39 research outputs found

    Peran Kerjasama antara Interpol Indonesia dengan Malaysia Ditinjau dari Perspektif Hukum Internasional

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    The trans-national criminal that passes the national border only can be caught by authorized law officer and one of them is Interpol. ICPO-Interpol as organization of Police in the world has a National Central Bureau (NCB) in each state as member. The existence of NCB or its representative in each state will enable the police performance in seek, and arrest the International fugitive. The method of this research is a descriptive analytic method and applies the normative law approach refer to the law norm, especially the International law norm and described into the general section to the specific section based on the primary law, secondary law material and tertiary law material. The data was collected by library study. In seek and arrest the transnational criminal needs a mutual cooperation between polices in any nations. The mutual cooperation between Indonesian Interpol and Malaysia in eradicate the transnational crime enforced in three agreements. First, the extradition contract between Republic of Indonesia and Government of Malaysia that validated in Act No. 9 of 1974. Second, is a mutual agreement in criminal code or that known as Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (MLA). Third, it is a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia about the narcotic. Although a mutual cooperation between Interpol of Indonesia and Malaysia had enforced in an agreement, but the agreement is not yet effective, because there are many weakness on the agreement. Therefore, an effective cooperation between both of nations is an informal cooperation through diplomatic relations

    Tinjauan Hukum Internasional Mengenai Eksistensi Konsul Kehormatan (Honorary Consul) dalam Hubungan Konsuler (Studi Kasus: Konsul Kehormatan Jerman di Medan)

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    Regarding of the implementation of peaceful relations between countries, which generally marked by the opening of diplomatic relations and in addition followed by the opening of consular relations. Diplomatic relations are political while consular relations is non-political and tends to take care of administrative and commercial issues. To carry out consular functions in a foreign country who establishes consular relations with it, a country appointed the consular officer. Vienna Convention 1963 classifies consular officials into namely Career Consular Officers and Honorary Consular Officers. Indonesia and Germany have officially established diplomatic relations since 1952 and at present Germany representatives in Indonesia consists of an embassy and three Honorary Consuls, one of which located in Medan. The scope of consular relations by Germany Honorary Consul in Medan consists of honorary consulate opening, the appointment of honorary consuls and operational matters of consular relations by the honorary consul. Tasks and functions of the of Germany Honorary Consul in the field are based on the provisions contained in Konsulargesetz which is an affirmation of the Vienna Convention 1963. While the immunity and privileges acquired by Germany Honorary Consul in Medan in carrying out its tasks and functions are very limited. It is recommended for reasons of economy and efficiency, the appointment of honorary consuls may be the right choice for countries that want to open a consular representative at the present time. In carrying out its tasks and functions, Germany Honorary Consul in Medan can enhance its role as a liaison of the business activities between Germany and Indonesia. Therefore, in terms of granting immunities and privileges of the Honorary Consul, Indonesia and Germany should make a special agreement on the matter in order to ensure a honorary consul can carry out his functions without a hitc

    Bentuk Pertanggungjawaban Indonesia terhadap Malaysia dan Singapura dalam Masalah Kabut Asap di Propinsi Riau

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    Forest fires have become an International concern for environmental and economic issues. Smoke disruption due to forest fire in Indonesia has crossed the states lines. Meanwhile, the provisions of International law for the state responsibility issue has not been established. The principle of state responsibility exists from the International primary rules of obligation, balance between rights and obligations of states. Each country that holds a certain rights also supports a particular obligations as well. This obligations is another side of the rights that been granted by law. That in practice application of this principle still unable to restore the environmental to its original state. This special nature immediately suggests that there is another needs for few more forms of application of the International law principles to ensure that the law is capable as the first instrumen of the environmental protection

    Tinjauan Hukum Internasional terhadap Ujicoba Nuklir Korea Utara dan Kaitannya dengan Perdamaian dan Stabilitas Keamanan Global

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    This study aims to determine the regulation of nuclear in International law perspection, International legal regulation in maintaining peace and stability of global security and shape the rules issued by the United Nations in the form of UN Security Council Resolution related to North Korea's nuclear test on 12 February 2013 in order to maintain peace and stability of the global security . The method used is the normative legal research with specification of descriptive research. The results are presented systematically through data collection is done by seeking information through library or secondary data including primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary-related issues. The results showed that the rule of International law that regulates nuclear contained in the UN Charter, UN General Assembly Resolution, UN Security Council Resolution, and the Statute of the IAEA. Setting of International law in maintaining global peace and security stability seen from the formation of the United Nations whose purpose is to maintain International peace and security. The rules issued by the United Nations in the form of UN Security Council Resolution related to North Korea's nuclear test on 12 February 2013 were the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 2094 which provides for sanctions against North Korea in the form of an order to North Korea to abandon all nuclear weapons programs, enforcement of sanctions new finance to block financial transactions that support North Korea's illegal activities, inspection of suspicious cargo and denial of access to ports and shipping cost related to North Korea in accordance with the law and allow stronger enforcement of the sanctions that have been imposed by the UN Member States

    Sengketa Perbatasan Wilayah Kashmir dalam Perspektif Hukum Internasional

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    Riadhi Alhayyan 090200029 Kashmir border dispute was very influential and disturbing in the South Asia region, because the dispute involves two major states of India and Pakistan. The bickering two countries fighting over kashmir region as the territory continues and has attracted a lot of attention from various countries in the settlement of the dispute. Kashmir border dispute has put a serious challenge for analysts and policy makers because the conflict is complex and heterogeneous. Kashmir, the disputed territory that lies at the foot of the Himalayas, under the rule of the three countries. Jammu-Cash Society ¬ hmir entered Indian territory, while the people of Ladakh and Jammu-Kashmir-Pakistan respectively controlled by China and Pakistan. Among the three, only the Jammu-Kashmir's turbulent and demanding independence. The research method with normative legal research or legal research literature conducted by examining the literature material, and empirical legal research. The study used the law is normative legal research or collectively, the literature study (library research) with the acquisition of secondary data sourced cider magazines, books, journals, newspapers, online websites, and other library documents. Analysis of the data used is qualitative analysis, ie data obtained and subsequently systematically compiled and then analyzed qualitatively in order to achieve clarity issues to be discussed and the results are set forth in the form of a thesis. Based on the results of the study authors that the status area Kashmir under International law is in dispute, as India and Pakistan both claim Kashmir as their territory. But the ruler of Kashmir when it was a Hindu, would prefer to join with India, so that Kashmiris are now split into two, Pakistan and Kashmir Kashmir India. Kashmir struggle in a dilemma. If using peaceful means and approach to politics, India claimed that the people of Kashmir have accepted the status quo, to be a part of India. Kashmir territorial dispute and the Kashmir conflict occurs because of a conflict of interest between the two countries and the political power that is manifested through unilateral claims of India and Pakistan. Including religious factor, Pakistan claims that the khasmir is a muslim majority area integral for Pakistan while also claiming in kashmir hindu community are integrated with India. Factors as well as border, it is located in the teritory of Kashmir Indian authorities, however, a dispute can not be separated from the colonial regime that tends to make the inter-state border artificially, meanings the colonial regime tends to create a new border regime without notice in the interests of natural factors such as ethnicity,and socio-cultural condition. Solution to solve the Kashmir region between India struggle with Pakistan should be implemented bilateral relations between the two countries. UN and SAARCsebaiknya entitles India and Pakistan over the Kashmir region in accordance with the location of each region. So there is no reason for India and Pakistan to fight each other for control of the Kashmir region as a whole. In addition, the United Nations and the SAARC should be decisive in resolving the Kashmir conflict annexation. For countries that do not abide by the decision of the United Nations and the SAARC should be subject to strict law.

    Perlindungan Terhadap Pers Di Negara Yang Sedang Berkonflik Menurut Hukum Internasional

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    Release victims who were killed or wounded in armed conflict more annually increasing . International humanitarian law set in the Art . 79 Prot . Annex I to the second as the protection of civilians in armed conflict . They can not be targeted directly and can not be used as a shield . Military forces must take all necessary measures to protect civilians in conflict areas against the effects of military operations . However , Press who participated in military activities as well as any loss of immune status as civilians dlindungi by International humanitarian law . For example , by equipping themselves with the tools of armed or become a spy for the adverse party . Prisoners must not be tortured or executed without trial before an independent court . Media tools are not military facilities , even if they are used for propaganda or to incite the population to commit atrocities against racial or religious groups or other minorities . According to Art . 52 Prot . Annex I , they should be viewed as a civilian object . For example , a radio station can not be targeted directly , and must be protected against any effects of military operations . Many of the attacks against the press was never investigated because the error is managed by the recognition . The press will always be targeted but the whole International community should do its best to prevent such action . Attacks on Press are a threat to the peace and prosperity of all countries in the world

    Status Perjanjian Nuklir antara Iran dengan E3/eu+3(Jerman, Perancis, Inggris, China, Rusia, Amerika Serikat, dan Uni Eropa) yang Disahkan Dk Pbb Ditinjau dari Hukum Internasional

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    Alfian Syahri* Dr. Jelly Leviza , S.H, M.Hum ** Arif, S.H., M.Hum*** ABSTRACT International treaties are part of International law. International agreements can be made between countries and countries with International Organizations or between International organizations with International organizations. On July 14, 2015 an agreement was reached between Iran and the E3 / EU + 3 (China, France, Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States, as well as the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) of the agreement JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plant of Action), but then ratified the UN Security Council. How an agreement can be passed back when I have reached an agreement. And whether they have in accordance with the provisions of International law. This is the background of this research. The problem in this research is how setting restrictions on the use of nuclear in various International agreements in force today, how the status of nuclear agreement between Iran and the E3 / EU + 3 (Germany, France, Britain, China, Russia, the United States and the European Union) that ratified the UN Security Council in terms of International law, how the sanctions of law arising in the event of violations of the nuclear agreement between Iran and the E3 / EU + 3 (Germany, France, Britain, China, Russia, the United States and the European Union) adopted the UN Security Council to be reviewed of International law. The method used normative, meaning that the study refers to the rule of law. Normative juridical research is legal research literature, by collecting data in the literature study (library research) relating to the Status of Nuclear Agreement Between Iran and the E3 / EU + 3 endorsed the UNSC Seen From the International Law. The conclusion of this research to develop a nuclear state but only for peaceful purposes is not to create nuclear weapons and prohibited to conduct testing of nuclear weapons. Regarding the agreement between Iran and the E3 / EU + 3 was legal under International law because it has fulfilled the elements of the agreement say it is valid. Regarding sanctions adopted earlier by the UN Security Council, European Union, and the United States will be revoked if Iran meets the requirements made in JCPOA although if Iran violates the provisions which have been agreed in JCPOA that the sanctions that have been prevailing against Iran will be re-done , Conversely, if the parties have not removed the sanctions Iran entitled to a stay of nuclear manage without the prescribed limit as contained in the JCPOA. Keyword : Perjanjian Internasional, JCPOA, Iran, Nuclear *) Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum **) Dosen Pembimbing I ***) Dosen Pembimbing II Alfian Syahri* Dr. Jelly Leviza , S.H, M.Hum ** Arif, S.H., M.Hum*** ABSTRAK Perjanjian Internasional merupakan bagian dari hukum Internasional. Perjanjian Internasional dapat dibuat antar negara maupun negara dengan Organisasi Internasional ataupun antara organisasi Internasional dengan organisasi Internasional. Pada tanggal 14 Juli 2015 dicapai kesepakatan antara Iran dengan E3/EU+3 (China, Prancis, Jerman, Rusia, Inggris and Amerika Serikat, serta Perwakilan Tinggi Uni Eropa untuk Urusan Luar Negeri dan Kebijakan Keamanan) tentang perjanjian JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plant of Action), namun kemudian disahkan DK PBB. Bagaimana suatu perjanjian dapat disahkan kembali padahal telah dicapainya kesepakatan. Serta apakah telah sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum Internasional. Hal tersebut yang melatarbelakangi dilakukan penelitian ini. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaturan pembatasan penggunaan nuklir dalam berbagai perjanjian Internasional yang berlaku saat ini, bagaimana status perjanjian nuklir antara Iran dengan E3/EU+3 (Jerman, Perancis, Inggris, China, Rusia, Amerika Serikat, dan Uni Eropa) yang disahkan DK PBB ditinjau dari hukum Internasional, bagaimana sanksi hukum yang timbul bila terjadi pelanggaran terhadap perjanjian nuklir antara Iran dengan E3/EU+3(Jerman, Perancis, Inggris, China, Rusia, Amerika Serikat, dan Uni Eropa) yang disahkan DK PBB ditinjau dari hukum Internasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yuridis normatif, artinya penelitian mengacu pada norma hukum. Penelitian yuridis normatif adalah penelitian hukum kepustakaan, dengan melakukan pengumpulan data secara studi pustaka (library research) yang berkaitan dengan Status Perjanjian Nuklir Antara Iran dengan E3/EU+3 yang disahkan DK PBB Ditinjau Dari Hukum Internasional. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini negara dapat mengembangkan nuklir tetapi hanya untuk tujuan damai tidak untuk membuat senjata nuklir serta dilarang untuk melakukan percobaan senjata nuklir. Mengenai perjanjian antara Iran dengan E3/EU+3 adalah sah menurut hukum Internasional karena telah memenuhi unsur-unsur dikatakan perjanjian itu sah. Mengenai sanksi yang diterapkan sebelumnya oleh DK PBB, Uni Eropa, dan Amerika Serikat akan dicabut apabila Iran memenuhi persyaratan yang dibuat didalam JCPOA tersebut, namun apabila Iran melanggar ketetapan-ketetapan yang telah disepakati didalam JCPOA tersebut maka sanksi yang pernah berlaku terhadap Iran akan kembali dilakukan. Sebaliknya jika pihak-pihak tersebut belum mencabut sanksinya Iran berhak tetap pada pendiriannya mengelola nuklir tanpa batas yang ditentukan seperti yang ada didalam JCPOA tersebut

    Tinjauan Hukum Internasional terhadap Diplomat yang Melakukan Tindakan Melawan Hukum Dihubungkan Kekebalan Diplomatik

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    A country needs to make contact with each other based on the national interests of each country are related to each other, among others, include the economic, social, cultural, legal, political, and so forth. With an association constant and continuous between the nations of the world, is one of the conditions of the existence of the International community. One form of cooperation between the countries in the world is in the form of International relations by putting diplomatic representatives in various countries. These representatives have the right diplomatic immunity and privileges of diplomatic immunity to the law of the jurisdiction of the receiving country as well as both civil and criminal immunity to witnesses. Thesis writing, entitled Review of International Law Against Diplomat Conducting Illegal Actions Associated with Diplomatic Immunity elaborated on how the law on abuse of diplomatic immunity, how the actions of a country against the abuse of diplomatic immunity and how the analysis of several cases of abuse of diplomatic immunity. To answer the problems that used normative law through the use of secondary data, such as books, legislation, books on financing agreements, and research results related to this research topic. Based on the results of the study explained that cases of violation of diplomatic relations that occurred in the period 1961 until now is the number of violations were related to the personal immunity of diplomatic missions and diplomatic representatives of the building violations. Some cases such as wiretap News Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Embassy) in Myanmar and the case of slavery which made the German Ambassador to Indonesia citizens in Saudi Arabia became a serious concern. The existence of diplomatic immunity is considered as a protection to the perpetrators go unpunished. Action against abuse of diplomatic immunity recipient country can do eviction or persona non grata on diplomatic missions, in which it set in the Vienna Convention in 1961. Actions taken by one country against the abuse of diplomatic immunity is a form of action against the self-expulsion of the foreign diplomatic representatives. This is because of the immunity rights inherent in every foreign diplomatic representatives

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Hong Kong

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    Indonesian Labor or communly called by workers is one of the biggest source of foreign exchange in Indonesia. In Asia, Indonesia is one of the largest countries in terms of contributing labor to other countries. In the placement until the deportations, should be existence of a rule of law that protects rather than the interests of the workers either own or of the recipient country. Legal norms that can be a rule in this case the norms of labor law and International law. The method used in this paper is a research library, which is by collecting materials from books, journals, internet, print media, International legal instruments and the results of other scientific papers are closely related to the intent and purpose of the preparation of this paper