105 research outputs found

    Migrations et imaginaires sociaux Ă  l'Ă©preuve de la guerre du Golfe

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    La prolongation des conflits

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    Depuis mars 1988, l'hypothĂšse d'une tendance Ă  la rĂ©duction des conflits influence l'analyse des confrontations " mineures " qui affectent diverses rĂ©gions du monde. ForgĂ©e dans le cadre de la prĂ©gnance des rapports Est/Ouest, elle prend de plus en plus mal en compte les Ă©volutions rĂ©centes comme le montre le cas afghan oĂč l'Ă©vacuation annoncĂ©e par les SoviĂ©tiques, dĂšs 1988, n'a en rien conduit Ă  la fin du conflit.No summar

    Influences extérieures et identités au maghreb : le jeu du transnational

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    Si la crise du Golfe et l'effondrement des pays de l'est, ont eu tendance Ă  marginaliser le Maghreb et les crises qui le traverse sur la scĂšne mondiale, ce dernier conserve cependant avec l'Europe des liens qu'il convient de ne pas nĂ©gliger. Le continent europĂ©en exerce toujours un attrait mĂȘlĂ© de rejet, toutefois la construction europĂ©enne transforme de plus en plus le continent comme une forteresse dont la conquĂȘte commence avec la queue pour les visas. mĂȘme si les flux de populations demeurent considĂ©rable. En outre les populations immigrĂ©s ou de deuxiĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration pĂšse de plus en plus sur les rapports politiques entre les Etats europĂ©ens et ceux du Maghreb. Le sentiment d'exclusion domine associĂ© comme le remarque RĂ©my Leveau Ă  celui de ne pouvoir rĂ©sister Ă  l'intrusion de cette mĂȘme sociĂ©tĂ© qui vous repousse.The Gulf crisis and the collapse of Eastern Europe have marginalised the Maghreb and its crises on the global scene. However, its links with Europe still place it in an important position. The European continent is at the same time a pole of attraction and of rejection. The construction of a united Europe has turned the continent into a fortress, the conquering of which starts at the queues for visas (although the migratory stream remains significant). Moreover, the immigrant population and its descendants play an important political role in the relations between European and Maghreb governments. A feeling of exclusion predominates, but it is realised that this society that excludes also exerts an irresistible attractive and intruding force

    Etats, minoritĂ©s et diasporas. RĂ©flexions Ă  propos de l’ouvrage de Basma Kodmani-Darwish

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    L'ouvrage de Basma Kodmani-Darwish donne enfin une présentation en langue française claire, globale et équilibrée de la question palestinienne mais offre également une base de réflexion sur les rapports entre Etats, minorités et diasporas au Moyen-Orient. Sans négliger la dimension historique, l'auteur concentre son analyse sur les conséquences de la territorialisation du projet palestinien à la suite des accords d'Oslo et de Washington de septembre 1993. Son ouvrage présente à la fois un réc..

    Sociologie de l’Iran contemporain

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    Farhad Khosrokhavar, directeur d’études L’islam des jeunes Le sĂ©minaire a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ© Ă  l’islam en prison. Plusieurs constats : les musulmans sont devenus selon toute vraisemblance les premiers en nombre et en proportion dans les prisons françaises, par rapport Ă  d’autres religions. Nombre de prisons ont entre 50 et 80 % de dĂ©tenus se rĂ©clamant de la religion d’Allah. Il s’est agi de dĂ©gager les bricolages religieux en relation Ă  l’alimentation, le respect des priĂšres et des rituels, Ă  la se..

    Fostering the Diversity of Exploratory Testing in Web Applications

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    International audienceExploratory testing (ET) is a software testing approach that complements automated testing by leveraging business expertise. It has gained momentum over the last decades as it appeals testers to exploit their business knowledge to stress the system under test (SUT). Exploratory tests, unlike automated tests, are defined and executed on-the-fly by testers.Testers who perform exploratory tests may be biased by their past experience and therefore may miss anomalies or unusual interactions proposed by the SUT. This is even more complex in the context of web applications, which typically expose a huge number of interaction paths to their users. As testers of these applications cannot remember all the sequences of interactions they performed, they may fail to deeply explore the application scope.This paper therefore introduces a new approach that assists testers in widely exploring any web application. In particular, our approach monitors the online interactions performed by the testers to suggest in real-time the probabilities of performing next interactions. Looking at these probabilities, we claim that the testers who favour interactions that have a low probability(because they were rarely performed), will increase the diversity of their explorations. Our approach defines a prediction model, based on n-grams, that encodes the history of past interactions and that supports the estimation of the probabilities. Integrated within a web browser extension, it automatically and transparently injects feedback within the application itself. We conduct a controlled experiment and a qualitative study to assess our approach. Results show that it prevents testers to be trapped in already tested loops, and succeeds to assist them in performing deeper explorations of the SUT

    'Divided they stand, divided they fail': opposition politics in Morocco

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    The literature on democratization emphasises how authoritarian constraints usually lead genuine opposition parties and movements to form alliances in order to make demands for reform to the authoritarian regime. There is significant empirical evidence to support this theoretical point. While this trend is partly visible in the Middle East and North Africa, such coalitions are usually short-lived and limited to a single issue, never reaching the stage of formal and organic alliances. This article, using the case of Morocco, seeks to explain this puzzle by focusing on ideological and strategic differences that exist between the Islamist and the secular/liberal sectors of civil society, where significant opposition politics occurs. In addition, this article also aims to explain how pro-democracy strategies of the European Union further widen this divide, functioning as a key obstacle to democratic reforms


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    Leveau Rémy. MANA. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°98, 1997. p. 129

    Abedin (Syed Z.) Sardar (Ziauddin) eds. Muslim Minorities in the West

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    Leveau Rémy. Abedin (Syed Z.) Sardar (Ziauddin) eds. Muslim Minorities in the West. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°98, 1997. p. 117

    Waardenburg (Jacques), ed. Islam and Christianity. Mutual Perceptions Since the Mid 20th Century

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    Leveau Rémy. Waardenburg (Jacques), ed. Islam and Christianity. Mutual Perceptions Since the Mid 20th Century. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°106, 1999. p. 105
