32 research outputs found

    Ground test experience with large composite structures for commercial transports

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    The initial ground test of each component resulted in structural failure at less than ultimate design loads. While such failures represent major program delays, the investigation and analysis of each failure revealed significant lessons for effective utilization of composites in primary structure. Foremost among these are secondary loads that produce through-the-thickness forces which may lead to serious weaknesses in an otherwise sound structural design. The sources, magnitude, and effects of secondary loads need to be thoroughly understood and accounted for by the designers of composite primary aircraft structures

    Project Fire Flight 1 vibration data

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    Spectral density analysis on Fire Project flight vibration dat

    Diagnostische Bedeutung der Proteinbindung von Plasmacortisol, bestimmt durch Dextrangelfiltration

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    1. Mittels Dextrangelfiltration wurde nach Inkubation von markiertem Cortisol und Plasma der proteingebundene und der sog. freie Anteil (%) des endogenen Plasmacortisols ermittelt und bei gleichzeitiger fluorimetrischer Bestimmung der 11-OHCS auch die Menge proteingebundenen, bzw. sog. freien Cortisols (µg-%) berechnet. 2. Die diagnostische Brauchbarkeit der Methode wurde bei Patienten mit Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz, mit Hypophysentumoren, nach Hypophysektomie, mit Cushing-Syndrom mit der fluorimetrischen Bestimmung der 11-OHCS verglichen. Die einfache Bestimmung der Cortisolbindung war bei hypophysektomierten Patienten der Bestimmung der 11-OHCS überlegen und entsprach der aufwendigeren ACTH-Belastung. 3. Falsch hohe fluorimetrische 11-OHCS-Spiegel im Plasma unter Spirolacton- oder Oestrogenbehandlung und in der Gravidität lassen sich durch Bestimmung der Cortisolbindung klären. Bei Schilddrüsenüberfunktion war das sog. freie Cortisol im Plasma relativ und absolut vermehrt, bei Schilddrüsenunterfunktion fand sich eine Zunahme des plasmaproteingebundenen Cortisols.1. Following incubation of labeled cortisol and plasma the percentages of protein bound and socalled free endogenous cortisol were determined by means of dextran gel filtration. 2. The diagnostic value of this method was compared with fluorimetric determinations of 11-OHCS for patients with adrenal insufficiency, Cushing-Syndrome, pituitary tumors and after hypophysectomy. In hypophysectomized patients the simple determination of protein bound cortisol was found to correlate well with diagnostic ACTH-infusion tests and to be more sensitive than fluorimetric determinations of 11-OHCS in 9 a.m. plasma. 3. Falsely elevated fluorimetric values of plasma 11-OHCS in patients treated with spirolactone or estrogens, resp. during pregnancy may be recognized through determination of cortisol binding. — In thyrotoxicosis socalled free cortisol was elevated, both relatively and absolutely; in hypothyroidism an increase of protein bound cortisol was found

    Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Vermeidung von Verdampfungsverlusten von Legierungselementen beim Elektronenstrahlueberlaufschmelzen. Teilprojekt: Hauptversuche im industriellen Massstab Abschlussbericht

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    Due to specific process parameters such as very low pressure in the furnace chamber and high local superheating of the melt during electron beam cold hearth melting uncontrolled evaporation losses of alloying elements such as chromium in superalloys and aluminium in titanium alloys take place. During the present development two different routes were followed to solve these problems: 1. covering the melt surface with an oxid slag, so that the energy was introduced into the melt indirectly through the slag cover. 2. development of a high frequency electron beam gun with 1200 Hz as against 100 Hz to 150 Hz usually. Accordingly, the local dwelling time of the electron beam could be reduced from 7 msec to 0,8 msec. During melting of the superalloy Inconel 718 by covering the melt surface with a CaO/Al_2O_3-slag and by using the newly developed high frequency electron beam gun the evaporation losses of chromium were reduced from 2.5% to 0.34%. The melts of the Ti-alloy Ti_6Al_4V could not be covered with an oxide slag due to heavy reactions between the melt and the slag. The test melts were therefore carried out with the newly developed electron beam gun with a frequency of 1200 Hz. Also in this case the Al-loss could be reduced from 13.5% at 100 Hz to 6.1% at 1200 Hz. With on-line measurement of Cr- and Al-concentration in the gasphase with wave dispersive measuring system in combination with the measuring of superheat of the melt with a thermocamera the input of the EB-power was controlled in such a way that the evaporation losses were kept constant during the whole remelting. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: F95B2385+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman