27 research outputs found

    Median nerve conduction impairment in patients with diabetes and its impact on patients’ perception of health condition: a quantitative study

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    INTRODUCTION: Impaired mobility and compromised manual dexterity leading to difficulties with the activities of daily living (ADL) are an inherent part of the clinical picture in diabetes. Hand function in diabetes is influenced by a variety of pathologies: the median nerve, the most important nerve of the hand, can suffer from metabolic disturbances, ischemia and/or entrapment neuropathies. The resulting deterioration in functional capacity is likely to have significant consequences for the ability to perform ADL, influencing adjustment to diabetes and affecting quality of life. The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of hand function as measured by median motor nerve conduction on quality of life, taking into account various aspects of functioning in patients with diabetes, including activities of daily living, psychological status and acceptance of illness. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventy one hospital patients with diabetes participated in the study. Electrophysiological recordings of conductance in the median nerve were obtained for both hands and the relationship between hand function and functional status (BI), depression and anxiety (HADS), adjustment to illness (AIS) and their effect on quality of life (SF-36v2 and QLI) was studied. RESULTS: Damage to the median nerve of the left hand was associated with significant differences in functioning in the physical, but not the mental component of the SF-36v2, p = 0.03 and in functional status (p = 0.006). QOL was associated with depression, patient age, acceptance of illness, functional ability and to a small, but significant extent with median nerve damage to the right hand on the measure of conduction velocities (R2 =0.726). CONCLUSIONS: Nerve conductance studies demonstrated a small, but significant effect of hand function on quality of life. Impairment of the median nerve in the left hand was associated with functional difficulties in the activities of daily living and a diminished quality of life in the area of physical functioning. No dependencies of this kind were found for the right hand, which may reflect the greater compensatory capacity of the right hand resulting from improved efficiency due to practice

    Procedury pielęgniarskie w obliczu pandemii

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    The Relationship between Mental Health and the Quality of Life of Polish Nurses with Many Years of Experience in the Profession: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: In their professional work, nurses struggle repeatedly with difficult situations that are causes of stress. Another issue is the low prestige of the nursing profession compared with other professions, which results in dissatisfaction, increased frustration, and lack of precision when performing professional tasks. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between mental health and quality of life and satisfaction with life in nurses with many years of experience in the profession. Methods: The study was conducted in a group of 523 randomly selected professionally active nurses aged over 40 years old from the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Standardized questionnaires were used, including WHOQOL-BREF, a short version of a questionnaire assessing quality of life, the general health questionnaire (GHQ-28), and the satisfaction with life scale (SWLS). Results: The mental health component was found to be significantly affected by financial situation (p = 0.005). Among respondents describing their financial status as bad, the assessment of negative mental health symptoms was higher. The remaining studied variables—work experience, nature of work, place of residence, age, material status, having a partner, and having children—did not affect the respondents’ mental health status. The co-occurrence of chronic diseases affected (p = 0.008) the intensification of negative mental health symptoms such as somatic symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, and social dysfunction. The intensification of negative mental health symptoms was not connected with absence from work. Conclusions: The financial situation of the respondents significantly determined their quality of life as well as influencing mental health components. Nurses’ satisfaction with life was correlated with all studied domains of quality of life

    The Impact of an Individual Educational Program on the Quality of Life and Severity of Symptoms of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A typical symptom is changed bowel patterns: diarrhea, constipation, or alternation of the two. Abdominal pains vary in intensity and location, with periods of exacerbation and remission, causing disorganization in everyday life and work. Educational intervention could be one strategy to improve the well-being of IBS patients. Only a few trials have examined this hypothesis. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of an educational program combined with elements of behavioral therapy, individualized for each patient, on quality of life (QOL) and severity of pain of patients with IBS. Methods: In total, 150 IBS patients and 100 healthy persons in the control group were included. QOL (36-Item Short Form Health Survey, SF-36) and pain severity (Visual Analogue Scale) were measured at baseline and six months after education of IBS patients. Results: At baseline, patients with IBS showed highly significantly worse QOL. In the IBS group, significantly higher physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores were noted for 35- to 50-year-old patients compared to other patients. Six months after education and behavioral therapy, significant improvement in QOL and a significant decrease in the subjective perception of pain severity were noted compared to values before therapeutic education. Conclusion: An educational program combined with elements of behavioral therapy, individualized for patients with IBS, is an important part of therapy for these patients

    The level of knowledge of nursing students in range of selected facts from the history and traditions of profession

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    Wstęp. We współczesnym świecie symbolika życia społecznego przeżywa kryzys. Cel pracy. Ocena poziomu wiedzy studentów pielęgniarstwa w zakresie wybranych faktów z historii i tradycji zawodu oraz ich zapotrzebowania na takie informacje. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 100 studentów pielęgniarstwa. W badaniu wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety. Wyniki. Nie sprawiło problemów rozpoznanie Florence Nightingale (94% studentów grupy I i 90% grupy II), a najwięcej — rozpoznanie Wandy Żurawskiej (26% z grupy I) i Jadwigi Iżyckiej (8% z grupy II). Generalnie studenci z grupy I udzielili ogółem 48% poprawnych odpowiedzi, zaś z grupy II — 42%. Najbardziej znaczącą postacią okazała się Hanna Chrzanowska (58% z grupy I i 48% z grupy II). Historyczne wzory osobowe pielęgniarek są nadal aktualne w opinii 40% osób z grupy I i 26% z grupy II. Zdaniem 78% z grupy I i 61% z grupy II należy kultywować tradycje pielęgniarskie związane z zawodem. Za najważniejszą tradycję uznano czepkowanie — 72% z grupy I i 68% z grupy II. Powinno się uczyć studentów historii zawodu zdaniem 52% osób z grupy I i 58% z grupy II. Przekazywane im treści z historii zawodu za wystarczające uznało 66% studentów z grupy I i 28% z grupy II. Wnioski. Poziom wiedzy studentów w zakresie wybranych faktów z historii i tradycji pielęgniarstwa jest niedostateczny. Większą wiedzę posiadali studenci I roku studiów licencjackich w porównaniu ze studentami I roku studiów magisterskich. Wyniki badań sugerują, że liczba godzin dydaktycznych poświęcanych na przekazanie studentom wiedzy z zakresu historii zawodu jest niewystarczająca. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2012; 20 (4): 480–486Introduction. In the contemporary world, social symbolism in crisis. Aim of the study. To evaluate the level of the nursing students’ knowledge of selected facts from the history and traditions of the profession and its need for such information. Material and methods. The study included 100 nurse’s students. In the study, we used a questionnaire. Results. Do not recognize the problems caused Florence Nightingale (94% of the students in Group, I and 90% in group II), and the highest — to recognize Wanda Zurawski (26% of group, I) and Hedwig Iżyckiej (8% in group II). Generally, students in Group I gave a total of 48% of correct answers, while in Group II — 42% of the responses. The most prominent person was a Hanna Chrzanowska (58% in Group, I and 48% in Group II). Historical patterns of personal nurses are still valid in the opinion of 40% of group, I and 26% in group II. Cultivate the traditions associated with the profession of nursing, according to 78% of group, I and 61% in group II. The most important was the tradition of caps — 72% in group, I and 68% in group II. Students should be taught the history of the profession believe 52% of group, I and 58% in group II. Communication of the content of the history of the profession as sufficient found 66% of the students in Group I and 28% in group II. Conclusions. The level of knowledge of students of the Medical University of Bialystok in the selected facts of history and tradition of nursing is insufficient. The first-year undergraduate students had greater knowledge compared to the first-year Master’s program. The results suggest that the number of teaching hours devote to provide students with knowledge about the history of nursing is insufficient. Nursing Topics 2012; 20 (4): 480–48

    Quality of Life after Bariatric Surgery—A Systematic Review

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    Background: Most studies analyzing the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) after bariatric treatment ceased at five years post-surgery or even earlier, and it is unclear whether the HRQOL benefit persists for a longer time. This paper reviews sparse evidence regarding HRQOL in patients who underwent bariatric surgery at least nine years prior. Materials and Methods: A of PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar between 2007–2021 was carried out for the studies investigating HRQOL as an outcome measure in patients after bariatric surgery of any type and having at least a 9-year follow-up. Inconsistent reporting of weight loss or postgraduate study results unrelated to QoL were not included in the study. The study used the PICO procedure. Results: The review of 18 identified publications demonstrated that bariatric treatment seems to provide a persistent benefit in terms of HRQOL, especially its physical component score. Due to psychological predispositions, some patients appear to be less likely to benefit from bariatric treatment, whether in terms of HRQOL or bodyweight reduction. Inconsistent and imprecise studies may limit the evidence included in a review. Conclusions: The early identification of such patients and providing them with holistic care, including psychological intervention, would likely further improve the outcomes of bariatric treatment

    Evaluation of Pain Management after Surgery: An Observational Study

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    Background and Objectives: Choosing a pain management strategy is essential for improving recovery after surgery. Effective pain management reduces the stress response, facilitates mobilization, and improves the quality of the postoperative period. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of pain management in patients after surgery. Materials and Methods: The study included 216 patients operated on in the following surgical wards: the Department of Cardiosurgery and the Department of General and Endocrine Surgery. Patients were hospitalized on average for 6 ± 4.5 days. Patients were randomly selected for the study using a questionnaire technique with a numerical rating scale. Results: Immediately after surgery, pre-emptive analgesia, multimodal analgesia, and analgosedation were used significantly more frequently than other methods (p < 0.001). In the subsequent postoperative days, the method of administering drugs on demand was used most often. Patients with confirmed complications during postoperative wound healing required significantly more frequent use of drugs from Steps 2 and 3 of the World Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder compared with patients without complications. Conclusion: The mode of patient admission for surgery significantly affected the level of pain perception. Different pain management methods were used and not every method was effective

    Ocena stanu funkcjonalnego pacjentów geriatrycznych wyznacznikiem zakresu opieki pielęgniarskiej

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    Background. The aim of the work was to evaluate the functional condition of elderly people hospitalized at the Geriatrics Ward and to determine the scope of their nursing needs.Material and method. Survey-based research was carried out among a group of 100 patients 60 years of age or older, consecutively admitted to the Geriatrics Ward of the MSW (Ministry of Interior) Hospital in Białystok. The study tool was standardized questionnaires for the evaluation of elderly people’s condition. Self-care was assessed on the basis of the Barthel scale, the ability to perform complex daily living activities, on the basis of questions from the I-ADL scale, the risk ofbedsores, according to the Norton scale, the emotional state, on the basis of the Geriatric Depression Scale according to Yesavage’a, the cognitive functions, on the basis of the AMTS, and the fall risk, on the basis of the Tinetti test. The research was supplemented with a self-constructed survey questionnaire enquiring about socio-demographic data and self-evaluation of the respondents’ health. Statistical analysis was performed with the use of STATISTICA v. 13.0 statistical package. The p value lower than 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant difference.Results. The elderly persons participating in the study were characterized with an advanced age, poor health condition and complex disability. Three fourths of the subjects were seriously dependent on others’ help in performing complex daily living activities. More than a half (60.0%) of the studied elderly people displayed an abnormal result regarding the emotional state, and 42.0%, regarding cognitive functions. Every second person ran a high risk of falling and developing bedsores.Conclusions. Advanced age, deteriorating health and complex disability increase the need for care. Evaluation of the functionalcondition of elderly people with the use of standardized questionnaires is a significant indicator of the requirednursing care.Wstęp. Celem pracy była ocena sprawności funkcjonalnej osób starszych hospitalizowanych na Oddziale Geriatrii Szpitala MSW w Białymstoku i określenie spektrum problemów pielęgnacyjnych.Materiał i metody. Badania kwestionariuszowe przeprowadzono w grupie 100 osób w wieku 60 lat i starszych kolejno przyjmowanych na Oddział Geriatrii Szpitala MSW w Białymstoku. Narzędziem badawczym były standaryzowane kwestionariuszeoceny osób starszych. Sprawność samoobsługową oceniano na podstawie Indeksu Barthel, zdolność do wykonywania złożonych czynności życia codziennego, opierając się na pytaniach skali I-ADL, ryzyko rozwoju odleżyn (skala Norton), stan emocjonalny (Geriatryczna Skala Oceny Depresji) według Yesavage’a, stan funkcji poznawczych (test AMTS, Abbreviated Mental Test Score), ryzyko upadków (test Tinetti). Uzupełnieniem był kwestionariusz ankietowy własnej konstrukcji indagujący o dane społeczno-demograficzne i samoocenę stanu zdrowia. Analizę statystyczną przeprowadzono za pomocąpakietu statystycznego STATISTICA v. 13.0. Za różnicę znamienną statystycznie przyjęto wartość p < 0,05.Wyniki. Badane osoby starsze prezentowały zaawansowany wiek, zły stan zdrowia i złożony charakter niesprawności. Trzy czwarte badanych osób starszych było poważnie zależnych od pomocy osób drugich w zakresie wykonywania złożonych czynności życia codziennego. U ponad połowy (60%) badanych osób starszych stwierdzono nieprawidłowy wynik w zakresie stanu emocji, zaś u 42% w ocenie funkcji poznawczych. Co druga badana osoba była zagrożona dużym ryzykiem upadku i rozwojem odleżyn.Wnioski. Zaawansowany wiek, pogarszający się stan zdrowia, złożona niesprawność zwiększają zapotrzebowanie na opiekę. Ocena stanu funkcjonalnego osób w starszym wieku dokonywana za pomocą standaryzowanych kwestionariuszy jest istotnym wyznacznikiem zakresu opieki pielęgniarskiej

    Evaluation of patients’ knowledge on haemorrhoidal disease prevention

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    Wstęp. Objawy choroby hemoroidalnej występują u co czwartego dorosłego człowieka. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena wiedzy pacjentów na temat choroby hemoroidalnej oraz ich oczekiwań związanych z edukacją zdrowotną w powyższym zakresie. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 129 losowo wybranych pacjentów leczonych z powodu choroby hemoroidalnej i wykorzystano w nim autorski kwestionariusz ankietowy. Wyniki. Według 10% ankietowanych wiekiem, w jakim najczęściej występuje choroba hemoroidalna, jest wiek 51–60 lat. Do czynników etiologicznych choroby badani zaliczali między innymi: zaparcia (80%), siedzący tryb życia (76%), dietę z małą ilością błonnika (50%). Za objawy choroby badani najczęściej uważali: krwawienia w trakcie oddawania stolca (86%), świąd odbytu (73%), wyczuwalny guzek w okolicy odbytu i wypadanie żylaków (53%), ból (33%). Zdaniem 80% osób jedną z podstawowych metod diagnostyki choroby hemoroidalnej jest badanie palcem odbytu, kanału odbytu i bańki odbytnicy. Mniej niż 1/4 wymieniało rektoskopię, 56% — kolonoskopię; 87% badanych uważało, iż chorobę należy leczyć chirurgiczne, 76% — farmakologicznie, a 35% — dietetycznie. Około 1/3 osób do metod zmniejszających ryzyko choroby zaliczyło ruch, regularne wykonywanie ćwiczeń fizycznych oraz unikanie picia alkoholu. Ponad 70% pacjentów w roli edukatora preferowało lekarza, a jedynie 12% pielęgniarkę. Ponad 60% swoją wiedzę na temat choroby czerpało z internetu. Wnioski. Poziom wiedzy pacjentów na temat choroby hemoroidalnej i jej profilaktyki był niewystarczający, mimo że prawie połowa badanych pacjentów w samoocenie oceniła swój poziom wiedzy jako dostateczny. Głównym źródłem informacji dla pacjentów na temat choroby był internet. W roli edukatora chorzy widzieli przede wszystkim lekarza. Pacjenci chcieliby poszerzyć zakres swojej wiedzy na temat profilaktyki choroby hemoroidalnej, przyczyn, objawów i powikłań, diagnostyki, leczenia, diety, remisji choroby po leczeniu chirurgicznym oraz higieny. Brak istotnego wpływu czasu trwania choroby hemoroidalnej na poziom wiedzy chorych w zakresie profilaktyki może sugerować, iż metody edukacyjne dotychczas stosowane u chorych są nieskuteczne.Introduction. Symptoms of hemorrhoids affects every fourth adult. Aim of the study. Assessment of patient knowledge on the disease and their expectations of hemorrhoid-related health education. Material and methods. The study included 129 randomly selected patients treated for hemorrhoidal disease. We used an anonymized questionnaire. Results. 10% of the respondents for the age at which disease occurs most commonly found the hemorrhoid range from 51 to 60 years old. The etiological factors included: constipation (80%), sedentary lifestyle (76%), diet with little fiber (50%). The following symptoms were considered: bleeding (86%), anal itching (73%), palpable lump in the anal area and loss of varicose veins (53%), pain (33%). Overall, 80% of patients knew that one of the basic methods of hemorrhoid disease diagnostic test is a finger anus, anal canal and rectum bubble. Less than Ľ of patients listed rectoscopy and 56% — colonoscopy. Of the respondents, (87%) believed that this disease should be treated with surgery, (76%) — pharmacologically, and (35%) — nutritionally. To reduce the risk of this disease, about 1/3 of patients recommended regular exercise and avoiding alcohol. More than (70%) of the patients preferred the doctor and (12%) the nurse as educators. The Internet was the main source of information for the patients (60%). Conclusions. The level of knowledge of patients about the disease and its prevention hemorrhoid was insufficient, although nearly half of patients in self-assessed their level of knowledge as sufficient. The Internet was the main source of information about the disease for the patients. Information transfer by doctors is the main source of information for the patients. Patients would like to broaden the scope of their knowledge of hemorrhoidal disease prevention, causes, symptoms and complications, diagnosis, treatment, diet, disease remission after surgery, and hygiene. No significant effect of disease duration on the level of knowledge hemorrhoid patients for prevention may suggest that the educational methods used so far are ineffective among patients