719 research outputs found

    Separable approximations of density matrices of composite quantum systems

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    We investigate optimal separable approximations (decompositions) of states rho of bipartite quantum systems A and B of arbitrary dimensions MxN following the lines of Ref. [M. Lewenstein and A. Sanpera, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2261 (1998)]. Such approximations allow to represent in an optimal way any density operator as a sum of a separable state and an entangled state of a certain form. For two qubit systems (M=N=2) the best separable approximation has a form of a mixture of a separable state and a projector onto a pure entangled state. We formulate a necessary condition that the pure state in the best separable approximation is not maximally entangled. We demonstrate that the weight of the entangled state in the best separable approximation in arbitrary dimensions provides a good entanglement measure. We prove in general for arbitrary M and N that the best separable approximation corresponds to a mixture of a separable and an entangled state which are both unique. We develop also a theory of optimal separable approximations for states with positive partial transpose (PPT states). Such approximations allow to decompose any density operator with positive partial transpose as a sum of a separable state and an entangled PPT state. We discuss procedures of constructing such decompositions.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Classification of mixed three-qubit states

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    We introduce a classification of mixed three-qubit states, in which we define the classes of separable, biseparable, W- and GHZ-states. These classes are successively embedded into each other. We show that contrary to pure W-type states, the mixed W-class is not of measure zero. We construct witness operators that detect the class of a mixed state. We discuss the conjecture that all entangled states with positive partial transpose (PPTES) belong to the W-class. Finally, we present a new family of PPTES "edge" states with maximal ranks.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Non-Abelian spin singlet states of two-component Bose gases in artificial gauge fields

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    We study strongly correlated phases of a pseudo-spin-1/2 Bose gas in an artificial gauge field using the exact diagonalization method. The atoms are confined in two dimensions and interact via a two-body contact potential. In Abelian gauge fields, pseudo-spin singlets are favored by pseudo-spin independent interactions. We find a series of incompressible phases at fillings \nu=2k/3. By comparison with the non-Abelian spin singlet (NASS) states, constructed as zero-energy eigenstates of a (k+1)-body contact interaction, we classify the non-trivial topology of the states. An additional spin-orbit coupling is shown to switch between NASS-like states and spin-polarized phases from the Read-Rezayi series.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlocality in many-body quantum systems detected with two-body correlators

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    Contemporary understanding of correlations in quantum many-body systems and in quantum phase transitions is based to a large extent on the recent intensive studies of entanglement in many-body systems. In contrast, much less is known about the role of quantum nonlocality in these systems, mostly because the available multipartite Bell inequalities involve high-order correlations among many particles, which are hard to access theoretically, and even harder experimentally. Standard, "theorist- and experimentalist-friendly" many-body observables involve correlations among only few (one, two, rarely three...) particles. Typically, there is no multipartite Bell inequality for this scenario based on such low-order correlations. Recently, however, we have succeeded in constructing multipartite Bell inequalities that involve two- and one-body correlations only, and showed how they revealed the nonlocality in many-body systems relevant for nuclear and atomic physics [Science 344, 1256 (2014)]. With the present contribution we continue our work on this problem. On the one hand, we present a detailed derivation of the above Bell inequalities, pertaining to permutation symmetry among the involved parties. On the other hand, we present a couple of new results concerning such Bell inequalities. First, we characterize their tightness. We then discuss maximal quantum violations of these inequalities in the general case, and their scaling with the number of parties. Moreover, we provide new classes of two-body Bell inequalities which reveal nonlocality of the Dicke states---ground states of physically relevant and experimentally realizable Hamiltonians. Finally, we shortly discuss various scenarios for nonlocality detection in mesoscopic systems of trapped ions or atoms, and by atoms trapped in the vicinity of designed nanostructures.Comment: 46 pages (25.2 + appendices), 7 figure
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