656 research outputs found
Entangled symmetric states of N qubits with all positive partial transpositions
From both theoretical and experimental points of view symmetric states
constitute an important class of multipartite states. Still, entanglement
properties of these states, in particular those with positive partial
transposition (PPT), lack a systematic study. Aiming at filling in this gap, we
have recently affirmatively answered the open question of existence of
four-qubit entangled symmetric states with positive partial transposition and
thoroughly characterized entanglement properties of such states [J. Tura et
al., Phys. Rev. A 85, 060302(R) (2012)] With the present contribution we
continue on characterizing PPT entangled symmetric states. On the one hand, we
present all the results of our previous work in a detailed way. On the other
hand, we generalize them to systems consisting of arbitrary number of qubits.
In particular, we provide criteria for separability of such states formulated
in terms of their ranks. Interestingly, for most of the cases, the symmetric
states are either separable or typically separable. Then, edge states in these
systems are studied, showing in particular that to characterize generic PPT
entangled states with four and five qubits, it is enough to study only those
that assume few (respectively, two and three) specific configurations of ranks.
Finally, we numerically search for extremal PPT entangled states in such
systems consisting of up to 23 qubits. One can clearly notice regularity behind
the ranks of such extremal states, and, in particular, for systems composed of
odd number of qubits we find a single configuration of ranks for which there
are extremal states.Comment: 16 pages, typos corrected, some other improvements, extension of
Generalized spin squeezing inequalities in qubit systems: theory and experiment
We present detailed derivations, various improvements and application to
concrete experimental data of spin squeezing inequalities formulated recently
by some of us [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 120502 (2005)]. These inequalities
generalize the concept of the spin squeezing parameter, and provide necessary
and sufficient conditions for genuine 2-, or 3- qubit entanglement for
symmetric states, and sufficient entanglement condition for general -qubit
states. We apply our method to theoretical study of Dicke states, and, in
particular, to -states of qubits. Then, we analyze the recently
experimentally generated 7- and 8-ion -states [Nature {\bf 438}, 643
(2005)]. We also present some novel details concerning this experiment.
Finally, we improve criteria for detection of genuine tripartite entanglement
based on entanglement witnesses.Comment: Final versio
Controlling high-harmonic generation and above-threshold ionization with an attosecond-pulse train
We perform a detailed analysis of how high-order harmonic generation (HHG)
and above-threshold ionization (ATI) can be controlled by a time-delayed
attosecond-pulse train superposed to a strong, near-infrared laser field. In
particular we show that the high-harmonic and photoelectron intensities, the
high-harmonic plateau structure and cutoff energies, and the ATI angular
distributions can be manipulated by changing this delay. This is a direct
consequence of the fact that the attosecond pulse train can be employed as a
tool for constraining the instant an electronic wave packet is ejected in the
continuum. A change in such initial conditions strongly affects its subsequent
motion in the laser field, and thus HHG and ATI. In our studies, we employ the
Strong-Field Approximation and explain the features observed in terms of
interference effects between various electron quantum orbits. Our results are
in agreement with recent experimental findings and theoretical studies
employing purely numerical methods.Comment: 10 pages revtex and 6 figures (eps files
Four-qubit entangled symmetric states with positive partial transpositions
We solve the open question of the existence of four-qubit entangled symmetric
states with positive partial transpositions (PPT states). We reach this goal
with two different approaches. First, we propose a
half-analytical-half-numerical method that allows to construct multipartite PPT
entangled symmetric states (PPTESS) from the qubit-qudit PPT entangled states.
Second, we adapt the algorithm allowing to search for extremal elements in the
convex set of bipartite PPT states [J. M. Leinaas, J. Myrheim, and E. Ovrum,
Phys. Rev. A 76, 034304 (2007)] to the multipartite scenario. With its aid we
search for extremal four-qubit PPTESS and show that generically they have ranks
(5,7,8). Finally, we provide an exhaustive characterization of these states
with respect to their separability properties.Comment: 5+4 pages, improved version, title slightly modifie
Sympathetic cooling of trapped fermions by bosons in the presence of particle losses
We study the sympathetic cooling of a trapped Fermi gas interacting with an
ideal Bose gas below the critical temperature of the Bose-Einstein
condensation. We derive the quantum master equation, which describes the
dynamics of the fermionic component, and postulating the thermal distribution
for both gases we calculate analytically the rate at which fermions are cooled
by the bosonic atoms. The particle losses constitute an important source of
heating of the degenerate Fermi gas. We evaluate the rate of loss-induced
heating and derive analytical results for the final temperature of fermions,
which is limited in the presence of particle losses.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, EPL style; final versio
Nonlocality in many-body quantum systems detected with two-body correlators
Contemporary understanding of correlations in quantum many-body systems and
in quantum phase transitions is based to a large extent on the recent intensive
studies of entanglement in many-body systems. In contrast, much less is known
about the role of quantum nonlocality in these systems, mostly because the
available multipartite Bell inequalities involve high-order correlations among
many particles, which are hard to access theoretically, and even harder
experimentally. Standard, "theorist- and experimentalist-friendly" many-body
observables involve correlations among only few (one, two, rarely three...)
particles. Typically, there is no multipartite Bell inequality for this
scenario based on such low-order correlations. Recently, however, we have
succeeded in constructing multipartite Bell inequalities that involve two- and
one-body correlations only, and showed how they revealed the nonlocality in
many-body systems relevant for nuclear and atomic physics [Science 344, 1256
(2014)]. With the present contribution we continue our work on this problem. On
the one hand, we present a detailed derivation of the above Bell inequalities,
pertaining to permutation symmetry among the involved parties. On the other
hand, we present a couple of new results concerning such Bell inequalities.
First, we characterize their tightness. We then discuss maximal quantum
violations of these inequalities in the general case, and their scaling with
the number of parties. Moreover, we provide new classes of two-body Bell
inequalities which reveal nonlocality of the Dicke states---ground states of
physically relevant and experimentally realizable Hamiltonians. Finally, we
shortly discuss various scenarios for nonlocality detection in mesoscopic
systems of trapped ions or atoms, and by atoms trapped in the vicinity of
designed nanostructures.Comment: 46 pages (25.2 + appendices), 7 figure
High-order harmonic generation from inhomogeneous fields
We present theoretical studies of high-order harmonic generation (HHG)
produced by non-homogeneous fields as resulting from the illumination of
plasmonic nanostructures with a short laser pulse. We show that both the
inhomogeneity of the local fields and the confinement of the electron movement
play an important role in the HHG process and lead to the generation of even
harmonics and a significantly increased cutoff, more pronounced for the longer
wavelengths cases studied. In order to understand and characterize the new HHG
features we employ two different approaches: the numerical solution of the time
dependent Schr\"odinger equation (TDSE) and the semiclassical approach known as
Strong Field Approximation (SFA). Both approaches predict comparable results
and show the new features, but using the semiclassical arguments behind the SFA
and time-frequency analysis tools, we are able to fully understand the reasons
of the cutoff extension.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure
Upper Bound on the region of Separable States near the Maximally Mixed State
A lower bound on the amount of noise that must be added to a GHZ-like
entangled state to make it separable (also called the random robustness) is
found using the transposition condition. The bound is applicable to arbitrary
numbers of subsystems, and dimensions of Hilbert space, and is shown to be
exact for qubits. The new bound is compared to previous such bounds on this
quantity, and found to be stronger in all cases. It implies that increasing the
number of subsystems, rather than increasing their Hilbert space dimension is a
more effective way of increasing entanglement. An explicit decomposition into
an ensemble of separable states, when the state is not entangled,is given for
the case of qubits.Comment: 2 figures. accepted J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. (2000
Quantum stability of self-organized atomic insulator-like states in optical resonators
We investigate a paradigm example of cavity quantum electrodynamics with many
body systems: an ultracold atomic gas inside a pumped optical resonator. In
particular, we study the stability of atomic insulator-like states, confined by
the mechanical potential emerging from the cavity field spatial mode structure.
As in open space, when the optical potential is sufficiently deep, the atomic
gas is in the Mott-like state. Inside the cavity, however, the potential
depends on the atomic distribution, which determines the refractive index of
the medium, thus altering the intracavity field amplitude. We derive the
effective Bose-Hubbard model describing the physics of the system in one
dimension and study the crossover between the superfluid -- Mott insulator
quantum states. We determine the regions of parameters where the atomic
insulator states are stable, and predict the existence of overlapping stability
regions corresponding to competing insulator-like states. Bistable behavior,
controlled by the pump intensity, is encountered in the vicinity of the shifted
cavity resonance.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Replaced with revised version. Accepted for
publication in New J. Phys., special issue "Quantum correlations in tailord
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