13 research outputs found

    Survival probability for high mass diffraction

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    Based on the calculation of survival probabilities, we discuss the problem of extracting the value of G3PG_{3P}, the triple Pomeron 'bare' coupling constant, by comparing the large rapidity gap single high mass diffraction data in proton-proton scattering and J/ΨJ/\Psi photo and DIS production. For p-p scattering the calculation in a three amplitude rescattering eikonal model, predicts the survival probability to be an order of magnitude smaller than for the two amplitude case. The survival probabilities calculation for photo and DIS J/ΨJ/\Psi production is made in a dedicated model. In this process we show that, even though its survival probability is considerably larger than in p-p scattering, its value is below unity and cannot be neglected in the data analysis. We argue that, regardless of the uncertainties in the suggested procedure, its outcome is important both with regards to a realistic estimate of G3PG_{3P}, and the survival probabilities relevant to LHC experiments.Comment: 17 pages, 8 pictures and one tabl

    Prevention of colorectal cancer by combining early detection and chemoprevention

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    Colorectal cancer is a major cause of cancer-related mortality. Most colorectal cancers arise in precursor lesions over a number of years. The carcinogenetic pathway is modulated by a wide array of genetic and epigenetic factors. Two major approaches to halting carcinogenesis are chemoprevention and early detection. Chemoprevention is an attractive emerging option-advances in understanding the carcinogenetic pathways and progress in evaluating various putative agents are promising. However, several issues regarding efficacy, safety, and acceptability require answers before an ideal agent can come into widespread use. Early detection and removal of precursor lesions show promise in reducing disease burden. Although the concept has been around and has been widely advocated for several years, participation in screening remains low. The ideal test in terms of practicality, accuracy, and safety is still debated. This article reviews the recent literature related to screening and chemoprevention of colorectal cancer. Copyright © 2009 by Current Medicine Group LLC

    Engagement of men in group treatment programs

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    The goal of this paper is to arrive at a better understanding of the process of men’s engagement in treatment groups. Given the low perseverance rate of men in such groups, engagement is crucial to program continuance and results. A number of treatment factors and strategies that can influence engagement in group therapy programs are drawn from a review of the literature. To gain a better understanding of the factors and how they interrelate, the literature was reviewed from the perspective of Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological model. The studies reviewed show that engagement is influenced by various factors associated with the characteristics of the participants, their family environment, treatment program, and cultural and social values. Current knowledge is discussed to highlight the main research and practice issues concerning men’s engagement in treatment groups. The review underscores the importance of exploring the influence of male socialization on men’s engagement, given that some traditional norms may curb their involvement and willingness to invest in group programs

    Cosmic microwave background and first molecules in the early universe

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