1,510 research outputs found

    Combinatorial synthesis and high-throughput photopotential and photocurrent screening of mixed-metal oxides for photoelectrochemical water splitting

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    A high-throughput method has been developed using a commercial piezoelectric inkjet printer for synthesis and characterization of mixed-metal oxide photoelectrode materials for water splitting. The printer was used to deposit metal nitrate solutions onto a conductive glass substrate. The deposited metal nitrate solutions were then pyrolyzed to yield mixed-metal oxides that contained up to eight distinct metals. The stoichiometry of the metal oxides was controlled quantitatively, allowing for the creation of vast libraries of novel materials. Automated methods were developed to measure the open-circuit potentials (Eoc), short-circuit photocurrent densities (Jsc), and current density vs. applied potential (J–E) behavior under visible light irradiation. The high-throughput measurement of Eoc is particularly significant because open-circuit potential measurements allow the interfacial energetics to be probed regardless of whether the band edges of the materials of concern are above, close to, or below the values needed to sustain water electrolysis under standard conditions. The Eoc measurements allow high-throughput compilation of a suite of data that can be associated with the composition of the various materials in the library, to thereby aid in the development of additional screens and to form a basis for development of theoretical guidance in the prediction of additional potentially promising photoelectrode compositions

    Amphibian ecology and conservation: A handbook of techniques

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    When it comes to rare and endangered animals, there is usually a good selection of literature available. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the Chinese Alligator. Its scarcity in the wild and the fact that its home range is well within the confines of Red China has probably contributed to this. The lack of information on this animal becomes all too apparent once you start to read thisbook

    The herpetofauna of La Suerte Biological Field Station, Cariari, Costa Rica; an updated field list with notes on species recorded in 1998

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    OSTA RICA lies at 12° latitude and 80° longitude in Central America. The country covers 19,730 square miles and has both an Atlantic and Pacific coastline. The Pacific features two peninsulas, de Nicoya in the North and de Osa to the South. The north of the country borders Nicaragua and the South, Panama. The inland mountain ranges stretch from the northwest across the middle of the country and proceed centrally down to Panama

    Leptophis depressirostris (Satiny parrot snake): Reproduction

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    Leptophis depressirostris is a slender green vine snake found from the Eastern slopes of Nicaragua to the Northern tip of Ecuador (Savage, 2002). On 29th November 2002 an adult female of this species(total length 780 mm; tail 213 mm; 66.2 g) was found during an expedition to the Tortuguero area of Costa Rica

    Threats facing endemic herpetofauna in the cloud forest reserves of Ecuador

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    This report documents species of herpetofauna found in three cloud forest habitats and comments on the conservation, ecology, and precarious situation of herpetofauna in tropical Ecuador. The expedition was organised with the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador (PUCE) and 'Earthwatch' during October 2000. Thirteen species were observed over two weeks, however one species that was previously abundant had disappeared. Ecuador's diverse herpetofauna continues to be threatened by both anthropocentric and environmental changes to its habitats

    The ecology and behavior of Amphibians

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    An investigation into ecology and mitigation options for Vipera ursinii renardi in Kazakhstan

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    Kazakhstan has 51 species of reptile. The Vipera ursinii renardi (The Meadow Viper) is one of the countries rarest and most cryptic venomous viper species. It is protected under Kazakhstan and international law that seeks to prevent the species’ demise in wild habitats. The species exists in a range of steppe habitat, from steppe forest edge through to low steppe and open grass. It can also survive within microhabitat features in remnant and secondary-improved steppe habitat.This desktop investigation considers Vipera ursinii renardi and discusses possible mitigation for the species in light of its status and current knowledge. Mitigation techniques of long term fencing and line transect capture techniques are recommended. Potential habitat improvement measures to benefit the species post-mitigation are also discussed. Long term approaches to regeneration of steppe habitat with a view to prey and niche requirements for Vipera ursinii renardi are recommended

    New species of herpetofauna from the Greater Mekong region of Southeast Asia reported by WWF

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    A remarkable 163 new species discoveries have been made in the past year in the jungles and rivers of the Greater mekong region of Southeast Asia. the new finds in 2008 comprise 100 plants, 28 fish, 18 reptiles, 14 amphibians, 2 mammals and 1 bird species, highlighting the biological importance of this unique and diverse land
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