17 research outputs found

    Registration of FC1740 and FC1741 multigerm, rhizomania-resistant sugar beet germplasm with resistance to multiple diseases

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    FC1740 (Reg No. GP-293, PI 681717) and FC1741 (Reg No. GP-294, PI 681718) sugar beet germplasm (Beta vulgaris L.) were developed by the USDA-ARS at Fort Collins, CO, Salinas, CA, and Kimberly, ID, in cooperation with the Beet Sugar Development Foundation, Denver, CO. These germplasm are diploid, multigerm sugar beet populations in normal cytoplasm, segregating for self-sterility (Sf:SsSs), genetic male sterility (A:aa), and hypocotyl color (R:rr). FC1740 and FC1741 have excellent resistance to rhizomania (Beet necrotic yellow vein virus). FC1740 was selected as homozygous resistant to markers linked to both Rz1 and Rz2 genes for rhizomania resistance. FC1741 was selected as homozygous to the marker linked to the Rz2 gene for resistance. Both germplasm also have resistance to beet curly top (Beet curly top virus) and Fusarium yellows (Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend.:Fr. f. sp. betae (D. Stewart) W. C. Snyder & H. N. Hans. and other Fusarium spp.), as well as moderate resistance to Aphanomyces root rot (Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechs.). Neither line exhibited resistance to Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora beticola Sacc.), Rhizoctonia crown and root rot (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn.) or sugar beet root aphid (Pemphigus spp.). These germplasm provide sources from which to select disease-resistant, multigerm pollinator parents with either or both of the Rz1 and Rz2 sources of rhizomania resistance. Because they are from the same population, they also are useful as controls of known genetic background in comparing entries screened for rhizomania resistance conditioned by Rz1 or Rz2

    GPA8998-DP6.Tpcs-Public Fiscal Mgmt.Sp14.Becker,Carol

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    Sugar beet germplasm and commercial check cultivars were evaluated in a commercial sprinkler-irrigated sugar beet field near Rupert, ID where winter wheat was grown in 2006. The field trial relied on natural inoculum for rhizomania development. The seed was treated with clothianidin (2.1 oz a.i. per 100,000 seed) to limit the influence of pests and curly top. The plots were planted on 3 Apr to a density of 142,560 seeds/A, and thinned to 47,520 plants/A on 23 May. Plots were single rows (22-in. row spacing) and 10 ft long. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with eight replications per entry. The field was cultivated on 24 May and 15 Jun. The crop was managed by the grower according to standard cultural practices. The roots were mechanically topped and lifted on 27 Sep. The first ten roots in each plot were evaluated using a scale of 0-9 (0 = healthy and 9 = dead). The first eight roots were placed in a mesh onion bag and held in an indoor commercial sugar beet storage facility set to hold 35°F. On 1 Feb 2008, the roots were evaluated for the percentage of surface area covered by fungal growth (an undescribed Basidiomycete that correlates with sugar loss in storage). Data were analyzed using the general linear models procedure (Proc GLM-SAS), and Fisher’s protected least significant difference was used for mean comparison

    Effect of torrefaction intensity on the flow properties of lignocellulosic biomass powders

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    International audienceFlowability characterization of milled lignocellulosic biomass is essential for developing viable conveying, storing and handling solutions for gasification processes. This study investigated the effect of torrefaction on particles size and shape obtained after grinding and on flow properties of pulverized wood. Spruce and poplar samples with six torrefaction intensities were knife-milled to obtain biomass powders. Particles size and shape distribution were assessed using a morphological particle size analyser and flowability parameters were determined with a ring shear tester. A more intense treatment produces finer, rounder and more regular particles. Simultaneously, a gradual shifting was observed from a cohesive behaviour for native biomass to a nearly free flowing behaviour for the most intensively treated samples. The trends in flowability cannot be explained by the size reduction nor the increase of distribution width. Instead, the explanation lies in the reduction of shape factor and the sharpness of particle surfaces for treated samples. However, all observations are consistent with the loss of resilience of treated wood. From our results, it is clear that torrefaction, in addition to its interest on reduction of energy consumption of grinding, should also be considered as a pre-treatment step allowing to modify the flow behaviour of biomass powders

    Registration of FC1740 and FC1741 multigerm, rhizomania-resistant sugar beet germplasm with resistance to multiple diseases

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    FC1740 (Reg No. GP-293, PI 681717) and FC1741 (Reg No. GP-294, PI 681718) sugar beet germplasm (Beta vulgaris L.) were developed by the USDA-ARS at Fort Collins, CO, Salinas, CA, and Kimberly, ID, in cooperation with the Beet Sugar Development Foundation, Denver, CO. These germplasm are diploid, multigerm sugar beet populations in normal cytoplasm, segregating for self-sterility (Sf:SsSs), genetic male sterility (A:aa), and hypocotyl color (R:rr). FC1740 and FC1741 have excellent resistance to rhizomania (Beet necrotic yellow vein virus). FC1740 was selected as homozygous resistant to markers linked to both Rz1 and Rz2 genes for rhizomania resistance. FC1741 was selected as homozygous to the marker linked to the Rz2 gene for resistance. Both germplasm also have resistance to beet curly top (Beet curly top virus) and Fusarium yellows (Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend.:Fr. f. sp. betae (D. Stewart) W. C. Snyder & H. N. Hans. and other Fusarium spp.), as well as moderate resistance to Aphanomyces root rot (Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechs.). Neither line exhibited resistance to Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora beticola Sacc.), Rhizoctonia crown and root rot (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn.) or sugar beet root aphid (Pemphigus spp.). These germplasm provide sources from which to select disease-resistant, multigerm pollinator parents with either or both of the Rz1 and Rz2 sources of rhizomania resistance. Because they are from the same population, they also are useful as controls of known genetic background in comparing entries screened for rhizomania resistance conditioned by Rz1 or Rz2

    Progress towards the understanding and control of sugar beet rhizomania disease

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    Rhizomania is a soil-borne disease that occurs throughout the major sugar beet growing regions of the world, causing severe yield losses in the absence of effective control measures. It is caused by Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), which is transmitted by the obligate root-infecting parasite Polymyxa betae. BNYVV has a multipartite RNA genome with all natural isolates containing four RNA species, although some isolates have a fifth RNA. The larger RNA1 and RNA2 contain the housekeeping genes of the virus and are always required for infection, whereas the smaller RNAs are involved in pathogenicity and vector transmission. RNA5-containing isolates are restricted to Asia and some parts of Europe, and these isolates tend to be more aggressive. With no acceptable pesticides available to restrict the vector, the control of rhizomania is now achieved almost exclusively through the use of resistant cultivars. A single dominant resistance gene, Rz1, has been used to manage the disease worldwide in recent years, although this gene confers only partial resistance. More recently, new variants of BNYVV have evolved (both with and without RNA5) that are able to cause significant yield penalties on resistant cultivars. These isolates are not yet widespread, but their appearance has resulted in accelerated searches for new sources of resistance to both the virus and the vector. Combined virus and vector resistance, achieved either by conventional or transgenic breeding, offers the sugar beet industry a new approach in its continuing struggle against rhizomania.Peer reviewe