1,401 research outputs found

    Field reconnaissance geologic mapping of the Columbia Hills, Mars, based on Mars Exploration Rover Spirit and MRO HiRISE observations

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    Chemical, mineralogic, and lithologic ground truth was acquired for the first time on Mars in terrain units mapped using orbital Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (MRO HiRISE) image data. Examination of several dozen outcrops shows that Mars is geologically complex at meter length scales, the record of its geologic history is well exposed, stratigraphic units may be identified and correlated across significant areas on the ground, and outcrops and geologic relationships between materials may be analyzed with techniques commonly employed in terrestrial field geology. Despite their burial during the course of Martian geologic time by widespread epiclastic materials, mobile fines, and fall deposits, the selective exhumation of deep and well-preserved geologic units has exposed undisturbed outcrops, stratigraphic sections, and structural information much as they are preserved and exposed on Earth. A rich geologic record awaits skilled future field investigators on Mars. The correlation of ground observations and orbital images enables construction of a corresponding geologic reconnaissance map. Most of the outcrops visited are interpreted to be pyroclastic, impactite, and epiclastic deposits overlying an unexposed substrate, probably related to a modified Gusev crater central peak. Fluids have altered chemistry and mineralogy of these protoliths in degrees that vary substantially within the same map unit. Examination of the rocks exposed above and below the major unconformity between the plains lavas and the Columbia Hills directly confirms the general conclusion from remote sensing in previous studies over past years that the early history of Mars was a time of more intense deposition and modification of the surface. Although the availability of fluids and the chemical and mineral activity declined from this early period, significant later volcanism and fluid convection enabled additional, if localized, chemical activity

    Stratigraphic analysis of the distributary fan in Eberswalde crater using stereo imagery

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    The eroded remains of a fluvial distributary network in Eberswalde crater are uniquely well preserved among similar structures on Mars. A quantitative analysis of the exposed stratigraphy has been performed to investigate the internal structure of the deposit. Using topographic information derived from stereo pairs of high-resolution Mars Orbiter Camera images, we have for the first time quantified the orientation of individual layers exposed along the distal end of the distributary network. In combination with topographic data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, we have examined plausible scenarios for the formation of this structure. We find that the evidence is inconsistent with formation both as an alluvial fan and as a progradational delta. Instead, we find that an aggradational delta best fits the observed characteristics of the channel network and the Eberswalde basin as a whole. We conclude that the delta likely formed not in a stable long-lived lake but over the course of a small number of shorter lacustrine episodes, which were not sustained at equilibrium conditions

    Influence of camera distortions on satellite image registration and change detection applications

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    Applications such as change detection and digital elevation model extraction from optical images require a rigorous modeling of the acquisition geometry. We show that the unrecorded satellite jitter during image acquisition, and the uncertainties on the CCD arrays geometry are the current major limiting factors for applications requiring high accuracy. These artifacts are identified and quantified on several optical satellites, i.e., SPOT, ASTER, QuickBird, and HiRISE

    Hypogenic Speleogenesis within Seven Rivers Evaporites: Coffee Cave, Eddy County, New Mexico

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    Coffee Cave, located in the lower Pecos region of southeastern New Mexico, illustrates processes of hypogenic speleogenesis in the middle Permian Seven Rivers Formation. Coffee Cave is a rectilinear gypsum maze cave with at least four stratigraphically-distinct horizons of development. Morphological features throughout the cave provide unequivocal evidence of hypogenic ascending speleogenesis in a confined aquifer system driven by mixed (forced and free) convection. Morphologic features in individual cave levels include a complete suite that defines original rising flow paths, ranging from inlets for hypogenic fluids (feeders) through transitional forms (rising wall channels) to ceiling half-tube flow features and fluid outlets (cupolas and exposed overlying beds). Passage morphology does not support origins based on epigenic processes and lateral development, although the presence of fine-grained sediments in the cave suggests minimal overprinting by backflooding. Feeder distributions show a lateral shift in ascending fluids, with decreasing dissolutional development in upper levels. It is likely that additional hypogenic karst phenomena are present in the vicinity of Coffee Cave because regional hydrologic conditions are optimum for confined speleogenesis, with artesian discharge still active in the region

    Growth and form of the mound in Gale Crater, Mars: Slope wind enhanced erosion and transport

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    Ancient sediments provide archives of climate and habitability on Mars. Gale Crater, the landing site for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), hosts a 5-km-high sedimentary mound (Mount Sharp/Aeolis Mons). Hypotheses for mound formation include evaporitic, lacustrine, fluviodeltaic, and aeolian processes, but the origin and original extent of Gale’s mound is unknown. Here we show new measurements of sedimentary strata within the mound that indicate ∼3° outward dips oriented radially away from the mound center, inconsistent with the first three hypotheses. Moreover, although mounds are widely considered to be erosional remnants of a once crater-filling unit, we find that the Gale mound’s current form is close to its maximal extent. Instead we propose that the mound’s structure, stratigraphy, and current shape can be explained by growth in place near the center of the crater mediated by wind-topography feedbacks. Our model shows how sediment can initially accrete near the crater center far from crater-wall katabatic winds, until the increasing relief of the resulting mound generates mound-flank slope winds strong enough to erode the mound. The slope wind enhanced erosion and transport (SWEET) hypothesis indicates mound formation dominantly by aeolian deposition with limited organic carbon preservation potential, and a relatively limited role for lacustrine and fluvial activity. Morphodynamic feedbacks between wind and topography are widely applicable to a range of sedimentary and ice mounds across the Martian surface, and possibly other planets

    The Pecos River Hypogene Speleogenetic Province: a Basin-Scale Karst Paradigm for Eastern New Mexico and West Texas, USA

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    Since the mid-Tertiary, lateral migration and entrenchment of the Pecos River Valley in eastern New Mexico and west Texas, USA, has significantly influenced regional groundwater flow paths, providing a focus for ascending flow in multi-storey artesian systems and a powerful potentiometric driving force for hypogene speleogenesis. Individual occurrences of hypogene karst phenomena associated with the central Pecos River Valley are widespread throughout the greater Delaware Basin region, including development in a wide range of Permian carbonate and evaporate fades. Hypogene occurrences are well-documented as far north as Santa Rosa, New Mexico and as far south as Lake Amistad, Texas. Throughout the northern shelf, intrastratal dissolution and brecciation of the San Andres formation is widespread as a result of eastward migration of the Pecos River. Proximal to the current river, hypogene dissolution in interbedded carbonate/evaporite facies of the Seven Rivers Formation has produced three-dimensional network caves and vertical collapse structures. In the carbonate reeffacies of the Guadalupe Mountains, complex three dimensional caves are common, as well as stepped terraces associated with eastward migration of thePecos River. Although these caves have been attributed to sulfuric acid dissolution, they are the result of hypogene speleogenesis in which solutional aggressivity was increased by the addition of both thermal and sulfuric-acid components. Within the interior of the Delaware Basin, hypogene karst in basin-filling evaporite facies of the Castile and Salado Formations is widespread, including development of large solution subsidence troughs associated with the lateral migration of the Pecos River. On the far eastern margin of the Delaware Basin, at the southeastern tip of the Central Basin Platform, persistent down cutting of the Pecos River Valley contributed to the development of hypogene karst within the Yates Petroleum Field, providing cavernous reservoir porosity for the largest individual oil field known within the Permian Basin region. Immediately below the confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, the large first order magnitude spring, Goodenough Spring, flows from a deep phreatic cave under extreme artesian conditions, even as 45 meters of pressure head has been added over the spring from Amistad Reservoir

    Follow the Oxygen: Comparative Histories of Planetary Oxygenation and Opportunities for Aerobic Life

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    Aerobic respiration—the reduction of molecular oxygen (O_2) coupled to the oxidation of reduced compounds such as organic carbon, ferrous iron, reduced sulfur compounds, or molecular hydrogen while conserving energy to drive cellular processes—is the most widespread and bioenergetically favorable metabolism on Earth today. Aerobic respiration is essential for the development of complex multicellular life; thus the presence of abundant O_2 is an important metric for planetary habitability. O_2 on Earth is supplied by oxygenic photosynthesis, but it is becoming more widely understood that abiotic processes may supply meaningful amounts of O_2 on other worlds. The modern atmosphere and rock record of Mars suggest a history of relatively high O2 as a result of photochemical processes, potentially overlapping with the range of O_2 concentrations used by biology. Europa may have accumulated high O_2 concentrations in its subsurface ocean due to the radiolysis of water ice at its surface. Recent modeling efforts suggest that coexisting water and O2 may be common on exoplanets, with confirmation from measurements of exoplanet atmospheres potentially coming soon. In all these cases, O_2 accumulates through abiotic processes—independent of water-oxidizing photosynthesis. We hypothesize that abiogenic O_2 may enhance the habitability of some planetary environments, allowing highly energetic aerobic respiration and potentially even the development of complex multicellular life which depends on it, without the need to first evolve oxygenic photosynthesis. This hypothesis is testable with further exploration and life-detection efforts on O_2-rich worlds such as Mars and Europa, and comparison to O_2-poor worlds such as Enceladus. This hypothesis further suggests a new dimension to planetary habitability: “Follow the Oxygen,” in which environments with opportunities for energy-rich metabolisms such as aerobic respiration are preferentially targeted for investigation and life detection