47 research outputs found

    The Effect of Gentamicin-Induced Readthrough on a Novel Premature Termination Codon of CD18 Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Patients

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    Leukocyte adhesion deficiency 1 (LAD1) is an inherited disorder of neutrophil function. Nonsense mutations in the affected CD18 (ITB2) gene have rarely been described. In other genes containing such mutations, treatments with aminoglycoside types of antibiotics (e.g., gentamicin) were reported to partially correct the premature protein termination, by induction of readthrough mechanism.Genetic analysis was performed on 2 LAD1 patients. Expression, functional and immunofluorescence assays of CD18 in the patients were used to determine the in-vivo and in-vitro effects of gentamicin-induced readthrough. A theoretical modeling of the corrected CD18 protein was developed to predict the protein function.We found a novel premature termination codon, C562T (R188X), in exon 6 of the CD18 gene that caused a severe LAD1 phenotype in two unrelated Palestinian children. In-vivo studies on these patients' cells after gentamicin treatment showed abnormal adhesion and chemotactic functions, while in-vitro studies showed mislocalization of the corrected protein to the cytoplasm and not to the cell surface. A theoretical modeling of the corrected CD18 protein suggested that the replacement of the wild type arginine by gentamicin induced tryptophan at the position of the nonsense mutation, although enabled the expression of the entire CD18 protein, this was not sufficient to stabilize the CD18/11 heterodimer at the cell surface.A novel nonsense mutation in the CD18 gene causing a complete absence of CD18 protein and severe LAD1 clinical phenotype is reported. Both in vivo and in vitro treatments with gentamicin resulted in the expression of a corrected full-length dysfunctional or mislocalized CD18 protein. However, while the use of gentamicin increased the expression of CD18, it did not improve leukocyte adhesion and chemotaxis. Moreover, the integrity of the CD18/CD11 complex at the cell surface was impaired, due to abnormal CD18 protein and possibly lack of CD11a expression

    The Kinetics of Early T and B Cell Immune Recovery after Bone Marrow Transplantation in RAG-2-Deficient SCID Patients

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    The kinetics of T and B cell immune recovery after bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is affected by many pre- and post-transplant factors. Because of the profoundly depleted baseline T and B cell immunity in recombination activating gene 2 (RAG-2)-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) patients, some of these factors are eliminated, and the immune recovery after BMT can then be clearly assessed. This process was followed in ten SCID patients in parallel to their associated transplant-related complications. Early peripheral presence of T and B cells was observed in 8 and 4 patients, respectively. The latter correlated with pre-transplant conditioning therapy. Cells from these patients carried mainly signal joint DNA episomes, indicative of newly derived B and T cells. They were present before the normalization of the T cell receptor (TCR) and the B cell receptor (BCR) repertoire. Early presentation of the ordered TCR gene rearrangements after BMT occurred simultaneously, but this pattern was heterogeneous over time, suggesting different and individual thymic recovery processes. Our findings early after transplant could suggest the long-term patients' clinical outcome. Early peripheral presence of newly produced B and T lymphocytes from their production and maturation sites after BMT suggests donor stem cell origin rather than peripheral expansion, and is indicative of successful outcome. Peripheral detection of TCR excision circles and kappa-deleting recombination excision circles in RAG-2-deficient SCID post-BMT are early markers of T and B cell reconstitution, and can be used to monitor outcome and tailor specific therapy for patients undergoing BMT

    Newborn Screening for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency in Israel

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    Newborn screening (NBS) programs for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), the most severe type of primary immunodeficiency, are being implemented in more and more countries with every passing year. Since October 2015, SCID screening via T cell receptor excision circle (TREC) quantification in dried blood spots (DBS) has been part of the Israeli NBS program. As an NBS program in its infancy, SCID screening is still evolving, making gathering input from the various programs crucial for compiling an ideal screening algorithm. The relatively high rate of consanguineous marriages in Israel, especially among non-Jews, correlates with an increased incidence of SCID. The Israeli algorithm uses a commercial kit and consists of a two-Guthrie card confirmation system prior to referral to a national immunology center. Preliminary data from the first year and a half of SCID screening in Israel has identified a surprisingly high prevalence of DNA cross-link repair protein 1c (DCLRE1C; ARTEMIS) mutations as the cause of SCID in Israel. The clinically unbiased nature of SCID screening helps unearth mild/leaky SCID phenotypes, resulting in a better understanding of true SCID prevalence and etiology

    Trough Concentrations of Specific Antibodies in Primary Immunodeficiency Patients Receiving Intravenous Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy

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    Immunoglobulin replacement therapy is a mainstay therapy for patients with primary immunodeficiency (PID). The content of these preparations was studied extensively. Nevertheless, data regarding the effective specific antibodies content (especially in the nadir period), and, in different groups of PID patients is limited. We studied trough IgG concentrations as well as anti-Pneumococcus, anti-Haemophilus influenzae b, anti-Tetanus, and anti-Measles antibody concentrations in 17 PID patients receiving intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) compared with healthy controls matched for age and ethnicity. We also analyzed these results according to the specific PID diagnosis: X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), combined immunodeficiency (CID), and ataxia telangiectasia (AT). We recorded a higher concentration of anti-pneumococcal polysaccharide antibodies in healthy controls compared to the entire group of PID patients. We also found significantly higher anti-tetanus toxoid antibody concentrations in the XLA patients, compared to CID patients. Anti-Haemophilus Influenzae b antibody titers were overall similar between all the groups. Interestingly, there were overall low titers of anti-Measles antibodies below protective cutoff antibody concentrations in most patients as well as in healthy controls. We conclude that relying on total IgG trough levels is not necessarily a reflection of effective specific antibodies in the patient’s serum. This is especially relevant to CID patients who may have production of nonspecific antibodies. In such patients, a higher target trough IgG concentration should be considered. Another aspect worth considering is that the use of plasma from adult donors with a waning immunity for certain pathogens probably affects the concentrations of specific antibodies in IVIg preparations

    Characterizing T Cells in SCID Patients Presenting with Reactive or Residual T Lymphocytes

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    Introduction. Patients with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) may present with residual circulating T cells. While all cells are functionally deficient, resulting in high susceptibility to infections, only some of these cells are causing autoimmune symptoms. Methods. Here we compared T-cell functions including the number of circulating CD3+ T cells, in vitro responses to mitogens, T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire, TCR excision circles (TREC) levels, and regulatory T cells (Tregs) enumeration in several immunodeficinecy subtypes, clinically presenting with nonreactive residual cells (MHC-II deficiency) or reactive cells. The latter includes patients with autoreactive clonal expanded T cell and patients with alloreactive transplacentally maternal T cells. Results. MHC-II deficient patients had slightly reduced T-cell function, normal TRECs, TCR repertoires, and normal Tregs enumeration. In contrast, patients with reactive T cells exhibited poor T-cell differentiation and activity. While the autoreactive cells displayed significantly reduced Tregs numbers, the alloreactive transplacentally acquired maternal lymphocytes had high functional Tregs. Conclusion. SCID patients presenting with circulating T cells show different patterns of T-cell activity and regulatory T cells enumeration that dictates the immunodeficient and autoimmune manifestations. We suggest that a high-tolerance capacity of the alloreactive transplacentally acquired maternal lymphocytes represents a toleration advantage, yet still associated with severe immunodeficiency

    BCR rearrangement analysis and clinical outcome.

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    <p>Two different IgH BCR gene rearrangements (FR2 and FR3) were PCR amplified followed by Gene Scan analysis in all studied patients 2–4 months post-bone marrow transplant (BMT) and in an age-matched healthy control (a). Parallel detection of KREC levels and the FR3 IgH BCR gene rearrangement were PCR amplified, followed by RQ-PCR analysis (KREC) or by Gene Scan analysis (BCR repertoire) in patients #7 (upper panel) and #8 (lower panel) from the time of BMT and up to one year post-transplant. For KREC, both signal joint and coding joint were examined (b).</p

    Pre-BMT immune workup of the 10 RAG2-deficient SCID patients, including flow cytometry analysis, and cell-mediated and humoral-immune evaluations.

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    <p>Control levels are presented in bracket.</p><p>ND – not done, UD- undetectable, PHA – phytohemagglutinin, SI – stimulation index (patient/control), TCR - T cell receptor, TREC - TCR excision circles (copies per 0.5 mcg DNA), ALC - absolute lymphocyte count.</p