1,835 research outputs found

    Thin-film ultraviolet detector and spectrometer

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    Typical metal-insulator-metal detector device is formed on quartz substrate. Base electrode is 3 to 6 nm aluminum layer, overcoated with 3 to 6 nm aluminum oxide or aluminum nitride, and capped with counter electrode of gold, lead, magnesium, or aluminum. Photoelectric yield data are given for Al-AlN-Au structure

    Aluminum nitride insulating films for MOSFET devices

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    Application of aluminum nitrides as electrical insulator for electric capacitors is discussed. Electrical properties of aluminum nitrides are analyzed and specific use with field effect transistors is defined. Operational limits of field effect transistors are developed

    Thermomagnetic recording and magneto-optic playback system having constant intensity laser beam control

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    A system is developed for maintaining the intensity of a laser beam at a constant level in a thermomagnetic recording and magneto-optic playback system in which an isotropic film is heated along a continuous path by the laser beam for recording. As each successive area of the path is heated locally to the vicinity of its Curie point in the presence of a controlled magnetic field, a magneto-optic density is produced proportional to the amplitude of the controlled magnetic field. To play back the recorded signal, the intensity of the laser beam is reduced and a Faraday or Kerr effect analyzer is used, with a photodetector, as a transducer for producing an output signal

    Manganese bismuth films with narrow transfer characteristics for Curie-point switching

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    Manganese bismuth films having improved characteristics for recording information in analogue form, can be produced by a vacuum deposition of Bi and Mn with an atomic ratio of Mn to Bi between 2 and 3.5 or 1.4 and 1.6, followed by a specialized heat treatment which includes very brief exposure to a temperature between about 275 deg and 300 C. Similar MnBi films can be produced more reliably and reproducibly if the initial Bi layer is annealed prior to deposition of the Mn layer. Such an annealing step renders most other factors of the processing relatively non-critical. Deposition of both initial layers is preferably carried out in a vacuum approaching 10 to the -8th power Torr

    Magneto-optic detection system with noise cancellation

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    In a magneto-optic readout system, a polarized beam of light from a laser is subjected to the magneto-optical effect of a magnetic record medium, and then passed through an analyzer which resolves the beam into two orthogonal vector components so oriented that the two components are of equal amplitude when the angle of rotation due to the magneto-optic effect is zero. Separate photodetectors produce two output signals which are proportional to the amplitudes of the vector components. The two output signals are combined in a differential amplifier through separate logarithmic transfer circuits to produce an output signal proportional to the ratio of the two original detector signals

    Development of Curie point switching for thin film, random access, memory device

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    Managanese bismuthide films are used in the development of a random access memory device of high packing density and nondestructive readout capability. Memory entry is by Curie point switching using a laser beam. Readout is accomplished by microoptical or micromagnetic scanning

    Voltage Dependence of Barrier Height in AIN Tunnel Junctions

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    We report measurements of barrier heights on AI-AIN-Mg thin-film structures as a function of applied voltage and insulator thickness. These results are in disagreement with currently accepted theories based upon image potential and/or field penetration of the electrodes

    Modular Acquisition and Stimulation System for Timestamp-Driven Neuroscience Experiments

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    Dedicated systems are fundamental for neuroscience experimental protocols that require timing determinism and synchronous stimuli generation. We developed a data acquisition and stimuli generator system for neuroscience research, optimized for recording timestamps from up to 6 spiking neurons and entirely specified in a high-level Hardware Description Language (HDL). Despite the logic complexity penalty of synthesizing from such a language, it was possible to implement our design in a low-cost small reconfigurable device. Under a modular framework, we explored two different memory arbitration schemes for our system, evaluating both their logic element usage and resilience to input activity bursts. One of them was designed with a decoupled and latency insensitive approach, allowing for easier code reuse, while the other adopted a centralized scheme, constructed specifically for our application. The usage of a high-level HDL allowed straightforward and stepwise code modifications to transform one architecture into the other. The achieved modularity is very useful for rapidly prototyping novel electronic instrumentation systems tailored to scientific research.Comment: Preprint submitted to ARC 2015. Extended: 16 pages, 10 figures. The final publication is available at link.springer.co

    Two-Speed Gearbox Dynamic Simulation Predictions and Test Validation

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    Dynamic simulations and experimental validation tests were performed on a two-stage, two-speed gearbox as part of the drive system research activities of the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Subsonics Rotary Wing Project. The gearbox was driven by two electromagnetic motors and had two electromagnetic, multi-disk clutches to control output speed. A dynamic model of the system was created which included a direct current electric motor with proportional-integral-derivative (PID) speed control, a two-speed gearbox with dual electromagnetically actuated clutches, and an eddy current dynamometer. A six degree-of-freedom model of the gearbox accounted for the system torsional dynamics and included gear, clutch, shaft, and load inertias as well as shaft flexibilities and a dry clutch stick-slip friction model. Experimental validation tests were performed on the gearbox in the NASA Glenn gear noise test facility. Gearbox output speed and torque as well as drive motor speed and current were compared to those from the analytical predictions. The experiments correlate very well with the predictions, thus validating the dynamic simulation methodologies

    Towards an Accurate Identification of Pyloric Neuron Activity with VSDi

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    Voltage-sensitive dye imaging (VSDi) which enables simultaneous optical recording of many neurons in the pyloric circuit of the stomatogastric ganglion is an important technique to supplement electrophysiological recordings. However, utilising the technique to identify pyloric neurons directly is a computationally exacting task that requires the development of sophisticated signal processing procedures to analyse the tri-phasic pyloric patterns generated by these neurons. This paper presents our work towards commissioning such procedures. The results achieved to date are most encouraging
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