22,076 research outputs found

    The steady state in noncollinear magnetic multilayers

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    There are at least two different putative steady state solutions for current across noncollinear magnetic multilayers; one has a discontinuity in the spin current at the interface the other is continuous. We compare the resistance of the two and find the solution with the continuous spin currents is lower. By using the entropic principle we can state that this solution is a better estimate of the resistance for a noncollinear magneticComment: 14 pages, 4 figures,Submitted to Physical Review

    Neutron capture production rates of cosmogenic 60Co, 59Ni and 36Cl in stony meteorites

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    Results for neutron flux calculations in stony meteoroids (of various radii and compositions) and production rates for Cl-36, Ni-59, and Co-60 are reported. The Ni-59/Co-60 ratio is nearly constant with depth in most meteorites: this effect is consistent with the neutron flux and capture cross section properties. The shape of the neutron flux energy spectrum, varies little with depth in a meteorite. The size of the parent meteorite can be determined from one of its fragments, using the Ni-59/Co-60 ratios, if the parent meteorite was less than 75 g/cm(2) in radius. If the parent meteorite was larger, a lower limit on the size of the parent meteorite can be determined from a fragment. In C3 chondrites this is not possible. In stony meteorites with R less than 50 g/cm(2) the calculated Co-60 production rates (mass less than 4 kg), are below 1 atom/min g-Co. The highest Co-60 production rates occur in stony meteorites with radius about 250 g/cm(2) (1.4 m across). In meteorites with radii greater than 400 g/cm(2), the maximum Co-60 production rate occurs at a depth of about 175 g/cm(2) in L-chondrite, 125 g/cm(2) in C3 chrondrite, and 190 g/cm(2) in aubrites

    Evidences of a consolute critical point in the Phase Separation regime of La(5/8-y)Pr(y)Ca(3/8)MnO(3) (y = 0.4) single crystals

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    We report on DC and pulsed electric field sensitivity of the resistance of mixed valent Mn oxide based La(5/8-y)Pr(y)Ca(3/8)MnO(3) (y = 0.4) single crystals as a function of temperature. The low temperature regime of the resistivity is highly current and voltage dependent. An irreversible transition from high (HR) to a low resistivity (LR) is obtained upon the increase of the electric field up to a temperature dependent critical value (V_c). The current-voltage characteristics in the LR regime as well as the lack of a variation in the magnetization response when V_c is reached indicate the formation of a non-single connected filamentary conducting path. The temperature dependence of V_c indicates the existence of a consolute point where the conducting and insulating phases produce a critical behavior as a consequence of their separation.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, corresponding author: C. Acha ([email protected]

    Interplay between Josephson effect and magnetic interactions in double quantum dots

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    We analyze the magnetic and transport properties of a double quantum dot coupled to superconducting leads. In addition to the possible phase transition to a π\pi state, already present in the single dot case, this system exhibits a richer magnetic behavior due to the competition between Kondo and inter-dot antiferromagnetic coupling. We obtain results for the Josephson current which may help to understand recent experiments on superconductor-metallofullerene dimer junctions. We show that in such a system the Josephson effect can be used to control its magnetic configuration.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Analytical modeling of circuit aerodynamics in the new NASA Lewis wind tunnel

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    Rehabilitation and extention of the capability of the altitude wind tunnel (AWT) was analyzed. The analytical modeling program involves the use of advanced axisymmetric and three dimensional viscous analyses to compute the flow through the various AWT components. Results for the analytical modeling of the high speed leg aerodynamics are presented; these include: an evaluation of the flow quality at the entrance to the test section, an investigation of the effects of test section bleed for different model blockages, and an examination of three dimensional effects in the diffuser due to reentry flow and due to the change in cross sectional shape of the exhaust scoop

    Boulder Bands on Lobate Debris Aprons: Does Spatial Clustering Reveal Accumulation History for Martian Glaciations?

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    Glacial landforms such as lobate debris aprons (LDA) and Concentric Crater Fill (CCF) are the dominant debris-covered glacial landforms on Mars. These landforms represent a volumetrically significant component of the Amazonian water ice budget, however, because small craters (diameter D 0.5-1 km) are poorly retained glacial brain terrain surfaces, and, since the glacial landforms are geologically young, it is challenging to reliably constrain either individual glacial deposit ages or formational sequences in order to determine how quickly the glaciers accumulated. A fundamental question remaining is whether ice deposition and flow that formed LDA occurred episodically during a few, short instances, or whether glacial flow was quasi-continuous over a long period (~108 yr). Because glaciation is thought to be controlled largely by obliquity excursions, a larger question is whether glacial deposits on Mars exhibit regional to global characteristics that can be used to infer synchronicity of flow or degradation

    Different steady states for spin currents in noncollinear multilayers

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    We find there are at least two different steady states for transport across noncollinear magnetic multilayers. In the conventional one there is a discontinuity in the spin current across the interfaces which has been identified as the source of current induced magnetic reversal; in the one advocated herein the spin torque arises from the spin accumulation transverse to the magnetization of a magnetic layer. These two states have quite different attributes which should be discerned by current experiments.Comment: 8 pages, no figure. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Black hole lasers, a mode analysis

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    We show that the black hole laser effect discovered by Corley & Jacobson should be described in terms of frequency eigenmodes that are spatially bound. The spectrum contains a discrete and finite set of complex frequency modes which appear in pairs and which encode the laser effect. In addition, it contains real frequency modes that form a continuous set when space is infinite, and which are only elastically scattered, i.e., not subject to any Bogoliubov transformation. The quantization is straightforward, but the calculation of the asymptotic fluxes is rather involved. When the number of complex frequency modes is small, our expressions differ from those given earlier. In particular, when the region between the horizons shrinks, there is a minimal distance under which no complex frequency mode exists, and no radiation is emitted. Finally, we relate this effect to other dynamical instabilities found for rotating black holes and in electric fields, and we give the conditions to get this type of instability.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, main changes: new figure and new Sec.6 `conditions for having a laser effect', final version accepted in PR

    Dynamical Coulomb blockade of multiple Andreev reflections

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    We analyze the dynamical Coulomb blockade of multiple Andreev reflections (MAR) in a superconducting quantum point contact coupled to a macroscopic impedance. We find that at very low transmission the blockade scales as n2n^2 with n=Int(2Δ/eV)n = {Int}(2\Delta/eV), where VV is the bias voltage and Δ\Delta is the superconducting gap, as it would correspond to the occurrence of "shots" of charge nene. For higher transmission the blockade is reduced both due to Pauli principle and to elastic renormalization of the MAR probability, and for certain voltage regions it may even become an "antiblockade", i.e. the current is enhanced due to the coupling with the electromagnetic environment.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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