demands

    Excitatory and inhibitory hippocampal neurons differ in their homeostatic adaptation to chronic M-channel modulation

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    A large body of studies has investigated bidirectional homeostatic plasticity both in vitro and in vivo using numerous pharmacological manipulations of activity or behavioral paradigms. However, these experiments rarely explored in the same cellular system the bidirectionality of the plasticity and simultaneously on excitatory and inhibitory neurons. M-channels are voltage-gated potassium channels that play a crucial role in regulating neuronal excitability and plasticity. In cultured hippocampal excitatory neurons, we previously showed that chronic exposure to the M-channel blocker XE991 leads to adaptative compensations, thereby triggering at different timescales intrinsic and synaptic homeostatic plasticity. This plastic adaptation barely occurs in hippocampal inhibitory neurons. In this study, we examined whether this homeostatic plasticity induced by M-channel inhibition was bidirectional by investigating the acute and chronic effects of the M-channel opener retigabine on hippocampal neuronal excitability. Acute retigabine exposure decreased excitability in both excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Chronic retigabine treatment triggered in excitatory neurons homeostatic adaptation of the threshold current and spontaneous firing rate at a time scale of 4–24 h. These plastic changes were accompanied by a substantial decrease in the M-current density and by a small, though significant, proximal relocation of Kv7.3-FGF14 segment along the axon initial segment. Thus, bidirectional homeostatic changes were observed in excitatory neurons though not symmetric in kinetics and mechanisms. Contrastingly, in inhibitory neurons, the compensatory changes in intrinsic excitability barely occurred after 48 h, while no homeostatic normalization of the spontaneous firing rate was observed. Our results indicate that excitatory and inhibitory hippocampal neurons differ in their adaptation to chronic alterations in neuronal excitability induced by M-channel bidirectional modulation

    Astrocyte Ca2+-evoked ATP release regulates myelinated axon excitability and conduction speed*

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    INTRODUCTION: Astrocytes support neuronal function throughout the central nervous system. In the gray matter, they regulate synapse number during development, remove synaptically released neurotransmitters to terminate their action and prevent excitotoxicity, control the extracellular potassium concentration to prevent hyperexcitability, regulate blood flow to ensure an adequate energy supply, provide lactate to neurons for energy, and respond to rises of intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) by releasing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and other gliotransmitters that act on neuronal receptors to modulate information processing. However, their role is unclear in the white matter, which transmits information rapidly between gray matter areas using axons wrapped with capacitance-reducing myelin (although they have been suggested to regulate myelination during development and during normal function). RATIONALE: Recently, it has been suggested that learning and memory may reflect not only changes in synaptic function in the gray matter, but also changes in white matter function. In particular, neural circuit function might be regulated by changes in the conduction speed of myelinated axons that result in an altered arrival time of action potentials at a distant neuron. These speed changes might be brought about by alterations of the properties of the passively conducting myelinated internodes or of the intervening excitable nodes of Ranvier, where the action potential is generated. We applied immunohistochemistry to assess how astrocytes interact with myelinated axons, neuronal stimulation and light-evoked calcium uncaging in astrocytes to evoke Ca2+-dependent release of gliotransmitters, and electrophysiology and pharmacology to characterize how astrocyte-released substances might affect the axon initial segment (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier of myelinated neurons. Measurements of conduction velocity and computer modeling allowed us to interpret the results. RESULTS: Astrocytes closely approach the axons of myelinated neurons in layer V of the cerebral cortex that enter the corpus callosum. Uncaging Ca2+ within astrocytes or stimulating spike trains in neurons evoked a rise of astrocyte [Ca2+]i that triggered the release of ATP-containing vesicles from these cells. This evoked an inward current in the AIS and nodes of Ranvier of the pyramidal neurons. Pharmacology showed that this was mediated by the activation of Gs-linked adenosine A2a receptors (A2aRs), implying that the released ATP was converted to adenosine by extracellular enzymes. The A2aRs raise the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP, which activates hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide–gated (HCN) channels mediating the inward hyperpolarization-activated current (Ih) and thus depolarizes the cell. In the AIS, the activation of A2aRs alters excitability and hence action potential generation, whereas in the nodes of Ranvier, it decreases the conduction speed of the action potential along the axon. CONCLUSION: As in the gray matter, astrocyte [Ca2+]i regulates the release of ATP into the extracellular space in the white matter. After conversion to adenosine, this regulates the excitability and conduction speed of myelinated axons. The changes in excitability at the AIS will lead to changes in the relationship between the synaptic input and action potential output of the cell. The altered conduction speed of the myelinated axon may change neural circuit function by changing the action potential arrival time at the cell’s output synapses, thus altering the integration of signals in postsynaptic neurons. Variations in astrocyte-derived adenosine level can occur between wake and sleep states, and the extracellular adenosine concentration rises during energy deprivation conditions. These changes in adenosine level could thus control white matter information flow and neural circuit function

    M-current inhibition rapidly induces a unique CK2-dependent plasticity of the axon initial segment

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    Alterations in synaptic input, persisting for hours to days, elicit homeostatic plastic changes in the axon initial segment (AIS), which is pivotal for spike generation. Here, in hippocampal pyramidal neurons of both primary cultures and slices, we triggered a unique form of AIS plasticity by selectively targeting M-type K+ channels, which predominantly localize to the AIS and are essential for tuning neuronal excitability. While acute M-current inhibition via cholinergic activation or direct channel block made neurons more excitable, minutes to hours of sustained M-current depression resulted in a gradual reduction in intrinsic excitability. Dual soma–axon patch-clamp recordings combined with axonal Na+ imaging and immunocytochemistry revealed that these compensatory alterations were associated with a distal shift of the spike trigger zone and distal relocation of FGF14, Na+, and Kv7 channels but not ankyrin G. The concomitant distal redistribution of FGF14 together with Nav and Kv7 segments along the AIS suggests that these channels relocate as a structural and functional unit. These fast homeostatic changes were independent of l-type Ca2+ channel activity but were contingent on the crucial AIS protein, protein kinase CK2. Using compartmental simulations, we examined the effects of varying the AIS position relative to the soma and found that AIS distal relocation of both Nav and Kv7 channels elicited a decrease in neuronal excitability. Thus, alterations in M-channel activity rapidly trigger unique AIS plasticity to stabilize network excitability

    M-Current Inhibition in Hippocampal Excitatory Neurons Triggers Intrinsic and Synaptic Homeostatic Responses at Different Temporal Scales

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    Persistent alterations in neuronal activity elicit homeostatic plastic changes in synaptic transmission and/or intrinsic excitability. However, it is unknown whether these homeostatic processes operate in concert or at different temporal scales to maintain network activity around a set-point value. Here we show that chronic neuronal hyperactivity, induced by M-channel inhibition, triggered intrinsic and synaptic homeostatic plasticity at different timescales in cultured hippocampal pyramidal neurons from mice of either sex. Homeostatic changes of intrinsic excitability occurred at a fast timescale (1–4 h) and depended on ongoing spiking activity. This fast intrinsic adaptation included plastic changes in the threshold current and a distal relocation of FGF14, a protein physically bridging Nav1.6 and Kv7.2 channels along the axon initial segment. In contrast, synaptic adaptations occurred at a slower timescale (∼2 d) and involved decreases in miniature EPSC amplitude. To examine how these temporally distinct homeostatic responses influenced hippocampal network activity, we quantified the rate of spontaneous spiking measured by multielectrode arrays at extended timescales. M-Channel blockade triggered slow homeostatic renormalization of the mean firing rate (MFR), concomitantly accompanied by a slow synaptic adaptation. Thus, the fast intrinsic adaptation of excitatory neurons is not sufficient to account for the homeostatic normalization of the MFR. In striking contrast, homeostatic adaptations of intrinsic excitability and spontaneous MFR failed in hippocampal GABAergic inhibitory neurons, which remained hyperexcitable following chronic M-channel blockage. Our results indicate that a single perturbation such as M-channel inhibition triggers multiple homeostatic mechanisms that operate at different timescales to maintain network mean firing rate. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Persistent alterations in synaptic input elicit homeostatic plastic changes in neuronal activity. Here we show that chronic neuronal hyperexcitability, induced by M-type potassium channel inhibition, triggered intrinsic and synaptic homeostatic plasticity at different timescales in hippocampal excitatory neurons. The data indicate that the fast adaptation of intrinsic excitability depends on ongoing spiking activity but is not sufficient to provide homeostasis of the mean firing rate. Our results show that a single perturbation such as M-channel inhibition can trigger multiple homeostatic processes that operate at different timescales to maintain network mean firing rate