106 research outputs found

    Patogeni semena i klijanaca lucerke i deteline i mere suzbijanja

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    Many species of fungi have been isolated from diseased seed and seedlings of alfalfa, considerably less from red clover, but only few of them have been confirmed as pathogenic for mentioned forage legumes. Individually or in complex most often alfalfa and red clover seed and shoot pathogens are species of genus Pythium (most often), Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Aphanomyces and Fusarium, and rarely bacteria (Corynebacterium insidiosum) or viruses (Alfalfa mosaic virus). Symptoms of disease are seed rot, reduced germination ability of seed, moist rot before and after seed germination, dwarfish growth and decay of shoots, root rot and hypocotyl. Pathogens are carried by seed or plant debries. In Serbia, over ten different species of fungi have been isolated from alfalfa and red clover seed the most frequent species are from genus and . Application of legislation measures for determination of health condition of crops and seed, seeding of healthy and treated seed with adequate fungicides, good agro economical practice and development of breeding programme in order to improve the small seed forage legumes towards economically significant pathogens represent complex of measures aiming to eradicate the causers of alfalfa and red clover diseases.Mnoge vrste gljiva su izolovane iz obolelog semena i klijanaca lucerke, znatno manje deteline, ali je samo za neke potvrđeno da su patogeni za ove krmne leguminoze. Pojedinačno ili u kompleksu, najčešći patogeni semena i klijanaca lucerke i deteline su vrste rodova Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Aphanomyces i Fusarium a ređe bakterije (Corynebacterium insidiosum ) ili virusi (Virus mozaika lucerke). Simptomi bolesti ispoljavaju se u vidu truleži semena, smanjene klijavosti semena, vlažne truleži pre i posle klijanja semena, patuljavost i propadanje klijanaca, trulež korena i hipokotila. Patogeni se prenose semenom ili biljnim ostacima. U Srbiji je iz semena lucerke i deteline izolovano preko deset različitih vrsta gljiva, od kojih su najčešće vrste rodova Alternaria i Fusarium. Primena zakonskih merila za utvrđivanje zdravstvenog stanja useva i semena, setva zdravog i tretiranog semena odgovarajućim fungicidom, odgovarajuća agrotehnika i razvoj programa u cilju oplemenjivanja sitnozrnih krmnih leguminoza prema ekonomski značajnim patogenima, kompleks su mera koji se primenjuju u suzbijanju prouzrokovača bolesti lucerke i crvene deteline

    Novel amino modified GMA-EGDMA-m-PMMA monolith for efficient cationic pollutant removal

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    Novel macro/micro-porous monolith material containing surface amino functional groups was developed for efficient cationic pollutant removal. The monolith was prepared by copolymerization process of monomers glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) and modified low molar mass poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). In order to improve mechanical stability of GMA-EGDMA monolith, surface of PMMA was modified with ethanol amine in first step, and introduction of methacryloyl chloride in a second step produced m-PMMA. Synthesized GMA-EGDMA-m-PMMA monolith was modified with poly(ethylene imine) (PEI). The effectiveness of copolymerization, as well as introduction of amino groups via PEI modification were confirmed by FTIR and Raman analyses. The morphological appearance of the synthesized monolith, examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), clearly indicates porous structure. The results of textural parameters, i.e. monolith porosity, determined by using liquid saturating method, indicate high degree of porosity. Cationic pollutant removal capacity, cadmium and lead, of 32.0 and 42.5 mg g−1 at 25 °C indicates that this monolith is high efficient. This macro/micro-porous monolith could be a promising adsorbent because of its low-cost synthesis process and excellent performance

    Polne populacije kompleksne vrste Gibberella fujikuroi (Sawada) S. Ito poreklom iz kukuruza, gajenog sirka i pšenice u Srbiji

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    The status of fertility and distribution of mating populations in the G. fujikuroi species complex, isolating from maize, sorghum and wheat cultivated under various agroecological conditions of Serbia, have been studied. A total of 79 field isolates of Fusarium spp. in the section Liseola, which had been reciprocally crossed to standard testers (MAT-1 and MAT-2) from each of the four mating populations of the G. fujikuroi species complex, were selected for these studies. Twenty of 79 isolates belonged to the mating population A (G. moniliformis), 22 to the population D (G. intermedia), 17 to the population E (G. subglutinans) and 20 to the population F (G. thapsina). A mating type MAT-1 was dominant in the populations A (14 MATA-1 :6 MATA-2), D (13 MATA-1 :9 MATA-2) and E (10 MATA-1 :7 MATA-2), while MAT-2 prevailed in the population F (6 MATA-1 : 14 MATA-2). The obtained results indicate that the possibility of sexual reproduction of Fusarium spp., belonging to the A, D, E and F mating populations, is not so frequent phenomenon in Serbia as in other regions world-wide. Consequently, these species will be asexually reproduced under field conditions, particularly species belonging to the F population. These are the first results on the characterisation of three (A, E and F) out of four populations of the G. fujikuroi species complex present in Serbia.U radu su proučavani fertilnost i distribucija polnih populacija i tipova u okviru kompleksne vrste G. fujikuroi, poreklom iz različitih biljnih vrsta (kukuruza, gajenog sirka i pšenice), koje su gajene u različitim godinama i agroekološkim uslovima Srbije. Za proučavanja su odabrana 79 poljskih izolata Fusarium spp. iz sekcije Liseola, koji su recipročno ukršteni sa standardnim testerima (MAT-1 i MAT-2) od četiri polne populacije kompleksne vrste G. fujikuroi. U ukrštanjima je fertilno potomstvo dalo 77 od 79 izolata. Od 77 izolata 20 je pripadalo polnoj populaciji A (G. moniliformis), 22 populaciji D (G. intermedia), 15 populaciji E (G. subglutinans) i 20 populaciji F (G. thapsina). Polni tip MAT-1 je dominirao u populacijama A (14 MATA-1 :6 MATA-2), D (13 MATA-1 :9 MATA-2) iE(10 MATA-1 :7 MATA-2), dok je MAT-2 dominirao u populaciji F (6 MATA-1 : 14 MATA-2). Proučavani izolati su bili fertilni kao očevi a sterilni kao majke, izuzev po jedan izolat u populacijama A, D i E koji su bili hermafroditi. Na osnovu polnog tipa (Ne(mt)) efektivni broj za A i F populacije bio je 84.00%, za D je 96.69% i E je 96.89%. Na osnovu učestalosti hermafrodita efektivan broj (Ne(f)) za populaciju A bio je 18.15%, populaciju D 16.60%, populaciju E 20.84% i populaciju F 0.00% od stvarnog broja. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je mogućnost seksualne reprodukcije Fusarium spp., koje pripadaju utvrđenim polnim populacija, nije učestala pojava u Srbiji, kao što je za njih utvrđeno u drugim regionima sveta. Kao posledica toga, ove vrste će se aseksualno reprodukovati u poljskim uslovima, posebno vrsta koja pripada F populaciji. Ovo su prvi rezultati o karakterizaciji tri (A, E i F) od četiri populacije kompleksne vrste G. fujikuroi, koje su prisutne u Srbiji

    Utvrđivanje faktora virulentnosti Exserohilum turcicum u Srbiji

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    The determination of Exserohilum turcicum virulence factors and resistance responses of three sets of maize inbred lines (four differential, eight isogenic and 22 commercial inbreeds) to three isolates of this pathogen under greenhouse conditions were studied. The maize inbreeds were selected according to previous testing of resistance based on lesion types in 194 inbreeds under field conditions of plant inoculation with the E. turcicum race 0 (designated as the isolate MRI-Et). The standard procedure was applied to obtained isolates MRIZP-1747 and MRIZP-1416 from resistant and susceptible lesion types, respectively. These lesions were developed on the same leaf of a plant of the experimental hybrid no. 163/99 grown in a nursery at Zemun Polje during 1999. The third isolate (MRIZP-1435) was isolated from a leaf sample originating from the location of Srbobran in which the occurrence of northern corn leaf blight (NCLB), caused by Exserohilum turcicum, was intensive. Based upon virulence/avirulence of three isolates of E. turcicum on differential maize inbred lines, it was found out that the isolate MRIZP-1747 could be classified as race 0, whereas isolates MRIZP-1416 and MRIZP-1435 could be classified as race 1. These are the first results that confirm the presence of race 1 of E. turcicum in Serbia. Not including differential lines, 22 and six lines were resistant to race 0 and race 1, respectively, while eight and five lines were resistant and susceptible to both races, respectively. All isogenic lines not containing the Ht gene were susceptible to both races 0 and 1.U ovom radu proučavani su faktori virulentnosti Exserohilum turcicum i tipovi otpornosti tri seta samooplodnih linija kukuruza (četiri diferencijalne, osam izogene i 22 komercijalne linije) prema tri izolata ovog patogena u uslovima staklare. Linije su izabrane na osnovu prethodnog testiranja tipa otpornosti pega kod 194 samooplodnih linija u poljskim uslovima inokulacije biljaka rasom 0 vrste E. turcicum (označena kao izolat MRI-Et). Standardnim postupkom je iz otpornog tipa pege izolovana kultura izolata MRIZP-1747, a iz osetljivog tipa pege izolat MRIZP-1416. Ove pege su bile obrazovane na istom listu jedne biljke eksperimentalnog hibrida br. 163/99 u rasadniku kukuruza u Zemun Polju u 1999. godini. Izolat MRIZP-1435 je iste godine izolovan iz uzorka lista kukuruza poreklom iz lokaliteta Srbobran u kojem je bila neoubičajeno intenzivna pojava sive pegavosti lista koju prouzrokuje E. turcicum. Na osnovu virulentnosti i avirulentnosti tri izolata E. turcicum na diferencijalnim linijama kukuruza utvrđeno je da se izolat MRIZP-1747 može klasifikovati kao rasa 0, dok se izolati MRIZP- 1416 i MRIZP-1435 mogu klasifikovati kao rasa 1. Ovo su prvi rezultati koji potvrđuju da u Srbiji osim rase 0 postoji i rasa 1 E. turcicum. Ne uključujući diferencijalne linije, otpornost prema rasi 0 ispoljile su 22 linije i šest linija prema rasi 1. Istovremeno, osam linija je bilo otporno prema rasi 0 i pet linija prema rasi 1. Sve izogene linije koje nisu sadržavale Ht gen bile su osetljive prema ovim rasama

    Varijabilnost patogenih svojstava Fusarium spp. poreklom iz zrna kukuruza i pšenice

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    Differences in the pathogenicity of 93 isolates of seven species belonging to the genus Fusarium (F. graminearum, F. verticillioides, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans, F. sporotrichioides, F. semitectum and F. equiseti), originating from maize kernels (61) and wheat grains (32), were examined based on the germination percentage of inoculated seeds. The studied species demonstrated inter- and intraspecies variability regarding the effects on maize seed germination. On the average, the greatest germination reduction was found in seeds inoculated with the spore suspensions of F. sporotrichioides and F. graminearum. A similar reduction was detected in seeds inoculated with F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans. The effect of F. subglutinans on seed germination reduction was higher compared to the two latter species, while the effects of F. semitectum and F. equiseti were smallest. The majority of isolates were of moderate pathogenicity, while the lowest number of isolates was either very pathogenic (7) or apathogenic (10). Pathogenicity of the isolates originating from wheat grains was generally lower than the pathogenicity of isolates originating from maize kernels, with the exception of F. sporotrichioides.Razlike u patogenost 93 izolata sedam vrsta roda Fusarium (F. graminearum, F. verticillioides, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans, F. sporotrichioides, F. semitectum i F. equiseti), poreklom iz zrna kukuruza (61) i pšenice (32), proučavane su na osnovu procenta klijavosti inokulisanog semena. Ispitivane vrste ispoljile su inter- i intraspecijsku varijabilnost u pogledu uticaja na klijavost semena kukuruza. U proseku, najveće smanjenje klijavosti je utvrđeno kod inokulacije semena suspenzijom spora F. sporotrichioides i F. graminearum, a zatim, približno isto, kod inokulacija semena pomoću F. proliferatum i F. subglutinans. F. verticillioides je, u poređenju sa ove dve poslednje vrste, značajnije uticala na smanjenje klijavosti semena, dok su najmanje uticale vrste F. semitectum i F. equiseti. Većina izolata je bila srednje patogenosti, a najmanji broj je bio jako patogen (7) ili apatogen (10). Izolati poreklom iz zrna pšenice bili su slabije patogenosti od izolata poreklom iz zrna kukuruza, sa izuzetkom F. sporotrichioides

    Appearance and control of ear and kernel of corn fusarioses

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    Iz zrna kukuruza do sada je izolirano oko dvadesetak vrsta iz roda Fusarium, od kojih se prema intenzitetu pojave, rasprostranjenosti i ekonomskoj važnosti, u većini područja gdje se kukuruz uzgaja, kao najznačajnije mogu smatrati vrste F. graminearum, F. verticillioides (syn. F. moniliforme) i F. subglutinans, a u posljednje vrijeme i F. proliferatum. Navedene vrste roda Fusarium uzrokuju različite simptome na oboljelim biljkama, kao što su trulež zrna i klijanaca, trulež korijena i stabla, kao i pljesnivost i trulež klipa i zrna kukuruza. U radu je opisan važnost vrsta roda Fusarium, njihova najvažnija makroskopska i mikroskopska svojstva, simptomi fuzarioza klipa i zrna kukuruza, te uvjeti za razvoj ovih bolesti, kao i mikotoksini i mikotoksikoze čiji su producenti razne Fusarium vrste, a posebno su razmotrene i mjere za njihovu kontrolu.There have been about twenty kinds of Fusarium genus isolated from a kernel of corn, out of which the most important ones, based on the intensity of appearance, diffusion and economic importance, in the majority of areas where corn is grown, are genuses F. graminearum, F. verticillioides (syn. F. moniliforme) and F. subglutinans, and lately also F. proliferatum. These types of Fusarium genus cause various symptoms on ill plants, such as rotting of kernel and sprouts, rotting of roots and stems, as well as mouldiness and rotting of ear and kernel of corn. In this work the importance of different kinds of Fusarium genus is described, their most important macroscopic and mycroscopis characteristics, symptoms of fusarioses of ear and kernel of corn, and conditions for development of these diseases, as well as micotoxines and micotoxicoses caused by different Fusarium types. In addition to this, the measures of their control are analyzed

    Prisustvo toksigenih Fusarium vrsta i Fuzariotoksina deoksinivalenola i zearalenona u ozimoj pšenici

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    The frequency of fungi and mycotoxin concentrations of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) were studied in winter wheat grains harvested in 2009. The most frequently isolated species belonged to genera Alternaria (81.55%) and Fusarium (12%), followed by Rhizopus spp. (3.75%), Acremoniella spp. (1.15%) and other fungi (Acremonium spp., Arthrinium spp., Aspergillus spp., Bipolaris spp., Chaetomium spp., Nigrospora spp., Penicillium spp. and Ramichloridium spp.) isolated in less than 1%. The following species of the genus Fusarium were identified: F. graminearum (82.50%), F. sporotrichioides (5.42%), F. proliferatum (4.17%), F. subglutinans (4.17%), F. poae (1.66%), F. semitectum (1.25%), and F. verticillioides (0.83%). In 100% of wheat grain samples DON was detected (110-1200 μg kg-1, average 490 μg kg-1), while ZON was detected in 10% of samples and in the lower average of 70 μg kg-1 with the limit values ranging from 60 to 80 μg kg-1. Statistically significant positive correlations were established between the concentration of ZON with the frequency of F. graminearum (r = 0.63) or with the frequency of Fusarium spp. (r = 0.58). A negative insignificant correlation was determined between the DON level and the percentage of present Fusarium species.Učestalost gljiva i koncentracija mikotoksina deoksinivalenola (DON) i zearalenona (ZON) je proučavana u zrnu ozime pšenice požnjevenom 2009. godine. Najčešće izolovane vrste gljiva pripadale su rodovima Alternaria (81,55%) i Fusarium (12%), a zatim su sledili Rhizopus spp. (3,75%), Acremoniella spp. (1,15%) i druge gljive (Acremonium spp., Arthrinium spp., Aspergillus spp., Bipolaris spp., Chaetomium spp., Nigrospora spp., Penicillium spp. i Ramichloridium spp.) izolovane u manje od 1%. Unutar roda Fusarium identifikovane su sledeće vrste: F. graminearum (82,50%), F. sporotrichioides (5,42%), F. proliferatum (4,17%), F. subglutinans (4,17%), F. poae (1,66%), F. semitectum (1,25%) i F. verticillioides (0,83%). U 100% uzoraka zrna pšenice DON je bio detektovan u koncentracijama od 110 do 1200 μg kg-1, sa prosečnom koncentracijom od 490 μg kg-1. ZON je bio detektovan u 10% uzoraka u koncentracijama od 60 do 80 μg kg-1, sa prosečnom koncentracijom od 70 μg kg-1. Statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija utvrđena je između koncentracije ZON i frekvencije Fusarium spp. (r = 0.58) i frekvencije F. graminearum (r = 0.63). Negativna korelacija, statistički nesignifikanta, utvrđena je između nivoa DON-a i procentualne zastupljenosti Fusarium vrsta

    Fumonizin B1 u zrnu kukuruza, pšenice i ječma u Srbiji

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    A wide variety of commodities in the world have been analyzed for fumonisins contamination. However, they have mostly been reported in maize and maize-based foods and feeds. Just a few scientific researches were conducted to obtain results on natural contamination of wheat and barley with these mycotoxins. This survey was conducted to evaluate fumonisin B1 contamination in maize, wheat and barley grain in Serbia. A total of 203 maize, 180 wheat and 120 barley samples were obtained from different local warehouses between October 2007 and June 2009. Concentration of FB1 were analysed with the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Positive results were found in 70.7%, 60.6% and 34.1%, in the maize, wheat and barley samples, respectively. FB 1 concentration varied from 750 to 4900 μg kg-1, and the mean levels recorded were: 1225.7 kg-1 in maize; 852.7 μg kg-1 in wheat; and 768.2 μg kg-1 in barley. The mycotoxin contamination of cereals was affected by factors such as origin resistance, droughtstress, and insect damage and differed between the years of investigation The results obtained in this survey revealed that FB1 is frequent contaminant of cereal grains in Serbia. Considering that these products are consumed in large amounts either directly or as components of foods and feeds, the levels of contamination reported herein indicate a potential threat to animal and public health.Širok spektar proizvoda u svetu je analiziran na kontaminaciju fumonizinima. Međutim, prisustvo ovog mikotoksina uglavnom je zabeleženo u zrnu kukuruza i hrani na bazi kukuruza. Malo je istraživanja o prirodnoj kontaminaciji pšenice i ječma fumonizinima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita kontaminacija fumonizinom B1 zrna kukuruza, pšenice i ječma u Srbiji. Ukupan broj od 203 uzoraka zrna kukuruza, 180 uzoraka zrna pšenice i 120 uzoraka zrna ječma sakupljenih u različitim lokalitetima Srbije u periodu oktobar 2007. - jun 2009. godine. Koncentracija FB1 u zrnu žita je analizirana ELISA testom. FB1 je utvrđen u 72% uzoraka zrna kukuruza, 60,6% uzoraka zrna pšenice i 34,1% uzoraka zrna ječma. Koncentracija ovog mikotoksina je varirala od 750 do 4900 μg kg-1, sa srednjim vrednostima: 1225,7 kg-1 u kukuruzu; 852,7 μg kg-1 u pšenici; i 768,2 μg kg-1 u ječmu. Kontaminacija zrna sa FB1 je varirala u zavisnosti od mnogih faktora, kao što je otpornost biljke, stres suše, povrede od insekata i razlikovala se u ispitivanim godinama. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazali su da je FB1 značajan kontaminant zrna žita u Srbiji. S obzirom da se ovi proizvodi koriste u velikim količinama, bilo kao hrana za ljude, bilo kao hrana za životinje, utvrđeni stepen kontaminacije ukazuje na visok potencijalni rizik po javno zdravlje

    Prisustvo toksigenih vrsta gljiva i mikotoksina u stočnoj hrani u Republici Srbiji

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    Climatic conditions and growing of grain on large areas in Republic of Serbia are suitable for development of numerous toxigenic species, such as Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp., and resulting from this is frequent incidence of animal feed contamination by their toxic products. In Republic of Serbia, the most frequent fungi determined in animal feed are those from Fusarium genus, as well as their mycotoxins. Of Fusarium species the most frequent one is F. graminearum, and of toxins zearalenon, in maize or wheat grains, which are the main raw material in production of animal feeds. Development of this fungi and bio-synthesis of zearalenon most often depend on period of rains in the third decade of May when wheat is in the blossoming phenostage or on ample precipitation and low temperatures at the end of summer or beginning of autumn during sensitive pheno-stage of maize growing. Aflatoxins are rarely isolated in Republic of Serbia, but there are conditions for their increased presence in imported feed components. Natural occurrence of ochratoxin A is more frequent than incidence of aflatoxins in climatic conditions of Republic of Serbia. Presence of mycotoxins produced by species of genera Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium indicates potential risk of incidence of mycotoxicosis, especially in younger animal categories. For the purpose of protection of health of animals, realization of profit and high productivity in livestock production, it is necessary to explain factors which can cause animal intoxication, and to identify toxins and develop methodology for assessment of the potential toxicity of animal feed.Klimatski uslovi i gajenje žita na velikim površinama u Republici Srbiji pogoduju razvoju brojnih toksigenih vrsta, kao što su Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp. i Penicillium spp., i kao rezultat toga je i česta kontaminacija hrane za životinje njihovim toksičnim produktima. U Republici Srbiji su u hrani za životinje najčešće utvrđene gljive iz roda Fusarium, kao i njihovi mikotoksini. Od Fusarium vrsta najčešća je F. graminearum, a od toksina zearalenon, bilo u zrnu kukuruza ili pšenice koje su najčešće sirovine za stočnu hranu. Razvoj ove gljive i biosinteza zearalenona najčešće zavise od kišnog perioda u trećoj dekadi maja kada je pšenica u fenofazi cvetanja ili od obilnih padavina i niskih temperatura pri kraju leta i početkom jeseni kada je osetljiva fenofaza kukuruza. Aflatoksini su retko izolovani u Republici Srbiji, ali postoje uslovi za veće prisustvo prilikom uvoza komponenti hrane za životinje. Prirodna pojava ohratoksina A je češća od pojave aflatoksina u klimatskim uslovima Srbije. Prisustvo mikotoksina koje produkuju vrste roda Fusarium, Aspergillus i Penicillium ukazuje na potencijalni rizik od pojave mikotoksikoza, posebno za mlađe kategorije životinja. U cilju zaštite zdravlja životinja, ostvarivanja dobiti i visoke produktivnosti u stočarskoj proizvodnji, postoji potreba da se objasne faktori koji mogu prouzrokovati intoksikaciju životinja, kao i da se toksini identifikuju i razvije metodologija za ocenu potencijalne toksičnosti hrane za životinje

    Značaj toksigenih Fusarium vrsta u hrani za životinje

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    Numerous plant species, which are main components of various mixtures used in animal nutrition, can be contaminated by mycotoxins created by large number of pathogenic and toxigenic fungi (moulds). From the aspect of animal nutrition, most important are cereals and oil crops (in form of meals) because they constitute the highest share in preparation of animal food, and on the other hand, they are especially sensitive to toxigenic fungi and can contain mycotoxins above maximum allowed quantity. Contamination of plants or certain plant parts, of which the grain is of major importance, occurs in the field or during storage, as consequence of growth of toxigenic fungi. Numerous factors favour and contribute to growth of moulds, such as environment conditions, stress, sensitivity of genotype to fungi and insects, moisture content, etc. Species of the Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium genera, from the mycotoxicological aspect, are the most important pathogens isolated in livestock feed in Serbia. However, the most studied plant pathogenic fungi are Fusarium species, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, each year, in higher or lower percentage, they cause diseases on maize, wheat, barley and other cereal species, which are major component of animal and human nutriiton. Secondly, they have cause in certain years mass incidence of mycotoxicosis in animals, esepcially in pigs. F. graminearum is the most important pathogenic species for wheat, barley and maize, F. poae for wheat and barley, whereas species from the section Liseola (F. verticillioides, F. subglutinans and F. proliferatum) are more significant for maize and sorghum. In addition to above mentioned, the presence of other Fusarium species was determined, although in small percentage, but very toxigenic and cannot be neglected as potential animal food contaminants. Considering the prevelance of certain toxigenic species in Serbia, three groups of mycotixins produced by Fusarium fungi species can be considered as the most important from the aspect of animal health. Within the group of trichothecenes, deoxynivalenol (DON) is associated with situations when pigs refuse to eat, whereas toxin T-2 can cause reproduction disorders in sows. Other group includes zearalenone (ZON) and its derivatives which cause estrogenism. Third group includes fumonisins which are associated with specific syndroms of toxicity such as equine leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) and porcine pulmonary oedema (PPE). Growth and presence of Fusarium species in grains and animal food, becuase of the production of mycotoxins, has been current topic in many researches world wide.Brojne biljne vrste, koje čine sastavni deo različitih smeša hrane za životinje, mogu biti kontaminirane mikotoksinima koje stvara veliki broj patogenih i toksigenih gljiva (plesni). Sa stanovišta ishrane životinja najznačajnija su žita i uljane kulture (u vidu brašna) jer čine najveći udeo prilikom pripreme hrane, a s druge strane, posebno su osetljive prema toksigenim gljivama i mogu da sadrže mikotoksine iznad maksimalne dozvoljene količine. Do kontaminacije biljaka ili pojedinih njenih delova, od kojih je zrno najznačajnije, dolazi u polju ili tokom skladištenja kao posledica razvoja toksigenih gljiva. Brojni su činioci koji pogoduju razvoju plesni, kao što su uslovi spoljašnje sredine, stres, osetljivost genotipa prema gljivama i insektima, sadržaj vlage i drugo. U Srbiji vrste iz rodova Fusarium, Aspergillus i Penicillium su sa mikotoksikološkog aspekta najznačajniji patogeni izolovani iz hrane za životinje. Međutim, među najproučavanijim biljnim patogenim gljivama su Fusarium vrste, i to iz više razloga. Prvo, one svake godine u većem ili manjem procentu prouzrokuju bolesti na kukuruzu, pšenici, ječmu i drugim vrstama žita, koje su glavne komponente hrane za ljude i životinje. Drugo, one su u nekim godinama prouzrokovale masovnu pojavu mikotoksikoza životinja, posebno svinja. F. graminearum je najznačajnija patogena vrsta za pšenicu, ječam i kukuruz, F. poae za pšenicu i ječam, dok su vrste iz sekcije Liseola (F. verticillioides, F. subglutinans i F. proliferatum) značajnije za kukuruz i sirak. Osim ovih, utvrđeno je prisustvo i drugih Fusarium vrsta, koje su, iako prisutne u malom procentu, veoma toksigene i ne mogu se zanemariti kao potencijalni kontaminatni hrane za životinje. S obzirom na rasprostranjenost pojedinih toksigenih vrsta gljiva u Srbiji, od posebne važnosti za zdravlje životinja mogu se razmatrati tri grupe mikotoksina koje proizvode Fusarium vrste gljiva. Unutar grupe trihotecena, deoksinivalenol (DON) je povezan sa odbijanjem hrane kod svinja, dok T-2 toksin može prouzrokovati poremećaje u reprodukciji kod krmača. Druga grupa obuhvata zearalenon (ZON) i njegove derivate koji prouzrokuju estrogenizam. Treća grupa uključuje fumonizine koji su povezani sa specifičnim sindromima toksičnosti kao što su leukoencefalomalacija i edem pluća. Razvoj i prisustvo Fusarium vrsta u žitima i hrani za životinje zbog produkcije mikotoksina, poslednjih godina je veoma aktuelna tema u brojnim istraživanjima širom sveta