2,029 research outputs found

    Radio Observations of GRB Host Galaxies

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    We present 5.5 and 9.0 GHz observations of a sample of seventeen GRB host galaxies at 0.5<z<1.4, using the radio continuum to explore their star formation properties in the context of the small but growing sample of galaxies with similar observations. Four sources are detected, one of those (GRB 100418A) likely due to lingering afterglow emission. We suggest that the previously-reported radio afterglow of GRB 100621A may instead be due to host galaxy flux. We see no strong evidence for redshift evolution in the typical star formation rate of GRB hosts, but note that the fraction of `dark' bursts with detections is higher than would be expected given constraints on the more typical long GRB population. We also determine the average radio-derived star formation rates of core collapse supernovae at comparable redshift, and show that these are still well below the limits obtained for GRB hosts, and show evidence for a rise in typical star formation rate with redshift in supernova hosts.Comment: 15 pages, MNRAS accepte

    A New Population of Ultra-long Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We present comprehensive multiwavelength observations of three gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with durations of several thousand seconds. We demonstrate that these events are extragalactic transients; in particular, we resolve the long-standing conundrum of the distance of GRB 101225A (the "Christmas-day burst"), finding it to have a redshift z = 0.847 and showing that two apparently similar events (GRB 111209A and GRB 121027A) lie at z = 0.677 and z = 1.773, respectively. The systems show extremely unusual X-ray and optical light curves, very different from classical GRBs, with long-lasting, highly variable X-ray emission and optical light curves that exhibit little correlation with the behavior seen in the X-ray. Their host galaxies are faint, compact, and highly star-forming dwarf galaxies, typical of "blue compact galaxies." We propose that these bursts are the prototypes of a hitherto largely unrecognized population of ultra-long GRBs, which while observationally difficult to detect may be astrophysically relatively common. The long durations may naturally be explained by the engine-driven explosions of stars of much larger radii than normally considered for GRB progenitors, which are thought to have compact Wolf-Rayet progenitor stars. However, we cannot unambiguously identify supernova signatures within their light curves or spectra. We also consider the alternative possibility that they arise from the tidal disruption of stars by massive black holes and conclude that the associated timescales are only consistent with the disruption of compact stars (e.g., white dwarfs) by black holes of relatively low mass (<10^5 M_☉)

    Exploring the Cosmic Evolution of Habitability with Galaxy Merger Trees

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    We combine inferred galaxy properties from a semi-analytic galaxy evolution model incorporating dark matter halo merger trees with new estimates of supernova and gamma ray burst rates as a function of metallicity from stellar population synthesis models incorporating binary interactions. We use these to explore the stellar mass fraction of galaxies irradiated by energetic astrophysical transients and its evolution over cosmic time, and thus the fraction which is potentially habitable by life like our own. We find that 18 per cent of the stellar mass in the Universe is likely to have been irradiated within the last 260 Myr, with GRBs dominating that fraction. We do not see a strong dependence of irradiated stellar mass fraction on stellar mass or richness of the galaxy environment. We consider a representative merger tree as a Local Group analogue, and find that there are galaxies at all masses which have retained a high habitable fraction (>40 per cent) over the last 6 Gyr, but also that there are galaxies at all masses where the merger history and associated star formation have rendered galaxies effectively uninhabitable. This illustrates the need to consider detailed merger trees when evaluating the cosmic evolution of habitability.Comment: 11 page, 10 figures. MNRAS accepted 13th Dec 2017. Updated to match accepted version, with additional discussion of metallicity effect

    GRB 070714B - Discovery of the Highest Spectroscopically Confirmed Short Burst Redshift

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    Gemini Nod & Shuffle spectroscopy on the host of the short GRB 070714B shows a single emission line at 7167 angstroms which, based on a grizJHK photometric redshift, we conclude is the 3727 angstrom [O II] line. This places the host at a redshift of z=.923 exceeding the previous record for the highest spectroscopically confirmed short burst redshift of z=.546 held by GRB 051221. This dramatically moves back the time at which we know short bursts were being formed, and suggests that the present evidence for an old progenitor population may be observationally biased.Comment: Conference procedings for Gamma Ray Bursts 2007 November 5-9, 2007 Santa Fe, New Mexico (4 pages, 2 figures

    Swift J1112.2-8238: A Candidate Relativistic Tidal Disruption Flare

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    We present observations of Swift J1112.2-8238, and identify it as a candidate relativistic tidal disruption flare (rTDF). The outburst was first detected by Swift/BAT in June 2011 as an unknown, long-lived (order of days) γ\gamma-ray transient source. We show that its position is consistent with the nucleus of a faint galaxy for which we establish a likely redshift of z=0.89z=0.89 based on a single emission line that we interpret as the blended [OII]λ3727\lambda3727 doublet. At this redshift, the peak X/γ\gamma-ray luminosity exceeded 104710^{47} ergs s−1^{-1}, while a spatially coincident optical transient source had i′∼22i^{\prime} \sim 22 (Mg∼−21.4_g \sim -21.4 at z=0.89z=0.89) during early observations, ∼20\sim 20 days after the Swift trigger. These properties place Swift J1112.2-8238 in a very similar region of parameter space to the two previously identified members of this class, Swift J1644+57 and Swift J2058+0516. As with those events the high-energy emission shows evidence for variability over the first few days, while late time observations, almost 3 years post-outburst, demonstrate that it has now switched off. Swift J1112.2-8238 brings the total number of such events observed by Swift to three, interestingly all detected by Swift over a ∼\sim3 month period (<3%<3\% of its total lifetime as of March 2015). While this suggests the possibility that further examples may be uncovered by detailed searches of the BAT archives, the lack of any prime candidates in the years since 2011 means these events are undoubtedly rare.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The Galactic neutron star population II -- Systemic velocities and merger locations of binary neutron stars

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    The merger locations of binary neutron stars (BNSs) encode their galactic kinematics and provide insights into their connection to short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs). In this work, we use the sample of Galactic BNSs with measured proper motions to investigate their kinematics and predict their merger locations. Using a synthetic image of the Milky Way and its Galactic potential we analyse the BNS mergers as seen from an extragalactic viewpoint and compare them to the location of SGRBs on and around their host galaxies. We find that the Galactocentric transverse velocities of the BNSs are similar in magnitude and direction to those of their Local Standards of Rest, which implies that the present-day systemic velocities are not isotropically oriented and the peculiar velocities might be as low as those of BNS progenitors. Both systemic and peculiar velocities fit a lognormal distribution, with the peculiar velocities being as low as ∼22−157\sim 22-157 km s−1^{-1}. We also find that the observed BNS sample is not representative of the whole Galactic population, but rather of systems born around the Sun's location with small peculiar velocities. When comparing the predicted BNS merger locations to SGRBs, we find that they cover the same range of projected offsets, host-normalized offsets, and fractional light. Therefore, the spread in SGRB locations can be reproduced by mergers of BNSs born in the Galactic disk with small peculiar velocities, although the median offset match is likely a coincidence due to the biased BNS sample.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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