19 research outputs found

    Professional plan as structural component of self-determination persons

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    Article is devoted to actual problems of professional self-determination as conscious choice by the subject of a living position and understanding by the identity of as subject of specific professional activity. Value of the organized process of pedagogical maintenance of professional self-determination locates in the educational environment of higher education institution. Possibilities of management are considered by professional self-determination of the identity of the subject

    Профессиональный план как структурный компонент самоопределения личности

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    The article is devoted to the actual problems of professional self-determination, which is considered as the conscious choice of the living position and the specific professional activity. There is a description of the importance of the organized process of pedagogical maintenance of professional self-determination, located in the higher education institution. The possibilities of professional self-determination management are also described in the articl


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    Формирование профессионально-личностных качеств будущих специалистов является одной из основных задач профессионального образования. Институциональная трансформация общественных отношений является фундаментом инновационной профессиональной подготовки квалифицированных кадров народного хозяйства. Профессиональная подготовка и организация образовательной деятельности в современных социокультурных реалиях выступает как процесс становления профессионально-личностных качеств и формирования ценностно-смыслового отношения к социокультурному пространству. Рассмотрены формы работы, направленные на формирование профессионально-личностных качеств будущих инженеров на примере технического университета. Установлено, что актуализация становления профессионально-личностных качеств обеспечивается вовлечением субъектов образовательного процесса в активную познавательную деятельность, совместным решением социальных проблем, развитием субъектного потенциала будущих специалистов, освоением различных социальных ролей. Показаны возможности данного подхода для анализа особенностей и проблем становления профессионально-личностной позиции.Formation of professional and personal qualities of future specialists is one of the main tasks of professional education. Institutional transformation of social relations is the foundation of innovative professional training of qualified personnel in the national economy. Professional training and organization of educational activities in modern socio-cultural realities is a process of the formation of professional and personal qualities and the formation of a value-semantic relationship to the socio-cultural space. The forms of work aimed at the formation of professional and personal qualities of future engineers on the example of a technical university are considered. It is established that the actualization of the formation of professional and personal qualities is ensured by the involvement of the subjects of the educational process in active cognitive activity, the joint solution of social problems, the development of the subject potential of future specialists, the development of various social roles. The possibilities of this approach for analyzing the peculiarities and problems of the formation of a professional-personal position are shown

    Future Specialist’s Professional Position Molding

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    The search of conditions for future specialist’s professional position molding is crucial nowadays. This article discloses the features of “position” notion essence in the context of professional self-determination, analyses the problems of future specialist’s professional development in terms of topical social and professional objectives solution, considers debatable issues of professional development as an integral continuous process of future specialist’s personality formation. The stages of personality professional molding are elaborated. The author determines the relation of professional position with different types of positions (social, personal, role-based). It is mentioned that professional position is determined by professional attitudes and characterizes person’s system of stable value relations towards future professional activities. The relation between the professional position molding and the professional orientation, determining person’s peculiarly experienced selective attitude towards reality, influencing his/her activity is emphasize


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    В современном мире возрастает ценность и значимость таких показателей конкурентоспособной подготовки современного специалиста, как высокий профессионализм, нравственная и социальная зрелость, мобильность, готовность к инновационной деятельности. Реализация данного подхода в практике высшего профессионального образования требует междисциплинарного интегративного подхода. Это обеспечит целостность общепрофессиональной подготовки современных специалистов. После окончания вуза дипломированный специалист сталкивается с проблемой жесткой рыночной конкуренции. Будучи зависимым от изменений на рынке труда, специалист должен суметь реализовать свои потенциальные способности к труду, то есть, оказаться конкурентоспособным на рынке труда. Наибольшую важность имеет интегративная характеристика личности, обеспечивающая более высокий профессиональный статус, устойчиво высокий спрос на профессиональные услуги, более высокую рейтинговую позицию на рынке труда, т.е. конкурентноспособность.In today’s world of growing value and importance of such indicators of competitive modern specialist training as professionalism, moral and social maturity, mobility, readiness for innovation. The implementation of this approach in the practice of higher education requires a multidisciplinary integrative approach. This ensures the integrity of the general professio-nal training of modern specialists. After graduating high school graduate is faced with the problem of the fierce market competition. Being dependent on changes in the job market, the specialist should be able to realize their potential ability to work, i.e. to be competitive in the labor market. The greatest importance is the integrative characteristics of the individual, providing a higher professional status, consistently high demand for professional services, higher ranking position in the job market, i.e. competitiveness


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    Social partnership in the system of vocational education is presented as one of the most important aspects of state-public management of the system of education. Modernization of vocational education occurs in the context of upgrading the system of relations between actors on the labour market and educational services. The presence of functional relationships of the higher education system with industrial, commercial and public structures decides the strategic objectives of labour market regulation in the country. The article examines the role of the state in the development of a new system of relations between consumers and customers of educational services, taking into account the maximum harmonization of the interests of all subjects of the educational process. A systematic approach to analyzing the types of interaction between vocational educational institutions with the subjects and institutions of the labour market is the methodological basis of social partnership in vocational education.Methodology in article economic-mathematical, system-analytical and structural-retrospective methods, as well as statistical and factor analysis methods were used.Results: It is established that social partnership in the system of public relations is an important element in the formation of a modern approach to vocational education. The analysis of regional social partnership in Kuzbass is carried out with the purpose of revealing the general tendencies of development of the state support of social partnership in municipalities. Organization of social partnership in vocational education at the regional level reflects the need of modern society for highly qualified staff and is characterized by the integration of all responsible entities in the organization of professional education.Practical implications: The factors and conditions for the formation of the system of network interaction of higher education organizations and various subjects and labor market institutions with the purpose of raising the social significance of professionalization and competitiveness of future specialists are considered. Based on the factor analysis revealed a complex system of contradictions of the innovative socio-economic development and modernization of the pedagogical process and the system of professional training of future specialists. The normative inclusion of vocational education in the system of basic priorities for the social and economic development of the Russian Federation is an indicator of the real interest of society and the state in the further development of social partnership.Социальное партнерство в системе профессионального образования представлено как один из важнейших аспектов государственно-общественного управления системой образованием. Модернизация системы профессионального образования происходит в условиях обновления системы отношений между субъектами на рынке труда и образовательных услуг. Наличие функциональных связей системы высшего образования с производственными, коммерческими и общественными структурами решает стратегические задачи регулирования рынка труда в стране. В статье рассматривается роль государства в становлении новой системы отношений между потребителями и заказчиками образовательных услуг с учетом максимального согласования интересов всех субъектов образовательного процесса. Системный подход к анализу типов взаимодействия профессиональных образовательных учреждений с субъектами и институтами рынка труда является методологическим основанием социального партнерства в профессиональном образовании.Цель: анализ условий и факторов государственно-общественного управления системой профессионального экономического образования.Метод или методология проведения работы: в статье использовались экономико-математические, системно-аналитические и структурно-ретроспективные методы, а также статистические и факторные методы анализа.Результаты: Установлено, что социальное партнерство в системе общественных отношений есть важный элемент в формировании современного подхода к профессиональному образованию. Проведен анализ регионального социального партнерства в Кузбассе с целью выявления общих тенденций развития государственной поддержки сетевого партнерства в образовании на муниципальном уровне. Организация сетевого партнерства в профессиональном образовании на региональном уровне отражает потребность современного общества в высококвалифицированных кадрах и характеризуется интеграцией всех ответственных субъектов в вопросе организации профессионального образования.Область применения результатов: Рассмотрены факторы и условия становления системы сетевого взаимодействия организаций высшего образования и различных субъектов и институтов рынка труда с целью повышения социальной значимости профессионализации и конкурентоспособности будущих специалистов. На основе факторного анализа выявлен комплекс системных противоречий инновационного социально-экономического развития и модернизации педагогического процесса и системы профессиональной подготовки будущих специалистов. Нормативное включение профессионального образования в систему базовых приоритетов социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации есть показатель реальной заинтересованности общества и государства в дальнейшем развитии социального партнерства


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    The review is devoted to the influence of the hydrogen isotope–deuterium on biological models of organisms and the biological activity of pharmaceutical substances. The positions of the influence of deuterium on the properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients are examined from different perspectives. The first position reflects an increase in the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) in processes involving known pharmaceutical substances in aqueous solutions with a deuterium/protium ratio (D/H) below natural. For the first time, the dose-response diagram shows the identity of deuterium with essential trace elements, when a deficiency and excess of an element reduces the organism's vitality. Improved kinetic characteristics are demonstrated for the molecular and organism levels of different hierarchical gradations. In particular, they consist in the possibility of increasing the dissolution rate of substances by influencing the carbohydrate mutarotation processes and the optical activity of chiral substances, increased accumulation of essential elements in medicinal plants and other processes associated with a possible change in metabolic pathways in the cell and the organism as a whole. The second considered position of the influence of deuterium is associated with the use of deuterated substances–new compounds or obtained by substitution of protium in known protium analogues. The KIE is presented, which is expressed in a decrease in the biotransformation rate as a result of deuteration, it allows predicting a rapid development of the new direction in the development of drugs. Having an identical therapeutic effect, deuterated analogs provide improved pharmacokinetic characteristics, such as reduced toxicity, blocked epimerization of optically active substances, and a change in the mechanisms of biotransformation. The obtained results make it possible to predict the mechanisms of the effect of deuterium on the biochemical transformations of pharmaceutical substances in the organism

    The Digital Culture of Industry in the Transition to Sustainable Development

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    The digital transformation of economic and social sectors is conditioned by the need for a critical reflection of the cultural processes taking place in modern society under the influence of transition to sustainable development. The latter is accompanied with decreasing of waste and pollution, expanding of lean production, settling the new nonmaterial industries. Therefore, it is critically important to form special cultural conditions for industry digitalization – not for increasing use of natural resources, but for decreasing harmful influence on environment. The purpose of this article is an analytical review of the theory and methodology of the analysis of digital culture in the historical and sociocultural perspective. The analysis of modern theories of digital culture and approaches to the analysis of its formation, historical and cultural reconstruction of the formation of digital culture, the definition of the conceptual apparatus of digital culture research and information processes is carried out from a methodological position, according to which cultural research is based on the principles of historicism and functionality, priority of sustainable development values

    Digital Modelling of Educational Content in the Professional Training for Mining Industry

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    The creation of high-quality educational content is a necessary condition for obtaining professional education and training in mining. The article examines the relevance of modeling and refining the components of educational content in solving the problems of training highly qualified personnel. The role of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses) in the system of professional education is considered for mining training. Theoretical analysis thesaurus phenomenon of digital culture, the definition of the concept of digital culture, identified the principles of its creation and functioning. The influence of digital technologies on culture, innovations and traditions in public structures is investigated. Digital culture and digital transformation of society, creating an artificial environment, carries out the transfer of socio-cultural objects into virtual reality. Social changes in connection with the emergence of digital technologies and processes in mining education are analyzed